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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. yeah, they were at the top of our frikkin lift list, outieboutie my friend. i don't think the prayers did any good lol hey, great posts steve l and twinky and ww and sky and all the rest of you i wonder how many "military leaders" became "way corps leaders" i'm wondering about craig martindale being military as well as walter cummins and vince finnegan and bo reahard. i know they had what it took to sacrifice it all, did they not? like howard and donnie and ermal and all our friends out in TV land. i know for sure, rose-o-lee and don lombardi were military commandos or something :)
  2. it's all very sad, isn't it? wierwille used to go on like the stupid idiot he was about the military requiring such and such so the least you could do for god....... blah blah blah was in the military? did he go wow? was he allowed to see his family for christmas? oh yeah one time he went on a mission and the left their baby for god great parents screw you wierwilles
  3. excathedra

    Ciao Pope!

    our new humble one was dazzled by a girl
  4. that really is enough honest no one can really assign your life. you are the beautiful inspired person who knows who you are deep inside i hope you find yourself and understand what i'm saying
  5. oh kit, i love you so much. fred would be proud of you. you will be together hang on baby to that thought
  6. forgive me, i'll read more later. you people are really wonderful this grabbed my attention not seeing any difference in the morph thanks when rosalie dies, who has she willed the way to? lol
  7. excathedra

    Ciao Pope!

    exactly all this talk is kind of like being on a committee to discuss the rehabilitation of jeffrey dahmar or something like that. you know what i mean? maybe i could think of a better comparison. i'll let you know if i do.
  8. i don't want my life dictated by anyone Decisions on life, education, dating, spouse eligibility, pregnancy, abortion, family, etc. -- "to live the word." the above is just so stupid. -- you know, many many religions weigh in on telling you what to do about those things. i think they're wrong also
  9. it's sad they didn't remember andy griffith at the oscar memorial tribute i do not like steve hassan from years and years ago but i forget why i'm with you on that one i'm with you on that aone too, sad to say
  10. excathedra

    Ciao Pope!

    (Reporting By Philip Pullella; Editing by Crispian Balmer and Peter Graff)
  11. i can sleep now the smoke has cleared
  12. oh yes dear uncle harry. i did without my consent relinquish my young firm bosom to dear uncle harry, aunt naomi's husband
  13. ah yes, twinky. i clicked on the the little picture and it became a big picture. hope it's fine irish lace
  14. oh please do explain argus if you can thank you, ex
  15. i think they should wear pants -- maybe like the two standing on the sides as they enter i don't know how to do pictures anymore. how can i make that bigger? also, i would like to know what they had for lunch
  16. i didn't even know about this. i was just really thankful that paul started waydale. it helped me a lot after YEARS
  17. as far as liking or not liking catholics, that is so not the point. i more than love and adore my family and friends and just about any catholic i ever met (since i never met a non-catholic until college, i think)
  18. hi nottawayfer! i'm so old, i haven't had to put the way down on a resume for years -- so you should be "thankful" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha let me know when you write your book. i would love to read it. good to see you excathdra (WTF is she still doing here?)
  19. it's difficult to explain how i was affected by the internet and waydale
  20. the pope reminds me of the wizard of oz
  21. good god i'm sorry i only skimmed through the last few posts of my faves if anyone here (besides my whole family -- oops, they're not "here" -- believes in any of this crapola about god being with this pope and his poppies, just please feel free to tell me why ps. my family "is good people" just i don't know hoodwinked like the rest of the world? but here you have me -- ex wayfer not wanting to argue -- i just know about my little brothers and when one of them came back years later the priest who ran the place would now show. he became a monsignor and father butler was already in his 80's too tired to bother have no idea what will come up (anymore) ifyou google woodbridge nj or old bridge nj or brooklyn whatev you know, they kept changing these molesters' locations. i really am sorry about that since butler showed up where we lived, and my kid brothers were truly messed up because our father was such a f-ck only to be out-f-cked by father butler
  22. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2013/0224/With-Pope-Benedict-s-retirement-the-where-is-clearer-than-the-how is he a priest? has he taken the vow of poverty? do you think he'll have time now to address my little altar boy brothers' sexual assaults?
  23. 'tis true is there any church or organization that doesn't exploit people ? looking forward to the promise of a better time
  24. forgive me twinky (i mean it) but i don't care if the old boy participated or not i have had my fill of priests, bishops and the roman catholic church if the vatican was blown up today, i would yawn ps. my aunts are nuns there are too many priests in my family to list blah blah blah
  25. thanks pennyworks :) my original goal was to join the peace corps before i got "witnessed to" -- thank you soooooooo much for that my twinky friend
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