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Grace Valerie Claire

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Everything posted by Grace Valerie Claire

  1. Wow WW, I did not know that! Is one better than the other, or are they equal? I think VPW had an advanced degree in Cow Sheet!
  2. Yeah!! I too, am a big fan of John Grisham. I can say this today, but years ago, I was aghast at what we were told in PFAL; put away your worldly books, and read nothing but PFAL books. Or something along those lines. Even back in 1978, when I first took the class, I thought that was garbage. No way was I going to let anyone dictate to me what I did, or did not read.
  3. How can Rosie and Donna go thru life knowing what evil they did to so many people? But to get to the top of the mountain, they sold their souls to the Devil, as the new person in charge did; the man from Canada. I will never, never understand this type of sick, warped-out behavior. Are people who practice this type of evil, twisted as kids, or did they become this way due to what they learned from TWI? For years, I thought that perhaps I needed to harden my heart to do The Word!! Finally, I am beginning to understand that God loves the pure in heart; I just wanted to know God, and to help others if I could. To me, moving The Word meant increasing in my knowledge of the the love God has for me; it seems like TWI, along with other religions, made something beautiful , into something wicked. The reason? To make money for worldly pleasures, IMO.
  4. Randy, the little kids in these movies are so cute; I wanted to hug, and kiss them!! But, at the same time, I felt sorry for them. I wonder how their lives were affected by their time in TWI.
  5. Hi CD!! Wow, where did you learn to write like that??!! In MHO, you are a true Wordsmith!! I too am new to posting at the GSC, but so much of you said, in your post is sadly true. Since coming to the GSC, I have learned about the great number of longtime staff members that TWI has let go!!! OMG!!! These people probably had some idea that that if they worked for TWI in their Salad Days. they would be taken care of, in their Golden Years. Instead, far too many found out during the eleventh hour, that TWI cruelly threw them away out, like a used diaper. Every time I read this, I get seriously p----- off!!! Many of these people have no retirement plans, no pensions, no savings, no SS; nothing!!! TWI made promises to these people to take care of them when they entered their Senior Years, and now, TWI is defaulting on their promises when these staffers need them the most!!! How ungodly. and inhumane can one organization be! Yes, I am sure the people on the top rungs of TWI, have made plans concerning THEIR retirement. What concerns me is how the rank-and- file will live when they leave TWI's payroll. I am almost old enough to retire, and I have options. Many of TWI's former staff, lack options. TWI is sitting on piles of ABS; they are far from being bankrupt, yet the leaders will not share the wealth with most of the former staff members. How evil, and uncaring TWI is!!
  6. Thanks!! Yes, My names often confuse people. I really, enjoy my time, at GSC!! Years ago, I felt that TWI was not what it seemed; but I really felt I had no one to voice my concerns with. Maybe, I didn't see the big picture, maybe I was wrong, but I just felt that something was wrong with TWI, but in the Twigs I attended, everyone acted as if everything was wonderful in TWI land. I really do think if most people in TWI, had known about the evil that existed in some of the Twigs, they would have left much sooner, than they did. I know I would have; and taken my ABS with me. I can not believe how long I stayed, not knowing the depth of evil that existed in it'd ranks!! Most of the peons like me, just wanted to hear The Word, and fellowship in God's love, and mercy. I think somehow some of it's leaders forgot about God, and succumbed to to various vices; drinking, lust, worldly riches. Me, I kept my head on straight, and did not get caught up in any immorality. After ten years, I left. I know that I have nothing to be ashamed of concerning my time in TWI, but after coming to the GSC, I know this can not be said of some of it's leaders. I left in 1988, and I know TWI had started to go to h--l before I left. But I think one of the joys about the GSC, is that people understand my experiences with TWI, and help me process them. I feel for the first time, free to question some of what I went thru. i find it very liberating!!
  7. Really, I had no idea of how some kids growing up in TWI had it! Some of the posters at GSC have written what it was like growing up in TWI. I had a very, very harsh childhood myself, but I have learned here at the Spot stunned me!! Some kids around every few years, some kids stated that everyone was allowed to use a wooden spoon on them. Some kids left, but their parents stayed. I'm sure that caused quite a few heartbreaks for both parties. I could go on and on, but I know that I had no idea of what some of The Way kids went through. TGS has been a real eye opener for me; a lot of it has been ugly. I think for decades, I and other people on the field were lied to over, and over again. I know if I had known about all the sheet that went down behind the scenes, I would have left, much sooner. That might be the reason why a lot of things concerning TWI were glossed over; if people had known what went on, they would have left sooner, and taken their money with them. God, even with Godly people, at times it really is about the money.
