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Ron G.

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Everything posted by Ron G.

  1. man shot, stabbed; death by natural causes ruled. Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft. At the tea party, Mrs. Smyth and Mrs. Jarvis poured at both ends. Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures. Crack Found on Governors Daughter. Enfield Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide. Fire officials grilled over kerosene heaters. Fresh B.C. Atlantic fillets. Half of U.S. High Schools Require Some Study for Graduation. He remarked in all seriousness that it was hereditary in his family to have no children. He returned to his duties Monday after several weeks’ absence due to his death. Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors. If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It Could Last Awhile. If the baby does not thrive on fresh milk, it should be boiled. If you use lemon juice, squeeze it from fresh oranges. Iraqi head seeks arms. Is There a Ring of Debris Around Uranus? John Redekop was arrested Saturday by Calgary Police on a charge of drinking while intoxicated. Just before the court sentence, Mr. Williams was asked if he had anything to say. In a calm voice, and without the least sign of emotion, he said nothing. Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant. Kids Make Nutritious Snacks. Killer Sentenced to Die for Second Time in Ten Years. Lawyers Give Poor Free Legal Advice. Legislators tax brains to cut deficit. Lettuce won’t turn brown if you put your head in a plastic bag before placing it in the refrigerator. Local high school drop-outs cut in half. Man found dead in cemetery. Man minus ear waives hearing. Man struck by lightning faces battery charges. Miners Refuse to Work After Death. Miss Penneway is in hospital this morning, after having been bitten by a spider in a bathing suit. New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group. Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over. Pastor aghast at first lady sex position. Police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers. Prostitutes Appeal to Pope. Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges. Served with a writ yesterday afternoon, Mr. Thompson must produce children in court within 24 hours. Several hours passed before the plane was missed, although it had cracked up barely two minutes before takeoff. Ski areas close due to snow. Small boat for sale by widow – with a wide bottom. Someone raised the question of adherence to civil air regulations which limit the flight time of pilots and crows to eight hours a day. Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says. Stud tires out. Teacher Strikes Idle Kids. The bride-elect was showered with pieces of her chosen china. The Chief is inclined to believe that a crossed wife might be the cause of the fire. The foursome took in a number of shows and enjoyed the gal life of the city. The managers of the two Brunswick toy factories will put on night shirts next week. Typhoon rips through cemetery; hundreds dead. Using this new paste, women with copper bottoms will no longer have any trouble keeping them shining like new. The calls started at noon Saturday night. The game began promptly 45 minutes late. The union is seeking a 10% wage increase, plus improved benefits and double time for any day in which the workers work. Then the officers closed in. Johnson was wounded in one hip. A stray bullet killed one bystander slightly. Utah girl does well in dog shows. Wanted: Human cannonball – must be able to travel. Wanted: Widower with school age children requires person to assume general housekeeping duties. Must be capable of contributing to growth of family. War Dims Hope for Peace. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbours, for their kind assistance in the recent destruction of our home by fire. Weather Forecast: Colder tonight, heavy frost if clear. Saturday fair, probably followed by Sunday. When the baby is done drinking, it should be rinsed, unscrewed and laid in a cool place. Woman improving after fatal crash. Women's Movement Called More Broad-Based.
  2. Ron G.

    God Bless Texas

    A couple of nights ago there was a newsman (FOX, NSNBC, CNN?), talking to a Texas judge (AG?), about the possibility of looting in Texas like they had in Nawlins. The judge said that he didn't think it would be a problem, since Texas law said you could shoot, AND KILL (emphasis on "AND KILL" was the judges), anyone looting your home or business. The judge further stated that Texas gunowners had the right AND OBLIGATION to shoot AND KILL anyone who tried to loot their neighborhoods when the police were not able to respond for some reason. The newsman was having a cow. The judge kept saying "shoot, AND KILL". The newsman finally said that sounded rather "draconian", and asked the judge if there had been any "recent rulings" that midigated these laws. The judge said simply, "NO". By now the newsguy didn't know what to say. He turned to the camera and said, "New Orleans evacuees, be forwarned". I was rolling in the floor by that time! GOD BLESS TEXAS!
  3. Been there...done that. I know ALL the fun stuff http://www.testyfesty.com
  4. Happy birthday, you young whippersnapper, you.
  5. Ron G.

    Knocking on My Door

    When I lived in California many years ago, I got to know quite a few Mormon families and noticed quite a few things. Here are some general observations re: Mormons I've known (just MY observations)... They almost always live in well to do neighborhoods They always have pianos in their homes...and some family member invariably teaches piano lessons. They seem to exhibit a mastery of living the "more than abundant life" that TWI could only dream of. They have lots and lots of kids. They have pretty and colorful homes with decorations and pretty pictures on the walls as opposed to the TWI standard stark white walls that were bare except for the obligitory 5x7 portraits of the BOT and reigning MOG du jour. They, for the most part, have cheerful dispositions and a general zest for life. They don't seem to have the disgusting TWI habit of kissing strangers on the mouth at every opportunity. They usually share my political views regarding liberty, self governance and independence and have strong sense of self reliance. Mo and others might disagree with me, but this was just my personal take on it.
  6. Ron G.

    Knocking on My Door

    Freemasonry is weird?
  7. Is there anything stronger than a CAT5? An LCM on steroids, maybe? Ted Kennedy after too much garlic bread? Just wondering.
  8. Ron G.


