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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. The last one wasn't Deanna doing an impersonation, it was Picard.
  2. "Is anyone else having problems concentrating on this? I just can't seem to concentrate." "Maybe we should send you to a concentration camp." "Maury, I am out of control. Yeah, I use drugs. I can do what I waunt, biatch! Yeah, I have sex, and I don't use protection!" " Don't worry. There are no stupid answers, just stupid people. " "Do your impersonation of David Caruso's career!" "You know what? I've learned something today..." "Well, that about does it. If you have any questions, I'll leave information packets up front." "Oh that's good, we need some more toilet paper." Respect my authorit-ay!" "But, I'm a psychic." "No, dude. You're a douche." "I'm not a douche. What if I really believed dead people talk to me?" "Then, you're a STUPID douche." "Umm, Mom..." "Yes, honey?" "Um, can I got to the Special Olympics and beat all the special children?" "No, honey, I believe that is for special children." "You mean, I'm not special? I thought you said I was special!" "Okay, children. Let's all gather around and bob for stupid apples now. You go first, Bebe. That's good. Just use those mouth muscles like the girls in Beijing." "TIMAH! And the Lords of the Underworld!"
  3. "You can't keep playing Parises Squares like you're twenty-one years old. One of these days you're going to fall and break your neck... and I won't be able to heal that so easily." "Actually... I wasn't playing Parises Squares..." "Mmm... Worf's calisthenic program again..." "No..." "Oh? What were you doing?" "I was trying to feed Spot." "Data's cat?" "I told Data I'd feed it while he was away. All I remember is setting down the food... and then a hissing ball of fur came out of nowhere. I hate cats." "So just as I'm leaving the reception, a Ktarian walks up to me and says... '...So Diane... I understand you're an empath. I'm a very...sensitive man myself. I'm doing a thesis on interspecies mating rituals. Would you care to join me in some empirical research?" "Don't tell me -- Doctor Mizan." "That's right." "He's notorious. But he really is an expert on interspecies mating practices." "Did you help him with his research, Counselor?" "Absolutely not." "But I thought that topic interested you." "Yes... but..." "I'll explain it to you later, Data." "It wasn't any better at the physiognomy workshop. Doctor Vassbinder gave an hour long dissertation on the ionization effect of warp nacelles -- before he realized the topic was supposed to be psychology." "Why didn't somebody tell him?" "There was never an opportunity, never a pause. He just kept talk-ing like he was speak-ing in one in-credibly long, run-on sen-tence... .....It was almost hypnotic."
  4. [bravo. I'm overjoyed for you. I never said NOBODY benefitted from this program-or at least THINKS they did. My comment was a PARAPHRASE- that people have been saying that this program is ABOVE REPROACH, and that any complaints are entirely due to the participants and not the program. THAT's where your posts-and others-have gone. To claim NOW that you're saying that some normal people even CAN be harmed by this program would represent a CHANGE in your posts-and I don't even see you saying that NOW. Are you aware that some perfectly-healthy people have been strongarmed into taking this program, and have been harmed by it? Or is your position that those who have been harmed were already damaged, and the program is STILL fine?]
  5. I can't name the artist, so if this one depended on me, the odds would be very slim I could give the correct answer....
  6. I disagree with you about regrets at the Bema, but if you want to discuss it, we can open a thread in the Doctrinal forum and not derail this one. I agree with you here. It's up to God, and to the individual Christians in question.
  7. You're right. (I got this one last time we saw it on this thread.) Any chance you can post the next one, or should I just take it or something?
  8. Silence of the Lambs Anthony Hopkins the Mask of Zorro
  9. Ok, let's see.... "Is anyone else having problems concentrating on this? I just can't seem to concentrate." "Maybe we should send you to a concentration camp." "Maury, I am out of control. Yeah, I use drugs. I can do what I waunt, biatch! Yeah, I have sex, and I don't use protection!" " Don't worry. There are no stupid answers, just stupid people. " "Do your impersonation of David Caruso's career!" "You know what? I've learned something today..." "Well, that about does it. If you have any questions, I'll leave information packets up front." "Oh that's good, we need some more toilet paper."
  10. "You can't keep playing Parises Squares like you're twenty-one years old. One of these days you're going to fall and break your neck... and I won't be able to heal that so easily." "Actually... I wasn't playing Parises Squares..." "Mmm... Worf's calisthenic program again..." "No..." "Oh? What were you doing?" "I was trying to feed Spot." "Data's cat?" "I told Data I'd feed it while he was away. All I remember is setting down the food... and then a hissing ball of fur came out of nowhere. I hate cats." "So just as I'm leaving the reception, a Ktarian walks up to me and says... '...So Diane... I understand you're an empath. I'm a very...sensitive man myself. I'm doing a thesis on interspecies mating rituals. Would you care to join me in some empirical research?" "Don't tell me -- Doctor Mizan." "That's right." "He's notorious. But he really is an expert on interspecies mating practices." "Did you help him with his research, Counselor?" "Absolutely not." "But I thought that topic interested you." "Yes... but..." "I'll explain it to you later, Data."