  8. Hi!! Does anyone have any idea where RR is going to live after her retirement?? I'm sure most people here at the Spot, don't care. But, I think RR might not want to go back to her hometown in NC. I think she has really good political skills; how else could she have risen to the top in TWI. I think of all the good that someone in her position could do, and it sickens me that she has done so many unholy things; again I should state that I do not know the woman. All I know of her is what I have read about her here at the Spot. But, if what I have read about her is true, than I feel for the people who worked for her. So few people seem to like her; I wonder if her co-workers will be glad to get rid of her.
  9. Well, the last time I checked, I was a woman who joined the Navy!! I love this poster!! Anyhow, to add my few pennies, I think VBW was a sick man!! A few years ago, a woman posted here at the Cafe, and she described in detail how she had been sexually abused, by a top leader in TWI. OMG!!! IIRC, I think the man who abused her was VPW!!! I know she made me cry when she described in detail how this man( VPW?) had raped her!! I know some people here at the Spot may live in a different than mine, but the way she described her experience was heartbreaking. If she was making this up, shame on her; but I think it really happened to the poor woman!!! I had, a hard, hard time reading about her experience. It was so sad; she broke my heart! How could any man do that to a woman??!! If a man did that to a young girl/ woman today, his azz would be in prison!! And this was just one woman describing her experience with a powerful TWI leader. It made me realize that several many, many people were abused by people in TWI; so many people who just wanted to love God, and help people were victimized by the leaders. I know that someday God will deal with all the evil people in, and out of TWI, but I was furious that so many people were so hurt!
  10. Thanks!! I love posting, and reading the posts here at the Greasespot!! I must admit I did have some wonderful times in TWI. But some of the things , never made sense. For example, I thought the AC was a waste of time and money!! And I knew .when I was Twig in RI, we were encouraged to go three times, or more a week. No way did I do that! Also, everyone was encouraged to go Corps. No way!! People told me to go Corps, instead of enlisting in the Navy. As it turned out, It was of God for me to join the military. It was a lot is little things that years later made me realize that people in TWI sometimes had no idea what they were talking about!! But when I come here, I start to understand my TWI experience, and can put in perspective.
  11. Skyrider, you are so right!! I attended my first Twig in 1978 in Va Beach, Va. People were always happy to see you, and you could go to any Twig you wanted. It was great. You could go to Twig as often, or as little as you liked. Back then, your personal business was your's !! I noticed the longer I stayed in TWI, the more legalistic it became. It seemed to me that everyone wanted to tell you how to run your life. It seemed as if the love of God was missing. Also, I agree with you about all the meetings. Boring, boring, boring!!!
  12. OMG!!!! How on earth do people who work for TWI sleep at night??!! I am so glad I got out years, and years ago!! Have these people no shame, or guilt??!!
  13. Wow!! And to think that at one time, I thought growing up in NK had it made!! Wow! I was so wrong!!
  14. Wow!! Great posts people!! Oh, Penworks: Congs on your new book! When can we read it? I love your postings about your time in The Way!!
  15. Hello!! My name is Grace Claire, and I am new to posting on the GSC. I have never meet RR nor heard any of her teachings. I notice that not one person has posted any nice about her. I think that this speaks volumes about her style of leadership. Even LCM and VPW, had supporters. However, I have yet to read anything that speaks of her kindness, thoughtfulness, or great leadership skills. I am not judging her, but after all the years that she has been the head of TwI, I think that when no one has anything good to say about her, that she probably did not do a very good job as the head wannabe of the organization. Just a thought!!
  16. Thanks!! Please forgive me for laughing my butt off, but that way that was written, made me laugh! However, it was also true!! If I was the new leader of TWI, I would leave at once! However, because it has taken him years to get "the big chair" he probably will stay and be as corrupt as the other leaders have been. How money/ power hungry can one man/ woman be? I am so thankful for the GSC, to learn that I was not the corrupt person I thought I was; it was TWI that was sick!!
  17. So if RR is leaving, is she taking Donna with her?? Does anyone know anything about her replacement, other than he is a male Canidian citizen? I left TWI in 1988, and no nothing about her replacement.
