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Everything posted by skyrider

  1. Three years before I exited twi.............I was "deprogramming" as well. My eyes were opened to the manipulation and I took mental notes watching things unfold. For me, it was simply a matter of time..... knowing that there was a day coming to escape. When twi can no longer control your thinking.............they know, they can NOT control your actions. djs.....you will know when the timing is right. Peace.
  2. Bramble....yeah, you're right. Twi's debt-doctrine should be included in this brief re-cap of THUD. Just wouldn't be right without it. The Decade of Insanity.....twi-induced. ROFL.............good one. Twi defined. The Household Under Destruction
  3. Help me out here.......wasn't twi's "The Decade of Victory" the 1990s...?? As I remember it, March 8, 1989 the board of trustees declared "independence" from Cgeer and Co. and started on a path of rebuilding twi. By mid-year, the 1990s were declared as "The Decade of Victory" and an all-out campaign was set in motion to redefine God's true household. Just a very brief re-cap of the 90s: 1991,92............strengthen and teach twig coordinators 1993,94............homo purge, sanctify the household 1995.................all corps went full-time 1996.................new foundational class by lcm, present truth doctrine 1997.................new intermediate class by lcm 1998.................new advanced class by lcm 1999.................Y2K preparations and checks 1999.................P. Allen lawsuit against lcm, twi 2000.................Martindale admits publicly, later ousted 2000.................more lawsuits follow ........................ending The Decade of Victory with a thundering THUD. :) Is that a fair assessment and recap? What is the 2000-2010 decade label?.............The Decade of Prevailing..??????
  4. I tend to think of the WayGB as "buns".......protecting the weenie (craiggers) in hiding. And, sticking with this analogy...................rosalie has to be the mustard. :)
  5. Suppose the UPS Safety Supervisor ....(from what I had last heard).... didn't really have much career advancement. Or, maybe.......craig wanted to change his employment with so many *knowing* where he was working. Whatever.... An entry level position.....NOT quite the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. But, for me........now that the curtain has fully been pulled back........vpw, lcm, rfr, and twi machinery is all fading away. What remains are some special friends and some bizarre memories from a cult experience in my former life.
  6. John, LOL.......yeah, "being in the center of God's will ON STAFF"......like that qualifies/qualified one to a direct pipeline of blessings or something. Wasn't that staff position touted as one had to be spiritually "on the ball" to work there?? Hardly. Actually, one has to have a blend of complacency, hypocrisy, and gullibility to work at that place for decades. And, add a dose of elitism for good measure. There IS a known trend to those corps who, after years of being on staff, are assigned to a branch work on the field..............lo and behold, many exit twi. Why is that??? Is it the dayvil? Or, is it reality sinking in? Working full-time AND working 30-40 hrs per week trying to motivate others to fellowships/classes/events etc. etc. is indeed a reality check. Moneyhands and Greenbacks SHOULD get real jobs and stop playing cult-reruns. Like Donna, those guys know where their bread is buttered and don't plan to leave twi's "boob-bank." What a racket............??? Maybe, those guys, as well, are "thanking the devil".................
  7. Ricky.....or any new student, Did you finish the new class? Who were the teachers/speakers presenting the newer version of twi's foundational class? Any tidbits of interest......or was it same ole, same ole...?? Still waiting.......
  8. I wonder if twi's "legal" guy, G@ry Freder1ck, knows about this...??? Surely he does.........after all, he's in the loop of knowing.
  9. Or......"A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." .....'cept after about 25 years of life's experiences, one does have a tendency to CHANGE his opinion. Happens all the time.
  10. Well..........at least THREE more familes will not be taking the re-hashed class. Me thinks that some are starting "to smell a rat".............and are no longer jumping thru the hoops that twi keeps putting before them. Even a couple of innies who've confided in me...............say that they NO LONGER go to hq property for their sunday script reading. It's boring........it's embarrassing.......it's uninspiring.........it's simply, not a place where the spirit of God is moving. A pathetic con job.....that's all.
  11. What....???????? Are you saying that God sent these angels to lie.......to get veepee to the truth..?? :unsure:
  12. Well............some DO have the willpower to get out of their rut and exit twi. In the past two days, I've heard that THREE families have just recently left twi's bondage. The reasons cited: 1) Don't agree with twi-debt doctrine and wanted to buy a house and 2) Twi is self-serving and doesn't care about the individual believers and 3) Twi's teachings and set-up is soooooo boring. :)
  13. Belle, I hear you. Some innies continue to follow twi mandates despite atrocities. Whether they are guilt ridden or fear driven.......they still are being manipulated. Sometimes I think that if some were gutsy enough to leave twi.........they just don't want to face the music. It really is a daunting task to look at one's past involvement with a cult square in the eye and THEN, own up to it and move on with a better life. Some just don't have the willpower to get out of their rut. IMO, it seems like a religious welfare.......of sorts. Peace.