  11. Adrian Paul Highlander: Endgame Christopher Lambert
  12. A) JKR's mentioned that one of her favourite writers is Nesbitt. Nesbitt's specialty is rewriting fairy tales. Like the Frog Prince. JKR mentioned that she liked Book 6, but not all the fans would- which suggested to me that it might be a bit of "this is what I wanted to write, period", and further might have been her own attempt to rewrite a fairy tale. Trevor always seems to disappear or be around interesting places and events. Apparently, it's all been a series of coincidences, but there's been speculation- like Trevor being used as some sort of spying apparatus by Uncle Algie. (Uncle Algie, if you recall, gave him the toad, and also was the guy who would have "accidentally" killed Trevor if Trevor's own magickal nature hadn't saved him.) What got me thinking of this was looking at a list of all the possible suspects for the Half-Blood Prince- and the giant squid got a vote as well. When I saw Trevor's name, I wondered to myself, "A Frog Prince?" and the rest of it came in a flash of inspiration. It was WRONG, but it was an INTERESTING wrong. My own speculation also expected JKR to use the HBP to tie in one of the other races of beings into the war- merfolk, goblins, etc. Since she didn't, I'm almost disappointed. Ok, other news. I considered that a red herring. Harry was asking the wrong question, and thus went to the wrong person. Harry presumed everyone was right, and Sirius was killed by the Veil/Arch. Thus, he wanted to know if Sirius could become a ghost. Nearly-Headless Nick can tell him of ghosts, but of nothing else concerning death-by his own admission, since he was afraid to move on to whatever he should have moved on to. Nick has heard that Sirius was killed, which Nick takes to be true. Nick can confirm Sirius would not become a ghost, but has no ability to confirm the death report. Notice how Nick can't tell us what might be faced by someone who reached any Netherworld.... could be another coincidence, could be very convenient, and planned...
  13. [i wonder if this is an INTENTIONAL error- as in "I'm looking for excuses to dismiss criticism, so I shall pretend that critics have ever objected to someone having even a single positive experience with Momentus when they have expressed no such thing"; or a psychological BLIND-SPOT- as in "I can't see why anyone would care so much about Momentus and still not like Momentus- they must object to people benefitting from it if they don't like Momentus..." I can't tell from here. Either way, it's ERROR- but one is accidental and one is intentional.] [Any training is bound to have someone who doesn't like it. That's a non-issue, and pretending it is not is just another smokescreen- whether intentional or accidental. There's a big difference between "I don't like the way they do this" and "people were being pressured to enter, those running it refused to explain what to expect, and some of those who took it suffered long-term psychological damage, and a LOT of those who didn't demonstrated negative personality traits". Seems a LOT of the people who graduated this "program" and didn't just collapse decide this thing is right next to the hand of God, and all criticism is bogus, and all objections must be shouted down, and even questioning it is forbidden. Oh, heck, who's surprised? We've seen it demonstrated right on this thread. People have popped in out of nowhere to attack any dissent, and NOT with reasoned discussion, most of them....]
  14. Well, it was ok for vpw to go shopping for pornography to show students in the CFS class. vpw was ok to do anything because he was "spiritually mature". It was ok for vpw to show pornography to students in the CFS class. It was ok for vpw to show some students a film on bestiality, and describe it to the others. So, in the vpw era, it was hardly condemned in loud voices. Before 1990, I am unable to find any answers on it one way or the other. After 1990, I'd bet there isn't one either.
  15. [ A) He was talking about HIS BOSS. READ the posts again. He was NOT addressing YOU- unless you're actually his boss at work, who's now posting here. B) Why does it bother you so LITTLE that some people got railroaded into a program that did severe damage to them? Is it because you buy the "only the strong benefit from this class- and only the weak suffer damage from it. REAL Christians benefit from this program" stuff? Maybe you should consult with your conscience as to whether you should be feeling something about the victims-even if you're NOT feeling anything other than APATHY for them. Just a thought.]
  16. Quick Change Tony Shaloub Men in Black II
  17. Is that from "Maverick"? The movie made a nod to that-with Maverick misquoting his dad all through the movie....
  18. The only catch is that I'm speculating some things we haven't seen yet- a Netherworld in HP that can be entered like in mythology, and portals, even if they're almost-impossible to use. Considering how obscure she went to include the Hand of Glory, though, this isn't a big jump.
