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Everything posted by YIdon'tgotochurch

  1. I'm so disappointed I can't be there. I only missed one ROA since 1975. And this feels more like a loss than that ever did. But then after 20 ROA events, you wish you never had to go again. I'll be on line tomorrow nite. Hope you all take your lap tops to get in the chat room. Don't get too drunk before 10:00 I sent ex10 my picture. The dart board will open at 8:00.
  2. My handle says it all. I don't even attempt to waste my time listening to some air-head ignore figures of speach and teach pious pagan platitudes. I have not actively sought out a church. I listen to a radio station with 24 hour sermons from church ministers from all over the country. Mainly, California and the East Coast. When they misquote a passage or use the NAS or NKJV or other versions which hack the Bible to pieces, I typically sigh with disgust. Granted, people are allowed in our country to worship as they please........ It simply pleases me not to worship with them. As a few others have mentioned, there is little or no meat. The offshoots are dry. I went to an offshoot and it basically turned me off to manifestations and communion. I knew the leader very well. I knew his heart. His love for God and the Word was worth focusing on. But the rest of the fellowship were weak and uninformed and wouldn't read the Bible on their own. I felt like I was in an outlaying twig area where leadership had not visited in years. I have arrived at the point where in spite of how much I love to teach, but won't waste my time with people who won't appreciate the detail. Those ministers in the churches here in our great country will never be able to explain why God separated the continents, or allowed the earth to flood or destroyed the tower of Babal. When a church can handle that with some sort of accuracy, I will be interested in visiting.
  3. I only can suggest one thing. give! ! ! ! ! ! Volunteer ok...that's 2 things
  4. I have to do this www.onwatchtech.com We'll go anywhere.
  5. seriously, I turned my speakers up and scrolled............... I didn't hear a thing. And I'm a musician.
  6. OOOH! OOOH! I got it Mr. Cotter..................... It's what my tax return looks like when I'm finished and how the IRS reads it prompting another audit.
  7. I have to tell you the truth..... I never went WOW in the 25 yrs I was in the ministry. Not in the sense that most of you did. I was military WOW in '76-'77 and I was on the WOW field for the 1st four months of the 10th Corps interim year (that's when the wife said she'd had it. We left the Corps and I left with her to try and save our marriage. When it failed, I worked to get back into the Corps to finish, like a good Wayfer. My interim year in the 14th Corps they sent me as Twig Area Coordinator to Bismark, ND. Worked 40 hours a week, partied on the weekends and ran fellowships on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays. I loved it. Quite honestly, the longer I was in, the harder I think it would have been to go WOW. I think I would have gone to prison for beating the shxt out of the religious guy in the group. I would never have washed windows, either. The last time I went L.E.A.D. the hitchhiking program was still in place. I came close to leaving my partner in Oklahoma City, when we hadn't had a ride in hours and she was breaking down into the "you don't like me and that's why I'm not believing" thing. She was right.... but it had nothing to do with her believing. Face it, I didn't really like her in the way she was hoping. Going WOW would have been a nightmare in my 30's. I remember the last few years of the program, I noticed that all the WOW's were much older. I was freaked out to think that someone was 40 yrs old and going WOW. All I could think of was the people that went WOW in the '70's because the law was after them. Now in the '90's they can't stand their job and they have nothing to lose........bring the kids. (Another criminal charge in the making....I would have strung most of them up to a tree in the back yard or at the park.) I did enjoy the reminder of our innocense in those days. By the way, in my military WOW year, it was a great year, I accomplished my goals (within the parameters of the program) and reached some personal goals. Just was incredibly thrilled I got to do that program in a major city with a strong branch and no interference from a bunch of others around me watching my every move or telling me the only thing for lunch was popcorn and peanut butter. I have no idea how I avoided getting talked into going WOW for my apprentice or interim years. I don't believe in luck, so maybe God did interfere. Thank you God! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
  8. Older women are beautiful lovers Older women they understand I've been around some And have discovered That older women know just how to love a man I had a girlfriend younger than me in high school.........from then on, the girlfriends were always older. I had a girlfriend my apprentice year that was 10 years my senior. She taught me a lot! ! ! ! How to treat a lady, how to love a woman. I didn't marry her.............I went on into the Corps. I married my wife who is 5 yrs older than I am and we've been married 20 yrs. She hasn't run me off yet. Though I'm sure the thought has crossed her mind.
  9. My 2 sons were born in 88 and 90 respectfully. I could never bring myself to request a "baby dedication". I didn't think it was wrong or evil or anything negative. It just made sense that either I would raise them according to the Bible or I wouldn't.....a dedication wouldn't change a thing. I never saw it in the Bible nor did it seem to be anything more than a chance fo people to get into a legal thing about it. I saw it as another ceremony believers would feel obligated to go to. No thank you. Did anyone ever get reproved for not dedcating their child or children?
