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Everything posted by GrouchoMarxJr

  1. Fix it? I have to agree that it's not broken. It is operating exactly as it was designed to operate. Con people, steal their time, money and allegience and then throw them away when they are no longer useful...nope, it's not broken...works just fine.
  2. Twi thrived on fear motivation. Once you were initiated into the "fold", peer pressure became enormous. Because you were severed from your old friends, family, etc...you now had to jump through their hoops in order to maintain your standing within the group. Otherwise, you would be cut loose and left alone...you'd be a greasespot by midnight. The fear was both subtle and overt. It was direct and it was also indirect. It came from all directions, from numerous sources...it was an underlying theme, that whatever you did, you were required to perform...or you would lose favor with the group. For many people, they actually feared for their lives...for others, it was the fear of their corps assignment not being what they wanted. It varied for each individual. The common denominator in each case however, was exploitation through coercion. The old bait and switch...promise them the blessings of God and when you got em hooked, give them the threat of the devil.
  3. Garth...I was sorta wondering the same thing when I read oldies post... Actually, he might even be correct, had I been referring to Christianity as a whole. I have nothing at all against Christian fellowship...I believe that it's a good thing for folks to associate themselves with a spiritual support group...one that advises, councils, admonishes, teaches, etc., etc...it's when the "group" is manipulative and abusive (like twi), that I have problems with it. Karl Marx (not to be confused with Groucho) was an atheist. I think perhaps oldies was confusing my position against twi, thinking that I was referring to all Christian groups. ;)-->
  4. Yes...I do recall that we did this some time ago...I just thought it might be funny to revisit this concept. The suggestion of Christopher Walken as lcm made me laugh out loud... How about the woman who plays Tony Soprano's sister for the Rosie part...just beat her in the face with a stick for awhile to get the right look.
  5. Sounds like a case of some poor animal returning to his own puke. I suppose to fully understand why some people would consider returning to twi, it would be wise to consider the reasons as to why they got involved in the first place. I know that folks with "addictive personalities" are prime candidates to involve themselves with such a thing...combine that with a basic insecurity about life in general and an unnatural codependency that places them into a situation that allows them to feel "comforted" by the group think mentality that reinforces for them, all the things that make them feel "ok" about themselves. It absolves them of the responsibility of facing life on their own...somebody else will tell you what to believe and what you should do. Your basic "herd instinct" kicks in...being with your "likeminded" fellow cult members is an aphrodesiac that you can lose yourself in, similar to a junkie when he gets his fix. Anyone who is considering a return to twi, under ANY circumstances, should immediately check themselves into a rehab clinic for the perpetually stupid. I have more sympathy for a drug addict who slithers back into his cesspool of self destruction, than I do for anyone who would go back to wayworld.
  6. OK Kiddies...time to pick a cast...who plays who in the R-rated movie version about TWI? I'll start it off with a few suggestions: Howard Allen-Steve Buscemi Lcm-Kelsey Grammer Rosie-Kathy Bates Vpw-Anthony Hopkins Geer-Tom Beringer C'mon, join in on the fun...
  7. I think it's all building towards the final season...I predict that Tony S. gets whacked in the final episode next year. Christopher takes over, but only after whackin' Paulie. I sure wish that somebody would whack Carmella...that whining b*tch annoys the hell out of me. It was a pleasure watching Steve Buscemi this season. By the way, Steve B was my pick to play Howard Allen in the made for tv movie version about twi.
  8. The fact that there are different opinions and different "approaches" to dealing with all of this, indicates to me that there is a healthy amount of diversity at the GS. Perhaps there are innies who respond well to all the "sugar coated, sensitive, well thought out, easy to be intreated, gentle, kind and sure love ya man" gestures that are made towards them...but perhaps there are others who are more responsive to a "direct approach", where the disdain of twi is communicated with a harder edge. Maybe the combination of the different styles, working in tandem, can reach someone... Personally, I really don't care if I "break a few eggs" and offend some religious zealot. Twi is an insideous little cult that needs to be dragged out into the light of day and exposed.
  9. I consider it a measure of success that twi acknowledges us. I'm sure that they would prefer that the "innies" didn't even know of our existence, so that they could "bury" all their dirty laundry. Too much publicity and too many folks being vocal, has caused twi to change their tactics...they now are forced to deal with us publicly...they do this by painting us as the "enemy"...They now use us as "examples", no doubt, to illustrate how debbil spurts can turn you into a reprobate, railing against "God's true ministry". The cult mindset needs an enemy...Twi is rampant with the "us verses them" mentality. It always was and, by necessity, it always will. The fact that so many people who were in the same "place" as they are now, completly eludes them. Folks who were faithful for twenty years or more...held high positions and were privy to inside information, are summarily dismissed as being reprobate...without any honest consideration or without any common sense being used to THINK for themselves. As far as the current "up to date" condition of twi...They are "currently" a personality cult with no personality. They are a rudderless ship sailing the seas of misfortune, ignoring all warnings of impending storms. They have absolutely no choice but to find themselves another "charismatic" leader, in whom they can build up their "most holy faith" upon...or, they will be resigned to the trashpile of obscurity...even as followers of Charles Manson STILL hold secret meetings and hide in their little remote bubble of deception. Twi is a toothless entity that is of no consequence to society...except for those poor souls that are still involved. I do feel sorry for them.
