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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. damn, charlene. you must be the first agnostic preacher on the face of the planet ;) rock on yes yes and yes. blood is on my hands for being dumb. yes i've apologized to my kids but actually that's been more like a long series of conversations rather than, "sorry, won't do it again". and my kids are one of the reasons i want to model normal christianity as opposed to cult christianity - for them. now its more figuring out where God is moving in and out of churches and where He is not. at least from my perspective anyway. "the truth" as we knew it was a ploy to use small insignificant sections of scripture to gain trust and loyalty - like 4 crucified, how many died, etc. whether they are more or less accurate than a church gospel account to me seems a bit less significant than whether the group will suck you in, use you up and spit you out. there are real christians in churches who will love you and not manipulate you. and they may have less of a bible understanding in some categories than some of us but that doesn't matter. why? because love more than makes up for it.
  2. remarkably well adjusted stuff for a cult member ;) a lot of us here are stronger and smarter than we think. except for some of us where its the opposite ;)
  3. small town jv player "invents" the hook shot. don't even think kareem abdul jabbar claimed that. he had a few more points.
  4. charlene my wife although i can't speak for her directly i can share she felt very lorded over in the way and yes due to the teachings the modeling and the BS. i was always pretty chill i guess if i was too much of a dbag she would have left me by now but we have kids and dogs and all that so i guess im all right. all i got to say is triangles on a chart never taught me how to live life and if i wanted a dishrag im sure i would have brought one on my list to bring into corpse. but yes all that stuff they taught on that was dumb as h3ll. if that aint about two equals then its one playing god and that's downright exhausting and people suck at it.
  5. goodness has nothing to do with it. you knew exactly what the marriage would have been like and bailed. smart girl. many were a lot stupider.
  6. Of the two living in the basement, one was pushing for ordination. She would "out" other gay people and get them kicked out. This was all to keep the attention off themselves. One more example of hidden lifestyles, lust for power, and devastation in many lives intersecting. then there was that thread about d0nna's sister and the ge0rge girl living it up as a couple in the corpse chalet. I couldn't find it in search. I think there were several other corpse women like that. Not any men I don't think - if they were around they were really scared. to me it's not even about the lifestyle is so horrible and ungodly and they should be stoned to death by redneck men. it's more the case of the murder committed to cover up the 7-11 robbery. a secret lifestyle combined with self preservation and a lust for power. cross one of the spiritual "elite" even slightly, and the wagging of the fingers and hands and poof they would disappear. someone wants to fix the way? go resurrect all the dead bodies that have floated out from behind the captain's wake. Yes I believe you are right here. Severe overcompensation. He was cuckolded by a bisexual and went off the deep end. then exiled and kept under wraps through a free house and money.
  7. Hey Bolshevik, Where did you ever find that picture of me? I'm the one in the middle looking cool with those glasses and that cane. LOL. I wish I would have known. Might have saved me a few years.
  8. Like Blade Runner. One of the best cult classics of all time. The Way did make it on to The Soup. I guess you could call that little number a cult classic.
  9. You know what wouldnt surprise me? If Rosie all of a sudden puts the kibosh on some of the more openly displayed hidden lesbian relationships going on around hq and corpse. To whitewash the image, deny the hidden culture, distance herself from the past. You know, put some more cult in culture, that kind of shizzle.
  10. Two words - Bullingers alsos.
  11. A greater problem than what was taught was what was modeled. Vic yelled at his wife, treated her like shiz, ran around on her with girls half his age, and built a little elitist swinger culture. Her overheard comment at his grave was he was a mean man. My own father was a better Christian model of a husband. But we looked to that idiot for guidance in those categories. He taught the class on it despite being personally unqualified due to his life.
  12. The part of the culture hidden was not the outward part, but that which people testify of here, the elitist hidden culture of the Pharisees, how they use people and ruin lives, feeding their own lusts for sexual gratification and power over others.
  13. I was just thinking about this. Most organizations whether business or religion have an otganizational culture that defines them. So what's the difference between an organizational culture and a cult? CULTURE CULT When you've got that large of a portion of culture that is hidden from everyone's view, what do you have? That's right spelling fans.
  14. Thx for the reference d. It helps the brain to catalog. rock on.
  15. Because they teach tithe/ABS consistently, ensure it's on the teaching calendar, track the donations of each individual member both at the twig level and at HQ overstepping boundaries in people's lives, and take action against people according to their perceived level of giving. And yes they still do this, in spite of trying to convince people they are a leopard that has changed its spots. Why else would they gently encourage people not to throw cash in the horn, but a check? But no, they don't ASK people for money. It's just part of the unspoken hidden agenda of a CULT to hide that part of how they behave and their culture, and to lure people in with good words and fair speeches.
  16. See. Now I can never say the Way didn't teach me anything. ;) They taught me about themselves without even knowing it. LOL.
  17. You know I remember reading about some of the Catholic popes and that church through the Crusades and the period up before Martin Luther. I remember reading about a large pond next to a monastery that when they drained it had the skeletons of over 300 infants in it. The monks were in one building together. The nuns were in another. Somehow this discussion about twit leadership behavior and abortion seems to bring this to mind. It is remarkably similar. For them - the ethics of expediency. Regardless of the murder involved.
