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Everything posted by skyrider

  1. Kinda adds a different flavor to your opinion, WD. :)
  2. WD, Actually.......you have ALREADY given TWO versions of "consistent" intent. Check your post #29 Check your post #52 Consistent intent???????????? In this thread, you've already given us two "printed" intents. Twi did the same to the corps program.
  3. Lindy, In today's twi, from some I've talked to.......the point about "bigger assignments" is incorrect. There are many states that have less than 20 twi followers. Even on those protwi-myspace.com sites, some of those teens talk about "no one" in their area going to the adv class. In the mid-90s, lcm mandated that those rural-type believers move to the limb city.....IF they wanted to be an active part of twi. Some moved, some didn't. Long gone are the days......like in New Orleans in 1980ish where there were 70 twigs. Just wanting to clarify this point.
  4. Lindy, Yeah......lots of changes over the years. Changes in approach, changes in terminology, changes in the brochure, changes in intensity..........some corps grads continued onward with their military careers, some went back to college or their masters/doctorate degrees. Like I said before......the Corps Household Newletter in the late 70s and early 80s gave detailed information on some of this. WD gave us one version of the corps brochure.....and its stated intent: Graduates of the Way Corps go forth to serve in areas of concern, interest, and need. Where they serve depends on their interest, ability and the needs of the ministry. Graduates go forth.... Graduates go forth to serve.... Graduates go forth to serve in areas.... Graduates go forth to serve in areas of concern (who dictates the concern?).... Graduates go forth to serve in areas of concern, interest (who's interests are being served?).... Graduates go forth to serve in areas of concern, interest, and need (who determines need?).... Who DETERMINES the "concern, interest and need".....????? Keep reading. Why don't they read the next line? [vpw in pfal class] Here is the NEXT line: Where they [the corps grad(s)] serve depends on their interest, ability and the needs of the ministry. Or.....WHERE they serve depends on their interest, ability, and the needs of the ministry. Or.....Where THEY serve depends on their interest, ability, and the needs of the ministry. Or.....Where they SERVE depends on their interest, ability, and the needs of the ministry. Or.....Where they serve DEPENDS on their interest, ability and the needs of the ministry. Or.....Where they serve depends on THEIR interest, ability and the needs of the ministry. Or.....Where they serve depends on their INTEREST, ability and the needs of the ministry. Or.....Where they serve depends on their interest, [THEIR] ability and the needs of the ministry. Or.....Where they serve depends on their interest, [their] ABILITY and the needs of the ministry. Or.....Where they serve depends on their interest, [their] ability and the NEEDS of the ministry. Or.....Where they serve depends on their interest, [their] ability and the needs of the MINISTY. Take your pick. What do you want to emphasize? As plain as can be, I see it as....Where THEY serve depends on THEIR interest, ability and the needs of the ministry. Now, IF......twi would have stated in print.......WHEN YOU ARE A CORPS GRAD, you will be required to take yearly assignments as deemed by the TRUSTEES, and you will be required to move every two or three years, and you are NOT ALLOWED to own a home, and you are NOT ALLOWED to have any pets, ETC. ETC. it would be honest and upfront. With each passing year......more HOOPS were added and raised a little higher.
  5. Okay......let's just look at this. Graduates of the Way Corps go forth to serve.......serve where??....in areas of concern, interest and need. Succinct. Simple. Vague. Where they serve depends upon their desire.........THEIR desire.....(their) ability, and the needs of the ministry. First mentioned is THEIR DESIRE. Is it mentioned first, because THAT is the most important priority? Their ability is also an important quality. And, the needs of the ministry are included in the mix. Two of the three points make note of the INDIVIDUAL. Thanks whitedove.................I can agree with twi's logic of the INDIVIDUAL'S DESIRE listed first. That's the way I understood it when I signed on the line. :)
  6. The brochure said..................A Lifetime of Christian Service The brochure said..................To train twig coordinators The state of twi now...............A Lifetime of TWI service The state of twi now...............No twig coordinators, the position is terminated.
  7. This is just too good to pass up. "Darn that print it just gets in the way of what I want it to say." Sounds like something the trustees would say............Darn that printed scripture it just gets in the way of what I want.
