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Everything posted by YIdon'tgotochurch

  1. There are 2 things I've learned over the years not to say. FXCK YXX and GXD DXMN I don't mind the word FXCK. I've been known to use it and I think there can actually be proper occassions where it can have effect (like throwing a grenade at someone trying to kill you in war). I remember I was in an area where it was real popular for people to joke with a leader and with a laugh say "FXCK YXX. One assistant said it to me. I quietly explained to him that to say that to a leader was equivalent to saying,"FXCK YXX and the horse you rode in on." Pretty soon, the meekness you had with that person turns to bitterness and maybe even rebellion. I went on to say that "For all you know, the next instruction you get from that person may save your life." But your words have become your heart-felt feeling for this person and now you dismiss the instruction. Boom! ! ! you lose. We both never said it to anyone we wanted to respect, from then on. GXD DXMN is simply a contradiction, since He doesn't and can't and won't. To use those 2 words in a sentence are as stupid as driving a motorcycle blindfolded. Wouldn't suggest it.
  2. I was in TWI for 25 years. I have one real friend. I got him involved in TWI and then we both left around the same time. The unfortunate thing is we live in different towns. We still talk on the phone on a regular basis. I would go so far as to say we would do just about anything for each other. Our friendship goes back to diapers and then through school.... then TWI. He sponsored me both times I went through the Corps. We will probably be speakers at one or the other's funeral/memorial service (spouses permitting) But any other friends have been hard to find. A good friend is hard to find Harder to bid farewell. Impossible to forget.
  3. There are so many ways to respond to that offense. I was with a guy in the Army at a store years ago. He was feeling brash and bold and went up to a woman and made a similar observation. She looked him dead in eye and winced her face and slowly said, "DAMN! ! ! Your'e SO UGLY! ! !" and turned on her heels and walked away. I knew another woman who promptly responded with, "My husband would kill you where you stand if he knew you offended me like this". Personal favorites: I bet you'd say that to your own daughter, wouldn't you? Your family must be sooooo proud of you. If you had any manners, you would probably have friends. Of course, you must turn on your heels and march away like he had no effect on you and you are to good for him. ____________________ I had 3 sisters growing up. I would not stand for these kind of guys at all. Lots of fights growing up.
  4. Sometimes it was like being in "MAL" (MOBILE ABUNDANT LIVING) mode. Except there was rarely anything abundant about it. Plenty of emphasis on mobile. Other times it was like being in a church............boring............ Good grief! ! ! ! I can't stand the idea of sitting through all those HHF with the same people who never brought anyone new and always had the same manifestations and were scared to death to try to change anything. It got to where I would turn to the next verse in the teaching before the one teaching did. I was always amazed that after hearing great teachers on SNS tapes that some (operative word) people who had been around for years still couldn't teach. I remember reading all of Samuel and Kings during one class. After a while, I would bring a mini calculator and do my budget. Most of the time, it was like being in high school. Rules for everything and even the playground was no fun.
  5. Perhaps, we should establish a GSC headquarters. Then, we could have meetings in our homes with just a handful of people and once a year everyone meet at the Anatole in Dallas or on a farm in Iowa or Texas. Texas is great in January. On some days, you can where shorts. As long as it's not WACO and no one offers Kool Aid we could have some fun. Then we'd really trust one another. Pass the whine.
  6. Must be an optical illusion then. Friends have alwas said I look funny. And see funny, too.
  7. DMiller had a thread regarding familytables.net , titled, "Tis a sad thing...but to be expected" I went into the site. Took a minute to look at the pictures in "Gallery II, View Headquarters, Bridge 2 and Bridge 3". Granted, I'm over the hill and my eye sight isn't what it use to be. So, I'd like a second opinion. Is the brige sagging? Or is it an opitical delusion sorry. Or is it an optical illusion? I sure would hate to see the bridge replaced with some other thing. After all, I might actually be in the market to buy HQ in the next few years. The value would be greatly reduced if the bridge was replaced with a more recent concrete and asphalt bridge. Better get Way Builders on that! ! ! ! For those of you with wonder in your eye. Yes, I'd seriously consider purchasing the place if I could give it back to JP. We could auction off the offices. Shoot fire! ! ! ! It's a metal building, we could move it. Put a great big corn field in it's place. Or better yet, swimming hole. JP you really should email me. :) rxb78250@yahoo
  8. Almost forgot, if you wish to email me. Try rxb78250@yahoo.com put Greasespot in the subjec line See ya
  9. Howdy from San Antonio, TEXAS. Scary as it might sound, I was one of the few that loved Country Music before and after I went into residence. I'm Ric Cox. I did change my last name a few years ago. My sons were in middle school and they started getting the same grief I got growing up. So, we went back to my birth name, "BARTON". Wife and I have been out since 2001. I really miss the fellowship (and I don't necessarily mean Bible studies). I've had 3 surgeries for a pituitary adenoma (pituitary tumor....located between the optic nerves) Had a tumor the size of an egg. Dr.'s went in and got most of it in '90. Left just enough residue for it to grow back. In July of '97 they found it was back (same size) and attempted to go in through the top of my head. That failed. They closed me up and went back in 6 weeks later through my upper lip. VERY INCONVENIENT ! ! ! !! Anyway, I've survived it and radiation. Lost some short term memory, but my long term memory is still in tact. I still read my Companion Bible from time to time and still know most of the retemories. Do you? For me, it's an exercise so that my mind gets some exercise. I should have learned the table of elements and used them for exercise, too. I'd love to hear from any of you that actually graduated. For me, it was an accomplishment. There were 3 of us that started off in the 10th Corps and graduated 14th, Dean Batchelder, and another guy I can't remember .......... go figure.... and then me. Drop and email. I'd love to locate you. We went through hell, and survived. We don't have to be real friendly..... just neighborly.
