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Mark Sanguinetti

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Everything posted by Mark Sanguinetti

  1. Grizzy, out of all the people posting here that have not had direct experience with Momentous I have perhaps been the most adament and at times encouraging about people sharing their personal experience with Momentous. With regard to my recommendation of it, pro or con, I can only go by the fruits that I have seen in the people that I know personally that have taken it. Since I live near the headquarters of Momentous I have seen the lives of some of these people first hand. It clearly has not helped them. Primarily I have seen a great deal of alcoholism amoung Momentous grads soon after taking this class. In fact, of the four people that I know best that took Momentous, three of them became alcoholics after the Momentous training. And the fourth was also a heavy drinker and was a marginal alcoholic. No names please. These four people all took Momentous 10 years ago. All four people are no longer involved with Momentous and their alcoholism is now mostly under control. In fact, three of the four no longer drink at all. The health problems that this caused them are considerable. One is even on the waiting list for a liver transplant. Another has serious feet problems and can not stand for long periods. However, the three that no longer drink are doing better health wise. The route they were taking could have resulted in early death for them. Perhaps they all had an alcoholism problem before Momentous? However, if Momentous is so great how come this problem seemed to flair up after taking this class and why did this problem not get under control during their Momentous involvement? Why did it only get under control after they were no longer involved?
  2. Paw: The old Grease Spot Cafe web site used to accept HTML coding. The last time I tried this new web site it did not. Can you make this site also accept HTML coding? Thank You.
  3. Yep Sky4It, I offered Liar Liar a similar challenge as you on 3 separate posts here. The guy is likely all bark and no brains, but I hope he is having a good time here. Have fun LiarLiar, but try not to pee on anyones leg. I suppose trees and fire hydrants are O.K. though.
  4. Sky4it: I scanned the first part of the thread that you started. It looks like you have made some excellent biblical points. I will look at what you have written more closely after my work day. Thanks.
  5. Victor may have led thousands to Jesus Christ, but then Victor replaced looking to Jesus with looking to his organization and religious hierarchy faster than most of us could blink one eye. http://www.waychrist.com/Lordship_JC.htm
  6. Thanks for the detailed description of a typical Momentous training Steve. That was very enlightening. I only wish more people had the honesty, courage and love for people that you show.
  7. Satori, I am glad you found at outlet for your creative writing skills which are considerable. Go in peace my one time rival and may the force be with you.
  8. LiarLiar: So you want to challenge us? I have a challenge for you also. Your idol Victor Wierwille not only was guilty of sin unbecoming of a household fellowship coordinator. He also spread doctrinal and practical error with his use of the Way Tree as a religious hierachical power structure. Victor's only reason for the Way Tree was so that he could extend religious and financial control on God's people involved with his ministry. If you are up for a challenge compare the teaching from the below link with Victor's use of the Way Tree as a religious power structure and then get back to me. This is a legitimate challenge. Now we can see if you are more than just a loud bark. http://www.waychrist.com/Lordship_JC.htm 3rd request. Liar Liar as long as you post here I am going to keep posting the above with the link. Victor Wierwille had not only practical error and sin in his life, but he also had a great deal of doctrinal error. The above is important to look at in order to understand what was behind Wierwille's biblically unsound and very self serving religious dogma.
  9. Grizzy, my mistake. I had forgotten about Yanga or however he spells it. Now let's here more from Steve L. as he has more actual incidents to relate regarding Momentous compared to the others here. After the deception of Momentous has been revealed, if people still want to sign up for it then, as far as I am concerned, they are more than welcome to this. Grizzy, are you now a Momentous candidate?
  10. Grizzy, are you being mindfully dishonest, was that just an honest mistake or did I miss someones post here? You said that 3 people here were pro regarding Momentous. Other than Evan and Ex10, who is the third person? Also you seem to have disregarded Steve's posts and his actual examples from the class as to why he did not like it and the many people who have had negative experiences that don't participate on Grease Spot Cafe. This was in contrast to the 2 people who said they liked it here, but had no examples of why this was the case. But by all means, if the class sounds good to you after some of the going ons have been illuminated on this thread then sign the card or whatever they have. Perhaps there is one in your area for you to attend?
  11. Thank you Steve Lortz and thank you Patrick Roberge for sharing your Momentous experiences and the experiences of others. And thank you TheInvisibalDan for your concise and well worded summary. Is there anyone else brave enough and clear enough of mind to share their actual Momentous experiences? Can anyone offer any more details on the "confess your sins in the dark" sessions? How does the class conclude? Are there any other details of what occurs?
  12. Evan: Spare us your PFAL flashback and instead please give us some specific examples of what you liked about Momentous from what actually occured during the class that you took. A number of posters want to know. Even Grizzy wants to know and he normally agrees with you.
  13. Yet you continue to give it. No examples even given of what you liked let alone what you may feel was wrong. Nothing to share about the class because you apparently made a vow of secrecy. A vow that you should have never made in the first place. A vow that allows Momentous to continue their deceptive practices.