  10. What a grand idea!...Find some old video footage of lcm ranting and raving and then edit in some clips from the three stooges. It would be hysterical! I can see Curly slapping his face over and over, as lcm screams about becoming a greasespot by midnight...the possibilities are endless.
  11. The fundamental problem is that twi was a "personality cult". When Vic took up permanent residence under the fountain of endless misery, he left lcm in charge. His selection of lcm was based on his "firey personality"...again, the personality cult. It matters not whether they use lcm's sophmoric attempt at biblical interpretation or go back to veepee's hybrid collection of other people's work...there's no "personality" to fill the void. Nobody to lather up the crowd or to cry when the "wow kids" return to the rock...In short, nobody to follow. It will take more than a recycled video, featuring a guy with a skinny tie, to pump life into that headless snake.
  12. Good old days? You mean, when veepee saw the snow on the gaspumps?...or maybe you're talking about all those warm and wonderful evenings when some guy with a green nametag would brow beat us with his arrogant and condescending mouth? Pfal?...hogwash. As far as their bookstore goes...I wouldn't cross the street for any of that fishwrapping.
  13. I recall very well when the Schoenheit paper came out. I was told directly that if I read it, I would get possessed! I remember a certain rev. who received the paper in the mail, never read it...just received it...and was fired. The irony of it all is that if twi would have just let John S alone...not fire him but take his research paper and just "bury it", the whole thing probably would have blown over. Instead, by firing John, they arroused everybody's attention and interest and in effect made him a martyr. It put the spotlight on the whole sordid affair and then their house of cards crumbled.
  14. The smartest thing lcm ever said?... C'mon...give us a clue.
  15. ...or was that "Hairy Krishnas"?...Hairy fishnuts?...hmmmm -->
  16. I'm just thankful that I didn't join up with the Hari Krishnas...
  17. During an advance class, they were showing us a film depicting a satanic "black mass"...it involved an attractive young lady dressed up in black, sashaying about in a provocative manner. Lcm thought his mike was turned off...he turned to one of his assistants and laughingly said "I wonder if she's any good in bed"...over 500 people heard him...
  18. Welcome to the Grease spot cafe! Stay as long as you like. Like most cults, twi was based on the charismatic personality of wierwille. After wierwille stepped down, he was replaced by a much "meaner" version of himself (martindale)...who alienated most of the followers by changing the doctrine and demanding unquestioned loyalty to him...things fell apart. The actual doctrines which distinguished twi were stolen from various other groups, individuals, and writings. It was a "hybrid" belief system. The different "administrations" taught by wierwille came from the writings of E.W. Bullinger. He called it "dispensationalism".
  19. "A.O.S."...Stands for "Athletes of the spirit". A false doctrine promulgated by "lcm" (see above)...in order to elevate himself above Christ and to establish himself as a "master of the word". The distortion of scriptures in this "biblical philosophy" was matched only by the arrogance of it's teacher. *Also refers to the "dance production" of the same name, in which "lcm" is the featured "ballet dancer"...prancing about in leotards, leading "god's people" to heaven.
  20. "A.O.S."...Stands for "Athletes of the spirit". A false doctrine promulgated by "lcm" (see above)...in order to elevate himself above Christ and to establish himself as a "master of the word". The distortion of scriptures in this "biblical philosophy" was matched only by the arrogance of it's teacher. *Also refers to the "dance production" of the same name, in which "lcm" is the featured "ballet dancer"...prancing about in leotards, leading "god's people" to heaven.
  21. "Leaf"...A term used to describe an individual who is at the bottom of the food chain. Usually, an individual who is used for menial tasks and financial support...one who does not qualify for "first thought" revelation, (due to lack of training, and/or lack of personality and money)...and must refer to a "higher-up" for information regarding divine guidence.
  22. "Leaf"...A term used to describe an individual who is at the bottom of the food chain. Usually, an individual who is used for menial tasks and financial support...one who does not qualify for "first thought" revelation, (due to lack of training, and/or lack of personality and money)...and must refer to a "higher-up" for information regarding divine guidence.
  23. "First thought"...a term used by members of the way international, which is descriptive of the method used by the Allmighty to communicate directly to the way international follower. This form of communication (also referred to as "revelation")...is confined exclusively to those who have successfully completed the way international's classes and training programs. This is indicated by the nametag worn by the follower in question.
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