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Everything posted by Ham

  1. 1910 til 1960 was the last winter if you consider the years of the great depression. But WWII was the beginning of the spring.. things aren't very green in the first days of spring. Maybe next reincarnation I will set the clock seven or eight years early..
  2. The winters seem a lot longer, like in Michigan..
  3. The winter I'm seeing is not the ordinary yearly winter.. its societal.. a social winter coming.. maybe its already here. How we can have three seasons in roughly four decades.. I dunno.
  4. that's probably what they were told.. "but it smells like glue.."
  5. I can't find the wooly worms through four or five inches of fur.. with so much hair, its hard to even tell if they are wooly worms to begin with..
  6. Its going to be a very cold winter. In more ways than one.. I hope you all have your skins ready to wear..
  7. They are no better than the "lowlife" living in a crack house.. if they could only partly behave themselves, be cool about it.. they could get away with murder, practically speaking. But nooooo.. let's just live stupidity out loud in front of god and the world.. maybe that's another way of restating your original post..
  8. I think because they ARE so stupid. Stupid is, stupid does.. Maybe I should clarify.. I have had a suspicion, that those allowed beyond the hallowed walls into the inner circle were forced to inhale a prescribed amount of airplane glue so as to pass the checkpoint. probably multiple times.
  9. Ham

    Its Saturday Night..

    What do you do on Saturday Night? Generally, I'm at least partly intoxicated.
  10. Ham

    Song of the moment

    I'll never do you, no harm..
  11. At one point. I could have had unbridled, un chaperoned, unabashed (yet forbidden) sex with any number of females in a way home in.. I won't give the geographic details. Could have. Very Definitely. Did not.. I was too much a "geek".. could have. Including with the Matron in Charge. Now she's just a Choir Angel for The Way. Still? I dunno.
  12. Ham

    Song of the moment

    Next Song. I'm in love with lovely old ladies again tonight..
  13. I dunno.. heh. You know, this life is so short.. I addressed this to the Creator.. We really don't have a hell of a lot of time here..
  14. Well, its been another two months. Any word regarding mr. geero, or regarding his final deposition? Yet with us.. mostly, partly, or somewhat in between?
  15. What I would like to know. Who or what does the compulsory tithe compulsorily provide for?
  16. Ham


    I agree. And why memorize them, word for word? I think they were revered as highly as a few scriptures slapped on retemory cards..
  17. I think the disturbing part of this is how they label "world wisdom" without precisely defining what it is. Is it.. philosophy, art, psychology, science and chemistry, physics, mathematics.. maybe religions which differ in their belief? Maybe "all of the above" is implied.
  18. somehow, I've never found a house here, that I could call my own.. I've left a lot of possibilities.. I tried to find one once..
  19. I don't actually hate them. I just hate what they are doing, and what they represent.. Hate might be the wrong word.. dislike? Greatly? Maybe. vp junior is actually a fairly intelligent wierwille.. maybe as intelligent as they can come.. finished one college degree with honors.. should have gone for two more, until pappy and mac said that's enough.. lets hit the Cult Road.. As far as lawsuits are concerned, I think twi is waiting until pressing a lawsuit actually offers the possibility of reaping some kind of monetary benefit.. I'm guessing here. The land is owned by Mac. He probably "rents" it to the 501.C organization.. so does not stand the chance to lose the farm in any legal wrangling. sowers net worth is probably less than $120,000. Maybe in a modern austere economy.. mac ends up with a cellar of turnips, onions and carrots at the end of the growing season.. pretty much without paying wages.. the other over the hill gang, get to play God the rest of the time.. do whatever they want to do with "volunteers" and send them home, whenever it is expedient.. or something like that.
  20. Its not often I give out "likes" here..
  21. Of course it is my opinion. But if the Board will publish some documentation otherwise, I will withdraw my assertion. The Most Educated Individual's (and probably now on the Presidents Cabinet) claim to fame was he Never crossed bread and vegetables in his diet, because Loy told him so. Besides that, he consumed lots of water.. because, why.. water gave him energy. Why? The explanation went something like this: Spark hydrogen, and oxygen together.. you get energy, and water. Therefore, consume, lots and lots of water.. Drink water.. lots of water.. from my humble experience.. water in pretty much equals water out, with no mysterious flashing of lights and/or elements.. oh. I think a lot of this was because Loy claimed to drink a gallon of water a day.. that sure fixed a lot of things..
  22. What I find intriguing: is how or why a participant has to consider a strategy to cut off membership from a CHURCH. No, I didn't have one.. I met insanity face to face.. and there was no other choice. At the time, anyway.. "Hmmm. I'll think about it, and get back to you.. yeah. That's what I'll do.." He who loves his bread and vegetables separate because of loy's dietary advice says.. "well, duhhh... Okie Dokie.."
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