  14. And, didn't veepee mortgage the hq property to buy the emporia campus???? Oh, that's right..........it's a different time NOW. It's no longer the Ozzie & Harriet days.......and the world is alot more evil. Duh........................
  15. Belle, Yep......I signed those waivers to not have SS withheld from my twi paycheck. Man, what a rip.....!!!! Didn't really think a whole lot about it......UNTIL years later, when I got my annual SS information. Yeah......I got lots of goose eggs (zeros) year after year. Twi uses and abuses the young and ambitious.....to serve THEIR ends.
  16. In today's news........"The Employee Benefit Research Institute's annual retirement confidence survey, released Tuesday, found that about 68 percent of workers are confident about having adequate funds for a comfortable retirement, up slightly from 65 percent in 2005." The Retirement Overconfidence article continues to state......"At the same time, more than half of all workers say they've saved less than $25,000 towards retirement, according to Washington, D.C. based research group. Even among workers 55 and older, more than four in 10 have retirement savings under $25,000." Years ago, Twi's retirement spiel.....headed up by Howard Allen.....was, in essence, "I don't have any plans of retirement. Our founding trustees didn't retire." I've heard......that twi hq staff has put a few things in place for staff retirement......BUT WHAT ABOUT THOSE FIELD PEOPLE.....THOSE WHO ABS TO TWI AND HAVE SAVED NOTHING...?? Prior to my exiting twi.....the majority of innies were living paycheck to paycheck. Renting a small apartment or sharing expenses in a rental home was the norm. Low income jobs, service-oriented work..... very, very few professionals. And, when those field innies reach the age of 65-70.....and have little income, will twi mark/avoid them when their attendance is sporadic, at best????? Will those field people be kicked to the curb when they cease to abs faithfully and don't have the strength to attend Ohio functions??? For some........65-70 years of age isn't all that far away.......... :(
  17. Belle, There is no way that the "Accounts Receivable.....109,455.00" is the ABS collected. About 10 years ago, I had seen enough blue forms over the years.....that I calculated the average ABS figures in my area. Now granted, every area & limb would vary depending on numerous factors, but here is what I found. These were MY calculations for MY area. I do not presume to speculate on all 50 states, different levels of income, etc. etc. etc. So........according to my calculations, if there were 100 people faithfully attending twi functions, then families, stay-at-home moms, singles, college students, etc were included into this mix. And, thus.........100 would, on average, ABS to twi $1,750.00 per year..........or, $175,000.00 So........if a state had 100 active innies.......then $175,000.00 came into twi's coffers. Of course, there are larger numbers in some states and very little in others. But, even if you multiplied that figure by 40 (representing 40 states).......then the figure climbs to $8,000,000.00 per year. Argueably, twi's numbers continue to decline.........so today's numbers would be less. The salary of staffers is the biggest expenditure.......most noticeably on the field. There is NO SECRET why twi like to have volunteer limb coordinators, limb staff and corps on the field. At hq, with dorm-style living and cafeteria food and many SINGLES on staff..........twi is able to really watch the pennies. :)
  18. Gee......rather than be cloned into cult conformity......it would seem that God was making a way for that innie to escape... via ex10's presence..
  19. Two sets of rules.....THEIR rules and the ones they mandate for others. Double standard, for sure. The hypocrisy in their lives is so glaring..... And today, they READ their stale sunday script to fawning fooled followers.....
  20. Well............... Was it just a re-hash......??? Was "the law of believing" up front and center....?? Was twi's doctrine, "the word takes the place of the absent Christ" included to focus only on da word, da word and only those things that twi says about da word? Anyone want to step forward and share some highlights..?? :)
  21. Hmmmmm...... Sounds like twi has reached the point of blatant disregard for God's Word...?? Did they take Acts 17:11 out of their scripture retemory packs...??
  22. Sounds familiar. While I was in training, wierwille did the same.
  23. Oldies.......in 1974, I was in a wonderful fellowship, too. Really, I would have enjoyed having them teach me the basic foundational truths and the holy spirit field..... without the wierwille adulation and pfal hype. Oh well.......now, I can spot those manipulation techniques a mile away. And, perhaps the good and bad lessons of yesteryears will save me a bundle of cash and headaches in the future.
  24. likeaneagle, guess it depends on how you qualify it. I exited twi in 1998.......and knew some LCs who were not ordained. Also, by 1994.....each year one or two LCs (non-clergy) refused to keep jumping thru the hoops, were confronted, or whatever........and quit or were listed m/a. For example, the LCs in Idaho exited in 1999......wrote a letter and sent it to their limb followers. This guy was NOT ordained by twi. After twi, he started up a little chocolate shop. But hey........no biggie anyway. Not worth quibbling. :)
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