  14. Yes Evan and Yanagisawa. When you were in TWI and the Way Corps you probably liked that also. Probably also experienced some so called break throughs there. Later you tell us that TWI was not so good after all and that you were hurt by it. Weren't we all here hurt by TWI at times. Now you tell us you liked Momentous, yet you won't give even one example of what you liked about it. Why should we now take your testimonies seriously? And Excathedra, I know exactly what you are talking about.
  15. Thank you Ex10. I understand. I too am working a number of hours myself. Maybe when you get a little free time you can share. Have a good night.
  16. Ex10: Since you have taken this class why don't you too make an actual contribution to this forum by sharing actual experiences? This is much better than being vague and saying you liked it, but we are not sure why. Please tell us what occurred at the class that you took. If you did in fact like the class like you say you did, please tell us what actual experiences there did you like?
  17. Evan, seeing that you have taken Momentous, why don't you make an actual contribution to this thread and tell us what went on at your class? Perhaps you could also give us the year that you took the class. So far you have contributed nothing here except a cult like zeal. Steve, on the other hand, has shared some of his actual experiences. Can you do the same?
  18. I second what pjroberge said about JAL trying to talk him into taking Momentous. John also tried to convince me by phoning me. I like John, but there was no way in hell I was ever going to take that class based on the initial secrecy and deception of it alone. Imagine being held to secrecy on a class? What is this the mafia? Or is this a version of TWI's lock box teaching? I told John that I would only be interested in Momentous if it was similar to Paul's first century School of Tyranus where the believers met and had open dialogue. Then John L. lied to me and said that Momentous was. From every report I have ever heard on Mementous it is clear that John lied to me regarding Momentous and yes I new this at the time he spoke it. Momentous is the opposite of Paul's school. Steve is right. I still like John and consider him a friend. However, John and others should repent of their foolish and deliberate deception regarding Momentous. One final point, if there is anyone that still has a positive thing to say about Momentous then let them first publicly tell us here on this thread what went on at the class that they attended. Otherwise, they are just deceivers either deliberate or otherwise.
  19. That is what I determined also Long Gone. But since I don't want to down grade anyones anatomy I am sure the Bush girls are also attractive inspite of their father looking somewhat like Alfred E. Newman.
  20. Zixar, the white cord on the left side of the screen is also angled slightly downward from the left side of the screen to the right, but then who the hell really cares? But don't worry Zixar, the fact that the girl has beautiful breasts should not actually affect the outcome of this campaign. Unless of course, we are dealing with the boob voters.
  21. Zixar, haven't you heard perfection is in the Lord. Seeing that we are comparing boobs on a public forum, I would say they are quite symmetrical. Seeing that her left leg is extended forward with a natural bend in her knee and thus causing the left side of her body (including her left breast) to be slightly lower than the right this may cause an optical illusion with regard to any major cosmetic imperfection. However, if you would instead prefer to actually use a measuring devise this is understandable.
  22. This is borrowed from one of our more intellectual and cerebral posters on Grease Spot. Reprinted without permisssion. SCIENTIFIC REASONS TO HAVE SEX 1. Scientific tests find that when women make love, they produce double amounts of the hormone estrogen, which make hair shiny and skin smooth. 2. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow. 3. Lovemaking can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner. 4. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up. It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps and you don't need special sneakers! 5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases the body endorphin into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being. 6. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy! 7. Sex is the safest tranquillizer in the world. It is 10 times more effective than Valium. 8. Kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up. 9. Sex actually relieves headaches. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain. 10. A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is a national antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.
  23. Based on those photos I would have to vote for Kerry. It is hard to beat a very sexy outfit topped off with a beautiful matching pair. I have always appreciated good symmetrics.
  24. LiarLiar: So you want to challenge us? I have a challenge for you also. Your idol Victor Wierwille not only was guilty of sin unbecoming of a household fellowship coordinator. He also spread doctrinal and practical error with his use of the Way Tree as a religious hierachical power structure. Victor's only reason for the Way Tree was so that he could extend religious and financial control on God's people involved with his ministry. If you are up for a challenge compare the teaching from the below link with Victor's use of the Way Tree as a religious power structure and then get back to me. This is a legitimate challenge. Now we can see if you are more than just a loud bark. http://www.waychrist.com/Lordship_JC.htm 2nd request. With regard to flying around the country in order to debate with someone like yourself. You must have a giant religious ego to think that anyone is going to go out of their way to get together with someone like yourself. The cost and the time involved in this ludicrous proposition makes this undoable. Of course, that is what you planned on. Besides all the debating can be done on Grease Spot Cafe. That is if you are up for the challenge.
  25. LiarLiar: So you want to challenge us? I have a challenge for you also. Your idol Victor Wierwille not only was guilty of sin unbecoming of a household fellowship coordinator. He also spread doctrinal and practical error with his use of the Way Tree as a religious hierachical power structure. Victor's only reason for the Way Tree was so that he could extend religious and financial control on God's people involved with his ministry. If you are up for a challenge compare the teaching from the below link with Victor's use of the Way Tree as a religious power structure and then get back to me. This is a legitimate challenge. Now we can see if you are more than just a loud bark. http://www.waychrist.com/Lordship_JC.htm
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