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now I see

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Everything posted by now I see

  1. Happy Birthday Dooj-you go girl! This place would not be the same without you, keep on doin' that thang you do!
  2. The Terminator, where it started..go George!
  3. I'd like to see if there's any old timers here from the early years that ever heard vpw speak in tongues fluently. Did he ever do live intermediate classes and demonstrate at length?
  4. How come you're always such a fussy young man Don't want no Captain Crunch, don't want no Raisin Bran
  5. Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard (or Carol Burnett, but that's TV) ------------------- "I'll be back"
  6. Like vpee knew anything about devil spirits or God. Mebee his head hurt like the devil after a long night of drambui dreams! Anything he proclaimed was cherry picked from other's ministry's or from what the early hippies taught him, wasn't there someone here who documented where he got that white heart black heart thing, where he plagerized it from someone else but taught it as if we saw these things. Anything that man taught was directly or indirectly related to either his pocketbook, or what was in his pants, and that's it. Far too much emphasis on da spuritz, far too often people used it against other believers to have power over them. Completely out of balance in twil. RumRunner if horror movies are correct, the spuritz live in the basement!!!!
  7. There's two classics, one older film shot in Mexico the other with a food that is very popular in mexican restaurants.
  8. WW are you naming the South of the border classic?
  9. Hey WordWolf, what other proof do you have, can you share it here? I didn't SIT in session 12 but I did afterward, at home by myself, it was a life changing experience for me too. Now the TIP part I never felt comfortable with, I am a bit introverted and shy with public speaking, so part of that could be me, but I also didn't hardly ever feel inspired to do that part of it as twi taught it should be done. For that matter, I think the rules and regs regarding the manifestation of healing, as twi taught it, were all messed up too, and they limit God excessively.
  10. Thanks T-Bone, me too, the unfortunate thing is, yesterday, I couldn't get the tune out of my head and started humming it while in the kitchen, I quickly made myself hum another tune when I realized what I was doing ((shudder)) and vowed to turn the sound off should I ever watch it again! That guy does look awfuly stiff, and dances sort of jockish, like LCM....eeew..I just grossed myself out.... :(
  11. Socks, fair enough. Thanks for the further explaination, if moving on is what you want, then so be it, it sure does sound like GS is not where it's at right now for you, I wish you well also, I've enjoyed reading your posts in the past and your involvement.
  12. The slur and low rent language clause is a quote from Socks, not from me, I'm not sure we are able to exactly define what words fit into what category, some may classify certain words as common use, while others may not....
  13. So you don't want people to say scumbag or neo natzi, is pervert, liar, plagerist, rapist, deciever, anti christ, womanizer, cheater, manipulator, sociopath, narcisist, msogynist, theif, wolf and criminal ok? Is this the soiled focus you wrote about in your former post, or is that refering to something else? This web board is a pretty tame one compared to others, is it you are wanting innies who come here not to be turned off by the language and negative feelings expressed here? There would have to be some heavy handed moderation in order to maintain this. Is it ok to talk about how trashy some of these people were/are and how despicable some of their acts were/are? I'm not trying to put you on the spot too much, but it seems like you are quick with the put downs when someone doesn't express themselves in the way you think they should, something which I never noticed until recently, which led me to think that there's something really bothering you about GS posters.. It just seems it's more than your disgust of use of slurs and low rent language, I agree with Dooje that using that language has to do more with context... you spelled out the N word, which I found distasteful. I generally respect you and your postings, I just want you to clarify and get it off your chest, please excuse me if I'm a little dense and pollyannish about this topic.
  14. I found a volume of twi's Aramaic interlinear in a used bookstore once.
  15. I dunno, what about the 2nd guy, it's probably not elton?
  16. Gwen steffani elton john? Nib Lara Croft?
  17. How come you're always such a fussy young man, don't want no Captain Crunch,
  18. Excellent analysis WordWolf, what you say here-"He also went into rants that sounded like he was FEARFUL OF WOMEN, and afraid of women being in control of anything affecting him" sounds an awful lot like vpw's relationship with his mother, which set the stage for him to develop into the cruel misogynist he was.
  19. Socks, you are not being forthcoming with this mysterious allusive topic, I keep trying to get you to explain it, but you never do, you are dancing around it and referencing it, without coming right out and saying what it is that is bothering you, you didn't even respond to a direct question about it. I am going to ignore what you did respond to me, out of graciousness, but I am really trying here to understand you, and discover what you mean.
  20. We hold (or should hold) judges to a higher standard, teachers, coaches, athletes, anyone who works with youth/children or the public trust, a priest or minister is in the same category, they are supposed to operate under a higher standard. Anyone who doesn't, should bear the burdon of the consequences when he/she betrays the public trust. Anyone who excuses the actions of such person enables them and should receive the same indictments.
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