  10. Man, the example of my first FC helped me stand for 25 years (less a 1 1/2 year during '89 & '90). My first association with WC was AJ BXXXtta! Later, I worked with Bob VXXnola. When I grow up, I still want to be just like them. I know they were simply humble believers with a huge heart for God and His Word, but they communicated it so well. Unlike other leadership, they allowed me to be part of their lives. I agree with Groucho, I'll buy the next round for the house in their honor. Heartman, you and Grouch can make the toast! ! ! !
  11. Dmiller I'm sure by the time I'm posting this, the topic is ready to be archived. But on chance that you read this, I don't believe they would believe me if I told them Pecan Pie was the State dessert. I wonder if they've ever been to Bill Miller BBQ? Not the best bbq in Texas, but dxmn good Pecan Pie. Especially if it's rightly-divided. I get half. (I don't really need my panchreas, do I? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?)
  12. Took some time to think about this bbq thing. It sounds inviting. I like the idea of hotels. Glad you didn't rent a farm or anything like that. I may have to actually show up. God help us all. If I bring my p.a. equipment and guitar we could turn it into a country dance By the way, DM............in Texas......it's not cheesecake! ! ! ! ! It's PECAN PIE! ! ! ! ! ! That's the state desert
  13. Besides the popup-blocker Firefox is just miles ahead of competitors. I use it in my business and personal use. I still have IE, but that's mainly for Yahoo. If you are going to go with Firefox, go with g-mail also. Gmail is also cleaner (less if ever any spam mail... so far, in 6 months, I have had no spam). Limitations with Gmail.... You can't copy from a document into an compose email page. Also, the only way you get Gmail is by invitation. Someone has to enter your email address into a box on the email page. Then you are sent the invitation. So, there are less people using it. Less people trying to send you junk. Go for Firefox, you'll appreciate the ease of operation This post was brought to by the makers of Firefox. Firefox is not responsible for anyone who drinks and types or post's on Greasespot. Remember, if you drink and drive....take your own dxmn truck! ! !
  14. Had there been an ounce of direction offered between the reading in the last Corps night of April, and August, reading it at Corps week would have been fine. I was referring mainly to the reading in April (I was there). The leadership at Emporia went into shock. It was as though the stock market fell and they all lost their life's savings or they just witnessed 9/11. I was in the 14th Corps. We were scheduled to arrive at HQ the next weekend to begin our final block of so called training and graduation. We weren't so sure we were going to graduate after that night. Not such a big deal to many of you... but when you've worked for 4 years to accomplish something and then find the goal may be pulled out from underneath you, it was a big deal to most of us. As I said before, I believe there was a solution. But no one could see it then...or now. Had they seen the possibility of the solution, TWI could have flourished. But the shellshock left the organization with no leadership. The only result left was for LCM to relinquish control. When he woke up and realized he had missed the solution, he made a 5 senses attempt (business as usual) at getting back on track. He failed, miserably. Comparable to Solomon. For all the stupid errors of leadership prior to POP, there was still the possiblility of recovery. The wrongs could have been righted. Where there is no leadership, people wander aimlessly. Bring on the critique.
  15. What did the BOT do wrong? IMHO they turned the microphone on that Corps nite over to CG. That was a foolish error. To shell shock leadership like that on a Corps night, with no heads up? Big mistake! ! ! In POP, CG quotes VPW as saying the BOT had gotten caught up in "facts, facts, facts". I remember just a few years before that, we were all carrying brief cases to twig. We were 80's savy. Statistics were more important than taking care of people. I can recall people I met, developed a great report with only to have them practically overwhelmed going to Twig. Then, there were people I developed a great working relationship or even (almost) a friendship and when leadership saw me later, they would ask me, " Why isn't so&so in the class?" Implying something was wrong with me if I spent time undersheparding them before they took the class. Besides the overwhelming ego of CG throughout POP, the biggest problem was no specific direction or solution was provided. The end result. "Every man went to his own tent." Mouths were unstoppable and opinions were running more rampant than after Korea tested the bomb. There was a solution. No one wanted to hear it. Then or now.
  16. Here's a funny incident. After the fellowship, a new person was introduced to me. "Rxx has had the class a lot." Newbie,"How many times have you taken the class?" I replied, "Over 20 times now." Newbie, "You'd think you'd learned it by now." The implication was that I had failed it 19 times. All the grads within earshot started laughing hysterically. There was a point, when I had had the FC about 7 times, and the AC twice, I actually thought it would be neat to have the AC times more than the foundational. Who could afford it and the ROA? The travel, lodging were usually as much if not more than the class (I was in TEXAS and NEVADA)
  17. That reminds me... A very unattractive, mean actin' woman walks into Wal-Mart with her two kids. The Wal-Mart Greeter asks, "Are they twins?" The ugly woman says, "No, the oldest one, he's 9 and the younger one, she's 7. Why? ... Do you think they really look alike?" "No", replies the greeter, "I just couldn't believe you got laid twice!