  10. Occassionally, we see them here, in Texas around the Corpus Christi area. They are harmless and the funny thing is that they mate while flying. So, it's not unusual to see 2 of them flying joined at the "hip". They swarm like bees, but I don't think I've ever seen them as thick as the picture of the windshield. Kind of reminds me of a girlfriend in high school. She was a pest. I didn't marry her.
  11. Linda Z you said Regarding feeling sad about NOLA, I don't. I lived there for 2 years and grew to see why it was so poverty striken and backward. Generations of families (or should I say "broken families") have been taught to suck off the paps of the mother government. The 9th ward was worse than Harlem portrayed in the 60's on that show with Telly Savalis. I've known a number of really sweet people there, and I really liked some that I met. It was incredible back in the 80's how a traffic jam on the river bridge would spur people getting out their cars and have a party while they waited for traffic cops to direct the lanes to move. However, NOLA (imho) would never rebuild to where it was. Half the population wouldn't pick up a board to nail it to the floor. That's the part of NOLA that will especially never rebuild. And if it did, it would be from outsiders who bought the story that those poor "saints" need our help. If they did want to rebuild. They should make every truck in America bring in a load of dirt and rock to raise the flood prone areas, first. Take the top half of Mt. McKinley and ship it to NOLA or leave it be. Anyway, that's my take on NOLA. It would be ironically sad if another hurricane hit it this year. Then, maybe the NO Saints would become the San Antonio Saints. (doubt that)
  12. YIdon'tgotochurch


    Success is just a heartbeat away. Remembering the definition of abundance as being "more than enough", I've grown to feel successful with that little definition. So, if my family has more than enough and we aren't running out of month before the end of the money, bills paid, viddles on the table and breathing, I've had a successful day. Like I've said since I was 19 yrs old. I haven't had a bad day since, and there's no reason to change that now. Being thankful, has also had a huge influence on my attitude of success. I'm thankful for the people I've known and the things I've done....with time and money and relationships that were more numerous than I ever expected.
  13. I'd like to know: What's so thinking about critical? ? ? ? ?? I mean: What's so critical about thinking? I mean: What's the basis of critical thinking? I mean: How critical do I have to think for it to be considered "critical thinking"? I mean: Does random access thinking count for critical thinking? I mean: What was this topic? What was I thinkin'?
  14. I work at home. I sell dental and medical plans (as some already know) Since I'm so easily entertained and entertaining I have a ball! Some days I turn my stereo up and sing while doing chores around the house. I work with whom I wish and when I wish. No one tells me what time to wake up (unless it's my kids needing a ride to school). I hardly ever use an alarm clock any more. It's very odd to me that I used to rely on it. It's a real pleasure to wake up when I'm rested instead of when someone tells me to. I have no employees, directly. At corporate there are about 250 employees that provide customer service. As one guy put it years ago. If you you have 2 employees you have 2 headaches....3 employees you have 3 headaches......3 or more employees you have an adult day care.