  8. Okay, whitedove....... "Where they serve depends upon the needs of the ministry." Where??.........some corps girls served WHERE the mog requested them to serve. For wierwille...........he preferred the motorcoach. For martindale........he liked threesome in a Dayton motel. Better???????????????????
  9. Hmmmmmm............ Since I graduated from the way corps program........ Twi changed................presidents. Twi changed................and the founding president died of cancer (a devil spirit???) Twi changed................the wow program to the WAY DISCIPLE (confrontation) program. Twi changed................and cancelled the rock of ages. Twi changed................and HUGE in-fighting among martindale and cgeer. Twi changed................and THOUSANDS of way corps leadership exited. Twi changed................to a homo-witch hunt. Twi changed................their policy on home mortgages from The Way Credit Union. Twi changed................to a present-truth knee jerk philosophy. Twi changed................to an inner-circle, only spiritually mature people can handle adultery. Twi changed................to a micro-managed, tell-us-when-you-have sex-with-your-spouse outfit. Twi changed................AND THE CORPS DIRECTOR WAS OUSTED via twi lawyer advice. Twi changed................and the WAP class was an dismal failure. Twi changed................and rosalie knew of Craiggers sex episodes since 1995. Twi changed................and the corps program is utterly pathetic. Twi changed................to a "gentler, kinder ministry" in desperation of abs. Twi changed................and this month, their attempt at a 3rd foundational class is starting up. And whitedove.............YOU challenge me on emphasizing ONE POINT and taking it out of context. Hell, twi is TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXT to the ministry of its former self.
  10. ......"depends on the needs of the ministry." Hell.......with THAT generic terminology.........LCM demanded SEX to "bless" the mog which would in turn support the "needs of the ministry."
  11. whitedove, In case you missed this...... TWI NO LONGER HAS TWIGS. Twig coordinators are NO LONGER needed!!!!!!!!!!!! The board of trustees said so back in 1992. Nice sidestep, though.
  12. And one more thing...... If we're going to talk about "signing contracts" and "commitments to organizations".......then the brochure should have stated......... A Lifetime of TWI Service. whitedove........fyi Twi NO LONGER has twigs. Twi DOES HAVE....household fellowships. I rest my case.
  13. No, whitedove.... THE MORAL OF THE STORY........God REQUIRES that his believers.... 1) Walk in love 2) Walk in light 3) Walk circumspectly 4) Eschew evil 5) Beware of seducers 6) Etc. 7) Etc. THEREFORE........to do GOD'S WILL.......I left. You, whitedove can talk about "read before you sign up".......serving in a organization that becomes more corrupted with each passing year. I don't buy it. And, your words don't fit with scripture. The scriptures are very clear.........the book of Galatians might help you.
  14. diazbro, you bring up an interesting point about vpw's eye and the cancer. The eye surgery and eyepatch was something that vpw couldn't HIDE FROM PUBLIC VIEW.....and thus understandably, he became more reclusive. Plus, everytime he was around others, or looked in the mirror.......his eye was a CONSTANT REMINDER of his frailty, his humanness, his mortality. But instead of taking the high road and being upfront with his eye, his cancer, his sins......vpw chose the road of self-pity and false humility. He chose to hide the obvious.......and SILENCE was the order from the upper leadership. Didn't cgeer say that vpw died of a "broken heart"...?? Why not use twi terminology.....and, at least say.....vpw died of broken fellowship with God..?? :unsure:
  15. In the mid-70s......twi promoted the corps program as an extensive twig coordinator's training. After the inresidence training, you could choose to take assignments or refuse them. Even in their monthly Corps Household Newsletter, when yearly assignments were given to the newly graduated......many had the status of corps grad.....meaning that they did NOT take an assignment. Some went back to college, or took an internship, or whatever. By around 1978,79......lcm ratcheted up the stakes and CHANGED THE TERMINOLOGY. Twi didn't morph into the legalistic, regimented, elitist outfit overnight, ya know.
  16. Yeah.........................but page 32.....??? :blink: Sounds more like "sleight of hand research".....rather than upfront, bold, adamant, this-is-what-the-word-says research. Kinda slipping it in there so as few will actually notice. I am not impressed. Now, I haven't heard Joe's class.......but it sounds like a wimpy approach to not set up the boundaries within marriage until page 32. But just maybe, ole Joe is covering for his "fruit" (craiggers) that he got in "the word?" Heck, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS are all the "research" I need.
