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Everything posted by VeganXTC

  1. I think its wrong to abandon any dog, but a shar pei? Aren't they very expensive? I mean, I don't know anything about the dog trade, but if I had a pure bred dog, that wasn't too common, I would think I would be able to sell it for some money. Especially if it was a puppy. Surely someone would have $20 to buy a shar pei. It just doesn't seem logical to abandon a shar pei puppy. I dunno, maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist, but maybe the puppy was dog napped? Taken from someone's home, then dumped when the owner couldn't come up with the money? Or stolen by someone's ex, just to get revenge? Has anyone listed the dog as found? Tried to find the owners, or even the breeders? Anyway, I'm happy you cared enough to stop to help him. I bet he's happy too!
  2. :) I seriously thought Hammeroni was your real last name.
  3. I think this is where we start our disagreement. I believe that the main purpose of sex is the bonding of two people into one. I see it as primarilya spiritual act, rather than a physical one. Of course there is pleasurable physical sensations. But, IMO, that just deepens the bond. I don't see the bond between two men, or two women, or a man and a woman, as any greater, or lesser than the other. Thus, no need to do away with homosexuality, or heterosexuality for that matter. I strongly disagree with this. I use to think gay men and women were possesed with devil spirits. (I know, hard to believe an ex-wayfer would believe that, hey?) Until I got to actually know people that were gay, and found out that they had strengths, and weaknesses, and hopes, and fears just like me. And I met couples who were in relationships that were as long and loving and committed as Drty Dzn and myself. And I wondered why would God call them evil? Belle, you're right. The research is all about getting more sheep. I won't start on the ethics of industrial animal farming. And I liked what your friend said, but I'm glad you only posted one picture! :)
  4. Using hormone treatments on unwilling adults, or children, as would be the case for fetal hormone patches, makes me very uncomfortable. Where do we stop? With birth defects? Abigail posted how the deaf community feels. Should all our children become blue eyed blonds? Where does it end?I would much rather my tax dollars go to promote diversity and tolerance, than to live in a world where we all think, look, and act the same. Do you still see this? I did, twenty years ago, but I rarely see it now.
  5. I talked with my two children who are currently both in college, and they both said they knew plenty of people who room with the opposite sex, and they're just housemates, no more, no less. They pick people to live with who can pay the bills and share the same values, and they don't see what's so wrong with it being the same or opposite sex. My children room with same sex people, though. I'm sure I'd have something to say if they didn't.
  6. VeganXTC

    A Speach

    Its probably too late to offer advice, which is good, because I have none to offer. :) I just wanted to say I wish I were one of the students so I could hear your speech. It sounds interesting! Good luck! And I'll second Shell, please come back and tell us how it went and what you said.
  7. What a beautiful thing you did Psalm, and a smart thing too!
  8. My family and I (ages between 80 and 11) played a game at Christmas called "Catch Phrase." You try to get your team to guess a word based on your description. The key to winning is being fast. The game went ok, until it was someone who was over 40's turn. The word is so small, and printed under a plastic bubble. It took 5 minutes to try to see what the word was! The kids had no problem seeing the word. Amazing what happens to us as we age.
  9. Thanks again to everyone for their good advice. Its nice to know that there are people that care enough to want to help.
  10. VeganXTC became Corn Crusher, and my real name became Crazy Love. Both names fit me perfectly. This name generator must be from God! Love your avatar Mr. H!
  11. Thanks Greasy Tech! The boards look awesome! I love partying at the cafe! Lots of new things here that I have no idea what to do with! But I'll have fun experimenting. But my absolute favorite thing on the new boards- SPELLCHECK!! Thank you! Thank you! :) Except ieSpell is not detected on my computer, and I'm not taken to the download page. :( BTW, is there a reply button somewhere on the PM's like there was on the old board?
  12. Drty Dzn told me the same thing. What's that saying about great minds? Thanks, Dot, I will.
  13. Hope, what an excellent post. It lays out what happened in those eras very clearly so even someone like me can understand what happened. I left in April of 84, and then for some strange reason decided to give TWI another try in 89. It was a huge shock to come back, and no one would talk to us about what happened. I don't think anyone really knew everything. I stayed a couple of years before I realized how insane it all was. Thanks, Hope. You helped me see what happened, not only in TWI, but with people's hearts.
  14. VeganXTC