  15. Let's see, where to start? Of course, in no particular order: I like and in some cases, LOVE: In case you have picked up on it........I love humor to teach the Bible to laugh at myself.........(after all, everyone else does) to peform in my country band to a grateful crowd a really good 2 steppin' country song hitting a golf ball on a spring morning with no humidity and it travels 300 yards in the air before hitting the ground. The first snow fall of the year in Michigan, with flakes as big as silver dollars I like silver dollars, lots of 'em, send them airmail I like the independence of a home based business I like being the underdog and winning Being above the roar of a crowd Looking back on my youth and not regretting much of anything. (some changes would be nice, but not necessary) Having inside information before a meeting starts. Being more successful than I appear Having 2 boys in high school, one graduating in a few weeks. Movies from the '80's and '90's... most were good enough to see twice History The way of a man with a maid...(when I was the man) [that's as clean as I can state that one] Being really far ahead of the game. I like it when the Spurs go to the playoffs. Great for business! I love a thunderstorm without the threat of hail of tornados I love knowing more than others (and being right about it even when they think I'm wrong) I haven't had a bad day in 31 years. Why should I start now?
  16. Sosassuda, As a matter of fact, I do make DXmn sure I inform them that it is a discount plan. Otherwise, they might cancel. The email you are receiving is a copy of what I send to all most all interested parties by way of email. I wrote it up sometime ago and saved it on MS Word. As for people that signed up with no local providers, that had to be some idiot that sold that for which our company will have to live down for a long time. Kind of like buying a dell computer without a modem. It's Dells fault. It is absolutely recommended that each person look at the providers located in their area. We have that link on all of our web-sites. I've had one lady that cancelled on me because a dentist listed was no longer accepting our plan. Oddly enough, she was refunded her money from the date of her request. Gee, the system can work. I even got a call from corporate about it to verify the problem....(this lady is a neighbor) Across the board, I'd have to say that there is a potential for people with no real desire to help others to get involved in this business. I have seen a few around my town. They are not with the company long. Just long enough to dump on it and run. They think this is a get rich program. It's not! ! ! ! It does have the ability to make you rich slowly....but the work involved is more than most are willing to invest. Like it says in one of our videos. "When you work for someone else, they are buying you wholesale and selling you retail." It just makes sense to invest in yourself to work a business that has a lifetime vested contract. As for my particular instance of not having the medical plan. I do have the dental.... and use it. The medical is in my future. But not right now. I would be happy to explain why if I thought it was necessary... but I don't. Suffice it to say, I expect to have it by summer's end. Oh yea. As for the MLM/ pyramid thing. We've been in business for 14 years. No AG has tried to shut us down. We are as legal as any company out there. And if you take a moment and think! All corporations are a pyramid. Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Sam Wal, all started a business. Worked it and expanded it. They built leaders to replace them and took an override on their success. A grocery store usually has a Store Director, then a manager, then a department manager, then some stockers and cashiers. Who makes more money? Can you work yourself up? We provide a service along the same vein as Sam's or Costco. When you go into one of their stores, you select a product and get a discount. In our case, when you go to a doctor or dentist or pharmacists for service, you get a discount. It's worked great for 14 years. I've been in it just over a year. Inspite of all the reasons you think are grounds.... I think I'll stick around for a while longer. "See you at the Top"
  17. sorry. I'm still learning the system. Email me and I'll explain my business. rxb78250@yahoo.com
  18. LET'S SEE HERE. IT'S BEEN IN THE 90'S SINCE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. Here in San Antonio, we get 6 weeks of winter. A week in November (actually 2 cold fronts lasting 2 to 4 days at a time), 2 weeks in December, 2 more in January and 1 in February (much like November). As soon as we hit day-light savings time summer hits. Spring is also about a week long. Richard
  19. I posted a reply to someone about a week ago with a devestating loss. I told them I had started working a home-based business. Several people sent me mail requesting information. I was visiting the chat room when someone remembered my post and asked me about my business. I endeavored to explain the benefits and the service provided. I'm not trying to sell it here. But in defense, I thought it was appropriate to post this. I sell dental and medical plans. NOT INSURANCE! ! ! It's affordable. Now, 70% of America has not dental coverage. And some 46 million people have no medical coverage. Not only does this mean a lot of people with bad teeth. But a lot of people with no real help when they go to the doctor. For those of you in St. Mary's, this means there is a MARKET! ! ! ! The person in the chat room said he had been paying $400.00 a month for insurance. Our plan is $59.95 a month for an entire family. I help people save money on almost every medical event. Anyway, I pointed out to GXXXXX an obvious choice. Would you rather pay $4800 a year or $720? Then another person came in a yelled "ripoff"! ! ! !! They posted the ripoffreport.com and sure enough, I went there. Found our company and stated that we had almost a 90% retention rate. That's higher than most companies This morning I went in and re-visited the site. I looked up Wal Mart, Sears, Dell computers and tried Penneys. All had complaints. About the same number as the company I represent. As long as there are people, there will be those that pixx on an electric fence and scream about it. I reviewed the complaints about my company. In every case, it was a case of people ignoring or not reading the procedures or the rules. So, now they ache and whine on a web-site that most would consider reputable. What I found extremely odd was "guess who" was missing from ripoffreport.com? The Way International has no complaints on ripoffreport.com. Go figure. We are a 100 million dollar company with a target of 1 billion by 2010. Some insurance companies are pulling out of Florida and many more will change to our program within the next 5 years. HMO's as you know it, will be a dinasaur in 5 to 10 years. So, don't believe everything on the internet. I'm on track to make a 6 figure income in the next year. While some are reading the ripoffreport and treating it like it was written by the hand of Gawd.
