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Everything posted by BikerBabe

  1. BikerBabe


    I have Crohn's Disease, EBA (Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita - bubbling skin disease) and Fibromyalgia. Anytime you wanna have a gripe session about immuno diseases .. feel free to give me a shout. BB
  2. I would be that lady Rascal referred to in her post. I had just turned 18 and my mom still held the purse strings. It was either do as I was told or live on the street. I did as I was told and of course she told me what to do using TWI as her 'source of authority'. I remember being taken to a clinic and sitting there in the reception area listening to the women talking to each other. Many were 'regulars' and were talking about their abortions as if it was an everyday thing. Some were hookers cause they were discussing not knowing which of their 'johns' was the father. I totally freaked out and ran out of there as fast as I could. There was no talking me into going back inside that clinic, so my mom took me home and next arranged for me to have the procedure done outpatient at a hospital by a OB/GYN doc. I remember lying there in the room and hearing the doc walking down the hallway to the room. He was laughing and teasing the nurses as he walked, a few of the ladies would squeal and laugh as he patted them on their butts as he passed by them. Then he was in the room and put me under before I could run away again. I supposed I should mention that I was told (without any tests being run) that the baby may not have been normal anyway, since his father had used drugs in his past. I was young enough I bought that lame excuse, of course today I know better. Years later, 10 to be exact, I broke it off with a TWI boyfriend I had been dating for some time. I was living in a little cottage behind a main house in a safe neighborhood. I forgot to lock my door one night, something I did on occasion without any worries, but that night the ex got drunk and decided he was horny. He came to my place, late at night when I was asleep, let himself in the door and I woke up to find him standing over me in my bedroom. I know I don't need to tell anyone here what happened next. About 2 to 3 weeks later I got very, very sick. My neighbor arranged to get me to the ER and they gave me some medicine to make me feel better, then handed me another script telling me to make sure I took the prenatal vitamins, they were really good. I freaked .. I had no idea I was pregnant. A few days later is when the bleeding started. I couldn't afford to go into a hospital for a D and C to clean myself out after I started the miscarriage, so I went the only route I could afford .. an abortion clinic. As I laid there, awake, and listened as the doctor did the procedure, I couldn't help but think of the real abortion I'd had when I was 18. That is when it hit me soooo hard that I had murdered my 1st child. While I've repented and know God will forgive me, forgiving myself for not being stronger and fighting more doesn't come so easy. Today I have taped to my monitor a lapel pin, still attached to the little plastic card. It is called Precious Feet and it is a pair of feet molded out of silver, the same size the feet of a 10 week old fetus in the womb are. I found it at a Christian Bookstore near where I live. I look at it many times a day and it helps me mourne the loss of that baby I killed.
  3. Easy for you to say Ole Tall One!!! BB
  4. Yep, they sure are. :)--> Not that I've learned to do wheelies in the thing yet. *sigh* This is not to say I haven't been known to do donuts in the middle of parking lots or freewheel (one big push, then let go and roll) down the grocery store's parking lot, with the nice long slant it has, as I am screaming 'YEE HAW' at the top of my lungs. This is always great to do when you want to really embarrass your children who are with you. My daughter has told me a few times to act my age .. to which I reply 'now what fun would THAT be?'. Hopefully I won't be stuck in the darn thing too long this go round, but while I am, I will have as much fun as I can when out in it. BB
  5. The ex got the harley, I got the divorce. These days, I ride this: BB
  6. For those curious on what happens when you said 'no, I won't speak in tongues and interpret' when it was requested of you in twig ... LOL, I'm proof you can do that and not get killed off by an overzealous twig leader. This is not to say I didn't get into a lot of trouble. Guess it didn't help much that my brother in law was leading twig that night. He didn't talk to me much after that day and avoided me all he could. I've never been one who likes to speak in front of a group and twig was no different. I found it easier to say no than to make myself a nervous wreck by doing as asked. For those that don't know, I have Crohn's Disease and stress makes me flare badly. The physical pain was much worse than getting avoided or yelled at any day. BB
  7. I'm trying to think of anything good I got from TWI. I did learn from them how to harden my heart to anything and anyone, which I have used at times when dealing with someone who has just been thru a painful experience, so I am able to stay calm and listen to them talk it thru, without getting torn up myself in the process. I also am able to sit calmly while someone screams bloody murder at me, calling me every name in the book and not bat an eye, thinking to myself 'what an idiot, you can shut up at any time now'. All the other memories are very painful and depressing.
  8. My question would be did VP and Craigiepoo ever pay ABS at all? Does anyone know? BB
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