    Happy New Year to all! Oldiesman, is that your cat? I need to get my life better organized, so that's my resolution. I really like the one about not joining a cult! Is anyone doing anything to ring in 2007?
  15. :) Well, I love Greasespot, and I'm thankful for everyone here. My family and friends in CES agree with what JAL said in his letter, that we magnify faults above good, no matter what, and we all feel the same way. I tell them there are some on Greasespot who are (were) part of CES, and some who are with CFF, and there are some who hold VPW's teachings close to their hearts. And I tell them there are some who disagree with everything that was taught, and are traveling on another path. It helps some to see we aren't evil incarnate, and that their leadership lied about us. It helps some to see that all sides will be heard, so they can make a decision.
  16. I agree. And I would add Rascal, and you, WaterBuffalo. I keep calling them. And they keep answering their phones. Even if they act like they don't want to hear, and argue with every point I make, at least there's dialogue. That's got to mean something.
  17. I think that even if the people that I talk with don't want to hear what I have to say, they do go and talk with other CES followers, to see what they think. And maybe some are checking it out, but not admitting it to me. Remember when JAL wrote his letter to people still in TWI, and we (I) was told not to go to hear him speak or we (I) would be in huge trouble spiritually? I wonder if CES/STF tells their followers similar things about Greasespot. They seem to have a lot of wrong information concerning us.
  18. Although I have never been involved in CES/STF in any way, I do have some family and friends that are involved and I have contacted them about what I have learned here. None of them wanted to hear what is happening, especially regarding personal prophecy. They have no respect for Greasespot. They feel we are a TWI offshoot whose sole purpose is to bad mouth anything TWI or TWI related, including other offshoots. When I explain to them we are not a like-minded group, but individuals that hold many different beliefs, some will listen, but not all. Some feel the CES accusers have a hidden agenda. They were wronged in the past, or want more power. I have read some of the documents to some CES followers. The most common response is that the CES leadership is right. (I don't understand how they can all be right if they can't agree with each other.) But there are some who are thinking about what is happening. Everyone I have contacted is praying about the situation. By the way, when I contacted them, they had no knowledge of anything amiss happening in CES/STF. Its pretty sad, and very frustrating.
  19. There are 444 people with my maiden name, but I am the only one with my married name.
  20. I think its pretty creepy, but very accurate. It gives me pause to think I was like those cult members. I'm glad I was never asked to kill anyone while I was with TWI. I'd like to think I would have said no. But I dunno. I did a lot of stupid things in TWI that are unconscionable to me now, and claimed that it was for the movement of the Word. Thanks for sharing this, Dot. Its very interesting.
  21. Well, JAL's ending paragraphs don't sound too loving to me, even though he says he loves me. He presumes to know my heart about why I remain anonymous. He says I lack love and courage. Well, he's wrong. There was a time when he knew my name, and he wasn't loving then either. I don't need to get close to the "nucleus" or buy any CES/STF books. I've already seen how JAL touches lives. I don't need his kind of blessing.
  22. I'm so happy for you! What a great Christmas gift!
  23. What's the difference between a sweet potato and a yam?
  24. We have no snow here in Milwaukee. That huge snowstorm we got that closed the city for the day, melted in a week. And the snowstorm that HAP got came in us in the form of rain. So, we had a wet Christmas. Puddles are everywhere like it was early spring. No flowers though. My daughter was in northern Wisconsin for Christmas, and said there was snow up by her. My mother in Florida said they had tornado warnings! :blink:
  25. Yeah, but in all honesty, vegan mayonaise was an aquired taste. When I was in my early 30's, I had a friend who used Nayonaise, and when I tried it, I hated it. But now, 15 years later, I think it tastes great.
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