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Everything posted by waysider

  1. So, let me see if I can break this down. I left my real home to move to some fake home and eventually figured out the fake home was a scam and that they had ulterior motives. But now, I can't go back to my real home because it no longer exists. So, the fake home says, "Hey, no problem. Come back here and we'll pretend we're your real home again, just like we did before." No thanks. I'll take a hard pass on that one.
  2. IT's the secret ingredient. https://www.google.com/search?q=ersatz+coffee+firesign+theater&rlz=1C1CHWL_enUS850US850&oq=&aqs=chrome.1.35i39i362l8.335994217j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8f127e4f,vid:DwUS4dXUNnA
  3. I'm picturing one of those old, green, Way Tree bumper stickers with that as the motto instead of "Word Over The World". "Never fast enough! Never strong enough! Never good enough!"
  4. It doesn't matter whether or not he believed it himself. The point is that he lent credibility to a guy who did.
  5. So, the answer is to tell people they're possessed by a "devil spirit"?? Yeah, I think I can see why they might feel unwelcome here.
  6. A long time ago, I got to be pretty good friends with this guy at work who knew a lot more about the job than I did because he had learned it from his father. He was always ready to offer help and teach me new skills. I was appreciative. We weren't really friends outside of work, but one day I offered to buy him a beer and a burger after work as a way of thanking him. As we sat there talking, the conversation turned to high school and working on old cars. "Well", he said, "I didn't work on cars because I was too busy learning about makeup and clothes." He saw my startled response and laughed out loud. "Yeah", he said, "When I was born, I was a girl." He showed me a picture of his kid and an old Mother's Day card and we talked about it a little more. He said his family had disowned him. He really opened my eyes to things I'd never thought about before. Then the conversation shifted back to work and we had a couple more beers. We both moved on to other jobs not long after that, but I tried to look him up a few times, maybe have a couple beers for old times' sake. Do you know how hard it is to find someone with the most common last name in America? Life is short, everybody. Just accept people for who they are instead of who you want them to be. We're all gonna leave this planet some day. Let's make the best of the time we have and be good to each other... That is all. Carry on.
  7. I saw a meme once that said "We know the earth isn't flat because, if it was, cats would have knocked everything over the edge long ago."
  8. I totally agree with this, whether it be science, social issues or antique restoration techniques. But, once that's established, I try not to get too hung up on insisting the "correct" terminology is always used unless it will really make some kind of difference. The new cringe for me is when people talk about "sex reveal" parties. HUH?? I know they're talking about revealing whether the baby is going to be a boy or girl. I go with the flow on that one. Maybe ask the other person to clarify how they are using the terminology?
  9. Words and language, in general, change over time, as I'm sure we're all aware. Years ago, gender was used as a noun and sex was used to imply a verbal action. (for the most part.) It wasn't judgmental, just a statement of fact. For example, if a baby was born anatomically male, it was said that its GENDER was male. If it was born anatomically female, its GENDER was female. SEX was a physical act that sometimes had the potential of producing a baby. Of course, I realize this is an over simplification, as there is also the possibility of same sex relations, but it still implies an action. And, there are babies that are born with a combination of male and female reproductive structures. We once called them HERMAPHRODITES. That term is obsolete and has been replaced with INTERSEX. Sometimes the structural differences are externally visible. Sometimes they are internal and, thus, not visibly obvious. At times, it's difficult to make a proper identification either way at birth. Doctors would sometimes surgically alter such children to appear to have only one gender. Frequently, surgeons would elect to render them female because that surgery is less involved. That can have catastrophic results later in life because the surgeon may have misidentified the child's actual gender. Today, with advanced genetic knowledge, we have more sophisticated methods of determining actual gender than we did in times past. And, there are multiple other scenarios possible, as well. Okay, I've gotten too far off the subject here. The rule I try to follow, when discussing such issues with people, is to listen closely and adapt my terminology to the other person's terminology. If they're really talking about a person's gender but refer to it as sex, I try to do the same. It makes for more productive conversation.
  10. On 5/11/2023, Charity said: ...the best thing I learned from being on GSC was that I'm not alone and neither are you.
  11. Straight out of the Advanced class. (Please don't make me look up the page number, I'm having a good day so far.)
  12. My experience has been mostly contrary to this. Emphasis seems to lean heavily on the side of examining the epistles, rather than the gospels..
  13. I think it may have been Garth (may he R.I.P.) who gave account of personal involvement in the cancelled visit to his area. I'm not certain, but that seems to be what I recall.
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