  17. Yeah, ex10... The standard backrub was the initial, warming-up approach......before shifting into a higher gear and full-speed ahead. Crap, the mog entitlement stuff was nothing more than a license to seduce and rape the unsuspecting. Thanks wierwille.......for your "every woman in the kingdom BELONGS to the king" teaching. And, I know of several other girls who were "blind-sided by the backrub thing" and, let's just say, it ushered them into a whole dark world of guilt, shame and confusion.
  18. T-Bone, It's not just you.......so many of us didn't see these sexual predators among us. After all, we were force-fed the twi doctrine of "renew your mind, follow your leadership implicitly." One of MY countless little incidents came back to me during those Waydale WTF's up days. Upon lcm's request, my wife was asked to go to the corps chalet and make some soup for a sick lcm. Donna was out of town. Well, my wife goes over there, makes the soup, serves lcm supper, cleans the kitchen. About an hour and twenty minutes later..........I decided to go over to the corps chalet and see if I can help in any way. By this time, lcm had asked my wife to give him a shoulder/upper back rub to "bless him." Still......(and I may be one of those slooooow learners, too) this did not raise any red flags for me or my wife. But what was VERY DISTURBING TO ME was lcm's intense glare at my arrival and presence. NOW.......in hindsight, and the benefit of Waydale and GS........I am convinced that LCM was on the hunt to score with my wife. I am forever thankful that I was a thorn in his side that night and, somehow, convict his conscience. Yeah......young and naive and thinking no evil.......is NO WAY to be around sexual predators and the spiritual corruption that dwells at twi's hq. I've said this before.........I have NO RESPECT for veepee or craiggers. Absolutely NONE.
  19. Or could it be that wierwille was saying....... I wish I were THE MAN.
  20. The epitaph of victor paul wierwille......"I wish I were the man I know to be"......leaves an intriguing message and memory of the founder of twi. Imo, the wierwillite follower sees this epitaph as a gesture of humility and having run his course in life to the best of his ability. And, now buried in the Garden of Living Waters at the highest and most prominent spot, wierwille is elevated in death. On the flip side, and playing the devil's advocate......some of us see this epitaph as a dying man's gasp and realization that he (wierwille) had succombed to lust and the workings of the flesh AND this epitaph was a half-hearted confession of sorts. And, with the multitude of accounts that continue to see the light of day here at GS, clearly wierwille had a very dark side. I wish....... I were...... I know...... The I's have it...........and wierwille is at the center. :) "I wish"......to wish is to have a longing for, want, desire, crave. For a man who built his ministry on "The Law of Believing".......it seems ironic and odd that he wishes things were different. "I were"......past tense. I suppose on one's deathbed, if one is losing control and power over being.....the past is all there is to hold on to. And, what lies ahead, might fill one with dread. "I know"......not surprising from The Teacher. Wierwille spent his life teaching "the word like it hadn't been known since the first century church" and he preached on know, that you know, that you know. Of course, there is SO MUCH to consider in this epitaph. I'm still trying to figure out what he meant by........... "to be." PS...This subject has been discussed before, but with new faces here.....I thought others might bring in some new perspectives. Thanks.
  21. From Belle's post......in what the Moneyhands said. "We take no pleasure in battlefield promotions..." Aren't twi's "in-cult promotions" in actuality standard m.o...?? I mean, really, twi has an all-or-nothing, black & white, believer or non-believer, with us or against us approach....and lots of these "promotions" are more appropriately DAMAGE CONTROL. Battlefield promotions............. Nice spin job, twi.
  22. New TWI Class.... No matter how twi SPINS it, this new foundational class reveals.... ...1) Martindale and some wap class doctrine is now REMOVED from twi. ...2) The fallout of the martindale fiasco NEEDS a twi-facelift. ...3) It took almost SIX YEARS, after the Allen settlement, to change the intro class. ...4) All that $$$$ spent on the wap class was a REALLY BAD investment....your abs. ...5) Re-newing of class......re-newing of INNIE commitment??? Twi is watching. ...6) GROOMING and acceptance of upcoming twit leadership is on the threshold. ...7) Rosalie can "take credit" for ushering twi thru this TURBULENT time. ...8) New foundational class.....new STARTING LINE for more hoop-jumping.
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