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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2016 in all areas

  1. The cult caste system has to label and put them in little, designated boxes......it helps the administrators, the BODummies, feel like they are making headway. Same thing happened in 1995......after LCM inititated the "full-time corps" mandate. Some corps did not want to go full-time staff....they liked their careers and benefits/retirement package that it offered. Some corps didn't have the desire or drive to jump thru all the hoops that twi required to be full-time. SO......since they WERE corps grads, to label them "dropped from active corps" when they still wanted to be involved with twi [only at a lesser extent], martindale and co. devised the term "corps alumnus/alumni." See......these corps graduates were still "corps" but designated a notch lower, "corps alumni." Looking back, it all seems so juvenile......like a high school cafeteria and who can/can't sit at your table.
    2 points
  2. I've consulted with the mods (no I haven't). Well, with all the mods who check in regularly (which means me and pretty much no one else). The ban stays. No politics.
    1 point
  3. Politics is extremely toxic to this wonderful cafe. It almost destroyed the Spot. Idiots who wanted to run down this site and it's founder Pawtucket purposely posted as much inflammatory and vitriolic political propaganda in order to undermine Paw and the mods, as well as siphoning as many members as possible to John Richeson's (GSC "handle" was Igotout) Ning Way corpse site. Posters like Johnny Lingo, Iona Cheryl Ware, Oldiesman, Whitedove, Bimpy, Larry N. Moore, Dot Matrix, among others, PURPOSELY posted their inflammatory, vitriolic right-wing nutjob propaganda as much and as often as possible in their attempt to disrupt and usurp the GSC. Anyone who was here back then can corroborate everything I've posted here. There are more GSC members who were involved but have since expressed regrets for their disinformation and attempt to undermine and drag down the GSC. Therefore, I have not mentioned them. You want to repeat that??? I sure as hell DO NOT! Keep the politics ban! That way we'll keep The Spot. TY.
    1 point
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