  18. I may be crazy, but whenever I watch like JAL, or read some BS written by some of these offshoot guys, the question pops into my mind "how can a parasite survive sucking blood from another parasite?" It's a dilemma. It's a paradox. It's a conundrum. Or it would be a good thing if it hadn't been chewed up, swallowed, regurgitated on the floor, mixed with a hidden elitist lifestyle, and the vomit reformed into nice little prepackaged MRE's for the next generation.
  19. Or I should have had one before writing ;) I mean that they are still running foundational classes. the new one is on DVD with 3 teachers, and they are recruiting people for it, signing them up, and continuing on the same way they always have. I have personal knowledge of details of this. So that's why I continue to add my voice alongside those like DWBH, skyrider, charlene, yourself, and others here. so 20 years down the road from this point we don't have any more stories like Dana's. or mine. or yours. or any of ours.
  20. Thx for all the detail DWBH and penworks too. I was actually unaware of early family corpse sexcapades but it doesn't surprise me. IMO why VPW is not listed on theway.org is largely due to this site and search engine indexing. Rosie tried for a while to whitewash the vic's image but failed. They don't use the foreheads class and haven't since his exile to akron. They had corpse teach live from the foreheads syllabus for a while. Then they made another one with Rupp and a couple other teachers. So now they can bury the past, whitewash it over, and keep the $$$ flowing in by "letting the Word do the work" running a new indoctrination series. They are running them now. Through coincidence I found out where a friend works the resident mental patient employee is signed up and has other mental patient grads love bombing them. So what do I say about all this? Their sins they have hidden in their small little hearts, have not confessed it or changed, so it will be shouted from the rooftops. Let those who seek wisdom read and learn.
  21. This is the truth. Any genuine movement of God happened with the young and the genuine lifestyles for God they lived and do live. The sellout crustaceans at HQ live for the worship of their own thoughts and supposed spiritual wisdom.
  22. This is a great discussion. One of the things I've been reflecting on related to this is identity for a young person 20 - 30 is largely set by modeling. VPW, LCM, and RFR all modeled and do model cult behavior. They all have / had secret lives as opposed to living out in the open. The secrecy of their sin led to them building upon a false foundation. Each has or had absolute power and answered to nobody in the org. The lie each of them live as I John says prevents any genuine ministry. The lives each have ruined either directly or through the culture of sin, lies and secrecy they built will testify against them at the return. Examples of this abound. My identity was set primarily as a cult Christian. It has needed to be reset to that of a normal Christian. One who views all churches as the body, not one small group of bigoted idiots. One who doesn't look down the nose at other Christians due to their supposed lack of knowledge. One who wouldnt start an argument with Raf over SIT at this date because it just matters so little compared to love and rescue. One who doesn't care if a church splashes someone because it supposedly went out with an administration but tithing didnt. I've changed a lot over the last year. Leave the Way in your rear view mirror. After a bit you'll feel normal again
  23. OMFG. Dana. No words. Is your family OK? Husband, kids?
  24. You guys have me reminiscing about ROA stories now. What a walking cluster #!/&* that was. Reading through all this now I'm thinking "how the hell did they get me to put up with all this BS?" I guess they moved the boundaries in my life an inch at a time a year at a time until they owned me mostly. But you can never fully own a free heart. But you can micromanage a ministry into non-existence all while being catered to hand and foot and living in a house Way Builders built that you own but didn't pay for the labor on. What kind of seared heart would do that all while forcing followers to live under the burden of a landlord? Just one more 2 bit example of sin, ego, and mistreating the followers of Jesus who go to your church and trust you.
  25. my thoughts were more along the lines of the evil leech-like qualities of twi have not changed since the last generation. meaning it's sin to take out student loans to have a secular career. then once a person navigates that, starts to get in a place where they can work and prosper, they leech on to that. bring them in to live in a trailer or a dorm and be under direct servitude of her holiness. for what purpose was the degree and the approx $75k that represents? plus the pharm school at about that as well. $150k of schooling all for what? a more honest approach would be for the ministry to send kids to actually get trained in places where degrees are accredited, sponsor some careers as ministers. if that's what they want to do. but oh no. "the world" has nothing to teach these idiots. plus probably a year at a divinity school would smarten the kids up where they would never return. i heard someone mention once a direct quote from the BODummies about the over 100 years of combined spiritual wisdom that brain trust had. there is probably an OT mule with their name on it. -RNR- would be the brand. but yes, another 12 years and the resume faces some serious opportunities. grandiose titles at twi have translated to jobs delivering packages and in collections when the rubber meets the paycheck. H0rneys last i heard were in nevada and in twi but who knows. he always was pursuing mountains - he's a physical therapist, and she was writing novels under a pseudonym. was their kid a marine? they are in a weird catch 22 where they have enough blackmail info to get mostly what they want but will never be in power. F0rt - last i heard he was working for some believer dude's company in indiana and they were in. i actually think that one is more of a familial clinging with them hanging in there - cindy being howards daughter. of your other listed people i think i knew 6 but not sure of all their details.
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