    In spite of the fact that this subject has been beaten to death time and time again, this sure is a popular thread considering it has no pictures. Can we get pictures?
  9. Hi Cowgirl... I sorta derailed the athletics thread, but if you ever heard a good fiddler play the Virginia Reel at a contradance, you'd know that wasn't such a stretch. I did a google, and to my surprise, guess who showed up? http://www.acousticspectrum.com/bradpage.htm Sssshhhhh...Don't tell 'em what I said about Brandon.
  10. Uh...dmiller....do you know the Apple family?...does the name Brandon Apple ring a bell? He's kinda legendary around these parts. He's been competing and winning since he was a little kid and now if he should place second, windows shatter, resin flies, bows break, chairs get thrown...he acts very bad when he gets barred, too. This was when I knew him back in the mid to late 90's. I've heard he might have grown up since then. His big brother Brad is one of the nicest and most personable guys you'll ever meet...and the best mandolin player to ever pluck 4 strings. Speakin' of fiddle contesters, have you ever heard of Tim Crouch? Just wondering.
  11. Ron G.


    I don't think so, Garth....I think it's a TRANSFIGURATION (metamorphoo).
  12. Ron G.


    Yeah George...you're so smart and maybe all that stuff is true, but pictures don't lie so how do you explain the picture? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
  13. Ron G.


    Preliminary research indicate s that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen orDrinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water you should every day?(No kidding, all of the above is true...) Of course, too much water may have strange side effects...
  14. I entered a tractor pull once and finished fifth out of 8. I might enter another one when I get new rings for my tractor, cuz it smokes so bad it makes the spectators cough. I played right guard in Jr. High football and got creamed so bad in my first game (yes, I know what it is to be a greasespot) I IMMEDIATELY signed up for band and played in the band through college. I "lettered" every year, but basicly, all you had to do to get your letter was show up for everything and win something worthy of a medal in "solo and ensemble" contests. Does that count?
  15. Here I thought this was gonna be a thread about Col. Sanders and I know ALL about fried chicken. Yeah, a Dremel tool is the way to go...I couldn't live without mine. Sears makes one, too and I see Chinese knockoffs on eBay for $10. They even come with tiny little grinding stones and disks and cutting disks. They even make a little table so you can use it like a router or a drum sander. If you have kids, be careful, cuz they LOVE to use it, then leave it out with it's box open, then the dog comes along and knocks it over scattering your dremel tool and all it's little accessories and bits everywhere. Some of the little accessories will fall through the cracks between the floorboards of your workshop and then, since you know snakes go under there from time to time, you don't wanna send the kid down to get it, you just give the kid a stern lecture and go get them yourself. Since there's only about two feet of crawlspace under there, you have to crawl on your belly and you get all dirty and you get cobwebs in your hair. It's not pretty, so be careful.
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5614695213
  17. Yes'm, I would. But if you had a booger in your teeth and broccoli hangin out of your nose, I'd only say something if it made your butt look fat.
  18. Ron G.

    Comfort food

    Fried catfish? Scalloped potatoes? Squash casserole? FRIED OKRA?? What time is dinner? Andrew and I will be right over with the pickled tomatoes, coleslaw and hushpuppies. YUM!!
  19. Maybe we've found a use for the 1000 lb liger....see my post "Fat Cat" http://uk.news.yahoo.com/14092005/80/germa...mal-lovers.html German inventor's "cat fuel" angers animal lovers Reuters Wednesday September 14, 02:43 PM BERLIN (Reuters) - A German inventor has angered animal rights activists with his answer to fighting the soaring cost of fuel -- dead cats. Christian Koch, 55, from the eastern county of Saxony, told Bild newspaper that his organic diesel fuel -- a home-made blend of garbage, run-over cats, and other ingredients -- is a proven alternative to normal consumer diesel. "I drive my normal diesel-powered car with this mixture," Koch said. "I have gone 170,000 km (106,000 miles) without a problem." The website of Koch's firm, "Alphakat GmbH", says his patented "KDV 500" machine can produce what he calls the "bio-diesel" fuel at about 23 euro cents (30 cents) a litre, which is about one-fifth the price at petrol stations now. Koch said around 20 dead cats added into the mix could help produce enough fuel to fill up a 50-litre (11 gallon) tank. But the president of the German Society for the Protection of Animals, Wolfgang Apel, said using dead cats for fuel was illegal. "There's no danger for cats and dogs in Germany because this practice is outlawed in Germany," Apel told Bild on Wednesday in a story entitled "Can you really make fuel out of cats?" "We're going to keep an eye on this case," Apel said.
  20. Ron G.

    Out of Debt

    Congratulations, Oakspear!! Now you can go WOW!! I'm all debt free except for my mortgage, but it's cheaper'n rent.
  21. Ron G.

    A Fat Cat

    Hercules...a liger....1000 lbs...10 ft tall on his hind legs
  22. After serious consideration and meditation, the burning question I would have to ask is "How often do you have covered dish dinners?" I went back to the Methodist Church which is how I grew up. They actually do things to help people with needs in the community and welcome everyone with love and don't clobber them over the head with doctrines.
  23. STOP THE PRESSES! New headline... Ron G. AGREES wholeheartedly with GarthP2000 Garth proceeds to argue with Ron, anyway. Film at 11
  24. Ron G.

    pets and katrina

    I wonder if there are any displaced farm animals...horses...goats...hogs...mules...donkeys. Anyone have any idea where I might find out?
  25. Belle, We all suffer from news overkill and when some extra dreadful event occurs, then we can barely absorb it all. Sunday, we buried our friend and neighbor, Odie Ray, who finally lost his battle with diabetes, Monday we all saw the storm. While the storm raged, our friend and Andrew's Sunday school teacher, Merle L., lost his fight with cancer. Being such a small community, we get to deal with these losses together. We're all in it together. It's always a shared experience...so the impact is far less intense. Most folks like you don't necessarily have that luxury. All you can do is get away from all the news...watch some cartoons. Most everyone here said it all better than I ever could. You're a special lady and you've got our prayers, thoughts and love.
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