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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2024 in Posts

  1. Right, I get it. I've read the accounts. I was pointing to the hypocrisy, the doctrinal and spiritual dishonesty, the bullshonta. I know. The hypocrisy wasn't the worst part. It was the raping.
    1 point
  2. The answer is multifold. Sure, believing and holding forth the story for God's protection was only one part of it. The reality was more complicated. Any religion seeking to stir up the dust and challenge entrenched church empires was bound to be a magnet attracting disturbed individuals. Further complications entered when the hired heavies (official bless patrol, would get LEO certification and carry firearms). With that came another level of arrogance both on the part of the MOGs and those who carried the hardware.
    1 point
  3. Is anyone living in the former limb home? On earth, everything changes. Only God stays the same, yesterday, today, and forever. We were married in that building.
    1 point
  4. Oh, boy. You went and opened a can of worms now. Do you really want to hear about the loaded gun under the podium or the armed bodyguards that accompanied him around the grounds?
    1 point
  5. There were some good times. There were some good people. There were more good times at the beginning of my stay there. What should have been good times later were frequently tinged with fear of having done some unknown and previously undescribed wrong, and what face-melting that might bring. Sometimes the good times were tinged with secrecy - as if, on a "Christian" campus, one shouldn't be enjoying fellowship and an impromptu birthday party with other believers. I spent time working with Multi-Services and mostly enjoyed that, and what MS did was quite varied. Also, it was good fun at times preparing for RoA because there was more freedom to do things and to hang out, rather than rushing off to a class or obligatory other event. And it was good times preparing for a big meeting, like the Easter gatherings. But both of these were punishingly hard work with very long hours, while we had to present ourselves with smiles and big welcomes. (Even slaves can smile and find a moment of fun!) I miss some of the people. Some were the best, most honest and deepest, funn-est, people I knew. Most of them got run off fairly quickly. And some were the most priggish, spying, talebearing brown-nosers that I ever met. Many of those graduated and as at a few years ago, were still with TWI. Nostalgia or not - despite the norm of daily ups and downs - my life is happier and more content now than it has been in decades - ever since I got entangled with TWI. Some aspects. especially my work situation, weren't so great before I got involved, but they got a jolly sight worse when seeking help and support from a bunch of kids that didn't know anything of life, or of practical Christianity. I go for regular eye tests. I don't need to look through PFAL-tinted glasses any more .
    1 point
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