  18. Hello everyone, I am a "Newbie" here at the GSC. I was in TWI from 1978-1988. George, I think you are right; a lot of the Way kids were jerked around a lot. As for me, 1984 was an important year for me; I decided that I was going to take AC 1985, and after I finished I was going to join the Navy. I took the AC in Rome City, IN in the summer of 1985. OMG!! I expected to learn a lot of "hot Bible." Instead, I damn near froze to death in RC. For some reason, the AC was on full-blast all the time. I guess we either had to sweat or freeze for the two weeks we were there; I can!t remember the reason. It was so cold; I wore my coat, and a blanket to keep warm. Well, I kept warm; I slept thru most of the class. When I was awake, I heard a lot of s--t. What a huge disappointment for me; I spent a lot of time and money on hearing a lot of right-wing nonsense. I couldn't wait to get back to Albany, and get warm. I realized when I finished the AC, that it was time for me to join the Navy. For those of you who have never been in the military, it was a huge shock for me to go from college, to boot camp. I hated it, and could not wait to leave!! I spent the next five years in the Navy, and got out in 1990. As much as I hated the Navy, I know that it was of God for me to join. Every month, I get disability money. When I get sick, I go to the VA Hospital, I know a lot of people wanted be to go Corps but I knew that was not what God wanted for me; He wanted me to join the Navy. I know a lot of the people who worked for TWI for decades, were kicked out when it was time for them to retire. What an ungodly thing to do to godly people. I had some good times in TWI, in the 80's, but I think my Naval Experience was a lot better for me than going Corps would have been.
  19. Great posts people!! Yes Belle, I know what you mean!! For years, I thought I had "a bee in my bonnet." After coming to the GSC, I realize that most of my perceptions of TWI, were right! But I thought, how could I think that there was so much BS in TWi, because I thought this was "God's Ministry. Wow! The GSC has taught me that there was a lack of compassion, love, honestly, kindness, ect., in TWI. I remember hearing a number of teaching tapes on the love of God, and then having TWI send their WOWs out hungry. My WOW was such a hard year for me, because I saw how money was the heart of TWI, yet I was expected to love others with the LOG, yet the Ministry was not treating the bulk of it's people with the LOG. IMHO, TWI was not doing any meaningful Godly work.
  20. Great posts everyone!! I remember what a stir the PooP created in TWI back in 1986 when it came out. WOW! Until I read it for myself, I had no idea of what had ben going on behind the scenes at TWI; I was shocked that everything at HQ wasn't all sweetness and light. In my Twig in RI, everything was great; classes were running, attending fellowship was still fun, and believers were being blessed. I know because I was there; when I found out that much of TWI was going thru hard times , I was shocked. So when CG wrote his PooP paper, I had no idea of what was happening outside of RI. I can well understand though, why so many people left. Many of the leaders in TWI, were abusing people, cheating on their spouses, and not living Godly lives. Years later, I realized that Geer himself was not the MOG he pretended to be. After coming to the GSC, I learned that LCM was also a fraud. These two men, and others had caused any number of believers a great deal of grief, and sorrow. My heart bleeds for those who were used by the so-called leaders in TWI. And still some people have no idea, or don't care, about how destructive TWI turned out to be. I can not believe that TWI is still in operation. Why? I guess it is still all about the money; when the money is gone, TWI will probably disband, IMHP.
  21. Again, everyone thank you for this information. To this day, I still can not understand how VPW escaped involvement in the US Military during WWIi. I can not believe that I found out after he died, what a slime ball, VPW really was. If I had known what he was really like, I would never gotten involved with TWI.
  22. Wow!! WW, excellent job in breaking this down, and explaining it. If I may, I would like to add my two cents; forgive me for sounding petty. To this day, it ticks me off that a football player who never went WOW got a WOW pin. I had a very tough time on the WOW field, and went thru hell to finish the year. Yet this man who never went WOW, received a special ceremony where he got a pin he did not deserve. When I first read about this in a Way Mag, I was ticked. TWI made a big deal about giving him this pin, simply because he made big, big bucks playing football. I noticed that when Tony Collins failed his drug tests, TWI never said a thing about it. In TWI, some people were given special treatment if they had money and fame. If you were a peon like me, you got nothing. Forgive me again for being petty, but this behavior really ticked me off.
  23. Wow!! For sure, I am glad that I did not go Way Corps. Instead of going Corps, God had me join the Navy. So many people in the Way Corps were used, and abused; not all of them of course. When I read stories at GSC of what some of them went through, it breaks my heart. So many good people got caught up in something so evil.
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