  20. [/i]I think it could be very easy for TWI to apologize to us. Just come in here Get a handle like WE ARE BORG Tell us who they are in a post and tell us they regret our experiences and wish they could assimilate us again because we were so good with our abundant sharing. Give us a few email addresses of cabinet and above members Allow us to email them and abuse them the way they abused us. POOF! ! ! ! Sorry, I just woke up and found myself drueling on my keyboard. I dreamed TWI wanted to make ammends with us. What a weird thing. I think I need to "believe" for this dream to go away. Glad I woke up. Now I think I'll take a real sleeping pill and go to bed. Friends always said I was in a perpectual state of dormant mental awareness
  21. Ms Hopeful, I can relate so much to what you feel. I'm disabled and spend a lot of my time at home working a home-based business. Inbetween calls, I occassionally catch myself singing ministry songs. Of course, I don't sing them the way church hymnals have them, I sing them the way TWI did. (I remember how shocked I was to learn after 10 years in the ministry that "How Firm a Foundation" was actually sung differently than "Oh Come All Ye Faithful") I was in for 25 years. Anyway, I also have a country band. Between my business and that, I stay plenty busy. Even with my activities I miss the fellowship in a very deep way. I never enjoyed the classes very much after my 3rd one. It was as perfect as it could be... all the classess after that (in 1976) were poor in comparison. If you send me a message, I could give you information about my business. It's really exciting to help people save money and make money. NO, IT AIN'T LOVE, BUT IT's NOT BAD.
  22. Quoting My earlier Post [color=#000099]Thanks for saying something. I'm amazed that you must have to read everything posted in here and put up with the opinions of some of the most damaged people in our country.[/color] [/size] I've been asked in the thread and by personal message to explain what I meant by the passage above. I answered it in the personal message and now, I will attempt to 'splain myself'. As I wrote it, in context, the emphasis I was endeavoring to communicate was my lack of envy for Paw. He has to read each and every post. And just like he said....some of them are pretty vicious. It seems some felt I was attacking their right to an opinion.... NO. Others thought I was focused on insulting the regulars in here by calling them "damaged". That wasn't my intent. However, it appears some would love to be a part in the buldozing of TWI years after they are released from their prison. I'm not a psychologist, but that is simply bitterness. Though there might be a twinge of delight at the thought, I don't see how any of us could afford the time to daydream about such an adventure. IMHO that would be "unprofitable". (sorry, I meant 'unproductive') As for "who" I was referring to with the word "damaged". It is not far from the same way a person becomes "damaged" after a nasty divorce. Sometimes reading the posts is like reading a letter from an ex-spouse. So, if you will, please accept my appologies for any offense taken by my post. I'm still glad I don't have to monitor it like Paw does.[/font][/size][/i]
  23. Paw, I read your post and took a deep sigh. I didn't even read the rest of the thread. I have been around since Waydale under different names. At first, in Waydale, it was a relief to find people with the same experiences and disappointments. When we left TWI, it was not be cause of DR. and LCM, but because of local leadership. The expert manner with which they would berate and belittle had become greater than my love of the so-called 'house-hold'. I figured I could stand on the Word by myself easier than with TWI. I have always starved for fellowship. I had hoped upon first logging on to your site, there would be a chance of meeting some of the posters. My first year of visits were entertaining and sometimes educational regarding the reports of TWI and the bumbling around in the dark. Then, things waxed worse and worse. It got to where I couldn't stand to come in here because of the bitterness and then the berating that I witnessed. Thanks for saying something. I'm amazed that you must have to read everything posted in here and put up with the opinions of some of the most damaged people in our country.
  24. IMHO, I've always considered "Get Over it" as another way of saying "Rise Above it". But then, I've always been in a perpectual state of dormant mental awareness. After my last brain surgery (out of 3), I didn't have to forget the past. I had to fight like HXLL to remember it.
  25. In all actuallity, It is no surprised Craig is a broken man. Most of us were broken by the time we left. However unpopular, I expect he will recover just as we did. After all, his coach did teach him well. "When you lay an egg; stand back and admire it"
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