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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. Like believing, spiritual is a spiritual word for the spiritually spiritual. One must not over-spiritualize, as it is critical in spiritual awareness to remain focused on the spiritual and not allow spiritual awareness to self reflect upon the spiritually discerned, for a spiritual understanding is dependent upon that.
  2. Next, I am going to apply the Law of Believing to breathing. *inhales . . . Exhales* I'm pretty good at believing. Clearly works. The tricky part is not believing to believe bigger . . . It's the believing to believe believing and just believe. Once one becomes accustomed to believing anything, then anything can be believed to have been accomplished, by believing.
  3. So if Everyone insists Mike is wrong then Mike is right. Does that mean if Mike is right about something Everyone else is wrong? What if Mike insists HE is wrong? Then Everyone insists he is wrong, Making Mike right? If Everyone insists Mike is right, . . . Then he must insist he is wrong
  4. That was considerate of the writer. I had lost count. Nonsense can be silly and wake up your brain cells, according to Dr Suess. Or it can just waste your time. Must be a fine line. I once got lost in this analogy and tripped over it. Wasn't sure what side I was on.
  5. "Perfect" is utopian thinking. Like the Tower of Babbel. Where everyone worked toward perfection together and then became divided.
  6. He could show some emotion too. How else does one write so much and say nothing at all?
  7. Ok Dude . . in the meantime I'll keep my eyes on this red dot . . . . in case it moves . . . better safe than sorry.
  8. Your argument is that The Word, by which you mean a book, is objective. And people can't agree unless something objective exists? Is this the case? Are values objective?
  9. Oh I had them both pinned recently, was about to declare victory . . . and forgot about the third . . .
  10. Nice! Yes, I resort to my dead weight to assert my dominance here, too
  11. The Word = Jesus Christ So Jesus Christ takes the place of Jesus Christ? Quite the switcharoo
  12. Had something worked or not worked . . . it was opportunity for TWI to assert their dominance. Take credit if things go well . . . feign disappointment if things don't . . . they have imaginary standards to uphold. Mike just said "Yes problems arose from this" because he doesn't care. The system is more important than the person. (Someone else did care, and your son is doing much better?)
  13. Sideways yes . . . Kids are born, and then as Piaget pointed out in your link, kids talk out loud to themselves . . . so there's a conversation going on in some form . . . within ourselves. When does life begin? When do we first converse with ourselves? . . . (I don't know) . . . but the concept of the individual shouldn't be assumed or taken for granted. I'm not you and you're not me and we each came to that conclusion independently. (I'm assuming ) Boundaries there could be agreed upon implicitly or explicitly. Using Jiminy Cricket as a metaphor for our conscience, we can develop a strong conversation or a weak one, a strong bond with our own conscience, or a weak one. . . . . There's some work and energy involved. I'm thinking boundaries are a by-product of the establishment of this internal dialogue. What's the boundary between our conscience and our inner critic? (The narcissist we know sees only the inner critic as a god to be appeased). . . . . Followers of TWI tend to use VPW as currency between each other. Like a hand shake, or a hello. This is how they validate and acknowledge each other. Is this a by-product of the inner dialogue?
  14. At some point each mind has to decide they are a separate entity from the rest of the matter in the universe. Don't they? Interesting we just assume we each are individuals in the first place. "Body of Christ", "being of one accord", "like-minded" . . . renewing one's mind to the borg mindset? A narcissist is a person truncated in early development, the self is ossified, the universe is a threatening mother. With all that fear there's no time to think of others. . . . But as believers . . . we have no fear . . .
  15. I think it was Himmler, kept a small book on his person, probably Mein Kampf. But he had to remind himself why he was doing what he was doing. (I'm searching for a source). I thought is was noteworthy he pushed that ideology into himself. It reminds me of collaterals or retemories . . . renewing one's mind . . . it's a continual practice to subdue oneself and actively participate in your own dissociation. With personality disorders, like antisocial personality disorder (sociopath), it's as if there is no self to subdue. The commands come from within, not from the outside. Hitler I've heard was likely a borderline.
  16. Do we tear down this statue? Or do we leave it? Is it history? Are we offended by history? It may have been wrong but the cause was just, right?
  17. I was born, I'm told, due to miracle healings after concerted prayer in TWI. I'm occasionally reminded about this, at times from people I don't know. What irritates me to no end is that one stupid moment is more important than the tens of thousands of moments since. What good is a miracle if that moment pauses life, ignoring everything else that goes on? You got blessed one time or ten times 30, 40, 50 years ago . . . What goes on every day since? This is the work of an anemic God. Only good for a few tricks, after which his followers stop living life, since they've hit their peak now. Remember that one time? Yeah, one time? Good for you. Loser. The witness of the lives of the followers of The Way speaks. A long time ago they got blessed. And then they stopped growing as people. What's to look forward to? What has been built? What sort of legacy is "I got really blessed and learned a lot"? How would anyone be in awe of THAT God?
  18. I'm picturing someone for whom ostracism is of no concern. For most people that would be a threat. Long ago ostracism meant death. But I guess someone could just hop from group to group. (Sociopathy are sometimes called antisocial personality disorder, a member of cluster B)
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