  18. I feel sorry for women. I noticed that there were no articles on "How to be the perfect husband". As a consequence of the search, I did find this little tidbit. It's off topic, but it might make you smile. The whole house is asleep and I'm giggling as quietly as I can at 1:35 in the morning. I can't wait to tell it to someone. ________________________________________________________________________ A very unattractive, mean actin' woman walks into Wal-Mart with her two kids. The Wal-Mart Greeter asks, "Are they twins?" The ugly woman says, "No, the oldest one, he's 9 and the younger one, she's 7. Why? ... Do you think they really look alike?" "No", replies the greeter, "I just couldn't believe you got laid twice!
  19. On another thread regarding Donna someone mentioned the approximate ages of the kids which prompted some questions. The oldest daughter is.............like 28 years old. Their middle child, son.............is probably 22 or 23. The youngest daughter is.........like 16 or so. So, are any of them married yet? Did LeXX get her degree in music? Are they all living at HQ? Did any of them go into the Corps? I'm sure there are a lot of other questions to ask....but these are the most prevelant at this time. For a short while, after birth, we go through infancy..........about 10 or so years later, we go through puberty.............. What are we going through now??????????????
  20. 2027, I'm dyin' to ask. Not that it matters. But the curiousity is extremely compelling. Are you in America? Is English your second or third language? Where you ever in the Corps? If I don't answer your questions, will I still be able to visit GSC?
  21. You requested a post if we chose 'other' on the 1st question. What was the 1st question? Oh yea! My belief system or of that sort of thing. Well, I'd have to say (and to some who have seen my past post, this will be no surprise) I'm still holding on to 10th Corps teachings (1st year). As for the speaking in tongues question, I think VP got it right but we probably defrauded it with our repitition and the lack of oversite or over oversite by some leaders. I have only a few memories of people who impressed me with interpretation or prophecy. I was delighted to see the majority of posters are still holding on to what was taught regarding JCING. There are times when reading some of the post that I get the impression that everything that was taught has been dismissed as false by almost all in the cafe. Granted the application got all screwed up... but imho I've never been convinced that the doctrine was erroneous until the latter years when some of the things LCM implemented proved to kill the outreach and growth of TWI. I raised my eyebrow with the TDANAN question though I understood the question. My question is did I miss something in the book about the soul sleeping? What page? I remember the verse in Thessalonians 4:13 and the FOS for sleeping. But I don't recall the teaching that it was literal. As for worship. I put "other". I still SIT from time to time......but I don't go to any fellowships.
  22. I looked up "FORGIVE" in a dictionary years ago. One of the definitions said, "To give in spite of..." I particularly preferred that definition. I also preferred the teaching once given by LCM from I John 1:9. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." The teaching basically made the point that the word "if" is conditional. So, if we don't confess our sins, God is not required to forgive. Likewise, throughout the epistiles, when commanded to forgive, we would only be required to forgive when asked to do so. After my first five years in TWI, I made a horrible mistake. My BC told me I had to forgive myself. Suggested I spent time in study on it. I discovered one of the best demonstrations of forgiveness as 'giving'. In other words if someone were to offend me and ask forgiveness, the highest form of showing forgiveness for the infraction would be to give 'something' back. I've learned that it could include time, a task, or anything small. Regrettably, there are those in TWI that I respected at one time, who never asked for forgiveness. Consequently, I am not responsible to forgive them of Sxxt. As for those in other ministries with infractions against God and man, I don't believe I am responsible to forgive them either since the infraction was not personally against me.
  23. I never thought of 'moving the Word' as running classes. That could be done by salesmen as Shortfuse mentioned. I always did and still do think 'moving the Word' was one on one teaching. In fact, I found that the more I taught a person before taking the class, the more likely they would be around after the class. I was usually right. I still love teaching the Bible and watching the light go on when I reach and make certain points. A year ago, I made a statement of belief to a man selling homes in our neighborhood, that JCING. He couldn't buy it for the longest time. (I woudl see him several times a week while our home was being built....we would have little 15 minute windows for us to discuss topics) I showed him that the article 'the' was added by the translators next to the words 'holy and spirit' ............. the light went on.
  24. I always thought the singin' lady's need to oil their hip sockets a little more. Especially the larger ladies. I did appreciate the hamonies performed by the "Prod". But they were more egotistical than most LCs I knew. They were extemely "unapproachable". I always felt like there was very little "beef" in the music. I don't think they were like what I'm about to say.... but their appearance was as though the singing ladies were starting a 'women's Lib' movement.
  25. Google "retemory". Lots of interesting reading in there.
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