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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. NO (yes it is funny) YOU made comments about human dynamics and proceeded to generalizations between good and bad cults. You made no indication of where lines are crossed, and where they are not. The dihydrogen monoxide reference is about YOU, Mike.
  2. You can't describe the difference between good and bad, either.
  3. I'm saying you compared good cults and bad cults without saying anything. Your inability to get detailed and only speak in generalizations means you have no practical knowledge of what you're talking about.
  4. I'm sure you've heard the "Ban Dihydrogen monoxide" joke, Mr. Academia. The dose is the poison. Why is a good cult good and a bad cult bad? Because good is good and bad is bad? Stupid is stupid.
  5. I hope posting The Word doesn't imply anything
  6. Great Principle = Trojan Horse holy spirit = inflated ego Renewed Mind = False Self Absent Christ = Repressed Self The Word = Shared Fantasy God = A void
  7. We agree on the shuddering . . . and I think that is important . . . that instinctive reaction to something being wrong Extreme Narcissists are little children in adult bodies. A grown adult wants to imitate like a small child, . . . . imitate who? Or be imitated? By who? And why?
  8. Babies imitate from early on, https://jacobsfoundation.org/why-imitation-in-early-childhood-is-crucial/ But it's also pointed out that it's important parents imitate the child, which I assume most of us do naturally. . . . and as mentioned mirroring (imitating) occurs in the love-bombing process . . . harkening back to early stages of development, it appears.
  9. *shudders* The Word takes the place of the Absent Self. The In-Authentic Self.
  10. Interesting there is a connection between imitating and love bombing. Since love-bombing involves imitating. (mirroring can be flattering) Witness in Wayworld involves a lot of love-bombing. If that's not obvious.
  11. Why do you choose the word, "imitating"? Imitate writtings?
  12. I'm no expert, but shouldn't there be more than one?
  13. Personally, I use my soap box to get high on a horse when tilting a windmills.
  14. As Yahweh was part of a pantheon where he was a son of El, and the two merged into one god, along with possibly others . . . . . So with Christ and others Personally I view the Trinity as a Process . . where long term stability and change and updates meet . . among other things . . . Why can't he be present and not present at the same time? VPW was likely a Malignant Narcissist. I don't know those who vehemently disagree on that. Inside of the narcissist is a religion which in turn is projected outward. Of course he dressed in obscurity's clothing. So the doctrinal reasons for a paradox are one thing. Sorting apparent contradictions are a work of showmanship, and something else. At least I thought you pointed that out before.
  15. From reading this site and personal observation, and the commentary on the video posted, people want to belong somewhere. When good alternatives are lacking I'm assuming delinquent organizations become more popular.
  16. It is awful. But these things are on the rise. On another thread I posted a video where someone discussed why cults are attractive, and it's related to why suicide, mass shootings, crime and such have risen lately. So although this person was associated with TWI, they may have been involved for the same reason they committed suicide. I also would like to blame TWI for all things that are wrong, but TWI is ultimately a symptom, not a cause.
  17. Our state did the registration tent. I remember red is WOW. But then there was white, green or yellow and blue. I think blue was advanced class and white was no class . . Yeah getting fuzzy.
  18. I originally ended up at a school because of the free ride, and not because they taught what I was studying. Then it was witness witness witness the thing I couldn't understand, The Word. And was told studying "The Word" affects your grades. After dropping out of school, because The Way (The people now in, is it R&R?, were major part of that) Even then there all sorts of stupid decisions because of the debt policy twisting goals. For all the grants and scholarships choosing lesser options in education had long term costs. Of course J@ckie Horn@y wanted that all turned into a "victory sharing". She and Ed tried to repeat BG over here. Such unnecessary BS. Undermine futures and claim credit for any success.
  19. I don't know why they didn't just demote the colors. You know, from blue to green. Instead of M&Aing. Could have pushed and pulled people and retained their abundance fleecing.
  20. And a fellowship of the ring is a circular fellowship.
  21. My, you have a list? That sounds important. You must be important. I should be in awe. *dons sunglasses at night*
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