  19. "You can't keep playing Parises Squares like you're twenty-one years old. One of these days you're going to fall and break your neck... and I won't be able to heal that so easily." "Actually... I wasn't playing Parises Squares..." "Mmm... Worf's calisthenic program again..." "No..." "Oh? What were you doing?" "I was trying to feed Spot." "Data's cat?" "I told Data I'd feed it while he was away. All I remember is setting down the food... and then a hissing ball of fur came out of nowhere. I hate cats."
  20. Sorry- can't find it from the lines provided. That may simply mean it was never posted online, or it was, and no links ANYWHERE point to the site (which is pretty rare.)
  21. Ah! This is when Quark caused a drunken Klingon-the head of a House- to fall on his own dagger.... which became "I killed him in single combat"- making him the rightful heir to what became known as "the House of Quark". The second quote was Grillka, Kozak's widow. Interesting episode.
  22. I've been watching JKR's comments about him since Book 5's release. She's quick to confirm DD's death, but has absolutely refused to confirm Sirius' death- and has done things like change the question she chose to answer- "Is Sirius dead?" became "Do you like Sirius?" and so on. She's also gone out of her way to say that DD's death must be accepted and fans must move on- but she never volunteers anything about Sirius' "death" that isn't directly related to the question- even if it means changing the question..... Why the coyness- which is remarkable when contrasted with her candor concerning DD?
  23. ["You were slow-witted and ill-informed. Oh, that notwithstanding, I hope we can keep the bond of peace in Christ between us." Bumpy, show me your faith without your works all you want. I'll show you my faith BY my works. (James 2:18.) If you're going to throw insults around-let me know if you need a list of the ones already in this thread-don't expect that to have no effect on "the bond of peace in Christ" with those you insulted. That's like slapping someone's face and expecting them to just forget it.] [i'm sure she does. And the triangle had three sides. Relevance?] [And the square had four sides. Relevance?] [As I've told one other poster, you are not our teacher, we are not your students, this is not your classroom, and you are not qualified to assign us homework. You are one poster, one voice, in a public forum. You may consider this a marketplace, like the Agora. Each of us has a voice. Each of us speaks. You speak. You made a rather outrageous claim. It may be true, it may not be true. Rather than SUPPORT your claim, you said "Oh, I made an outrageous claim that is definitely true. The burden of proof is on you to prove it didn't happen." Excuse you- YOU made the outrageous claim- it is for YOU to SUPPORT it. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." If you expect to be given respect as an equal here, then you need to follow the common rules of messageboards, which are hardly unique to the GSC. If you make a claim-and you made one here- you must SUPPORT your claim, not pretend it's not your job to support it. If you don't want to support a claim, DON'T MAKE THE CLAIM. There's plenty of things I don't post because I don't feel like supporting them. So what I DO post, I can-and do-support. So, Bumpy, unless you're lacking in common internet manners, AND an arrogant prig, you have 2 choices. You can support your claim, or you can apologize and withdraw your claim. Alternately, you can legitimize the position that you're an arrogant prig who just makes up claims out of thin air and expects people to just believe them, and use any of a number of responses ("I refuse to support my claim", "Your mother!" "Anyone who expects me to support my claim is a fool", "I know what I believe *storms off*" "*stops posting for a month, then resumes, hoping everyone's forgotten*"). You're free to do that- but it WILL send a message, and probably NOT the one you MEANT to post.]
  24. Here's what I think. (And this is coming from someone who had an elaborate theory that showed it was almost obvious that Trevor was the Half-Blood Prince, so make of it what you will.) Sirius Black went through a one-way portal to the Lands of the Dead, the Underworld, the Netherworld, Erebus, Pluto's realm, etc. Three characters were fascinated by that portal- Neville, Harry, Luna. They're united by having all seen someone die- and also by having been exposed to sap from Neville's mimbulus mimbletonia plant. (The Hogwarts Express ride in, Book 5, just before Cho Chang walks in.) There may be a link to either-or both-connections. The characters all THINK Sirius died. However, none of them work in the Dept of Mysteries, where this was being studied. Only Broderick Bode was an OotP member who DID work there, and he "conveniently" dies in Book 5 (strangled by Devil's Snare in St Mungo's long-term care ward, same area as the Longbottoms and Lockheart.) So, I don't consider them to be reliable as to whether or not Sirius Black died upon passage through the Veil/Arch. A lot of Harry's journey has paralleled the Hero's Journey of the monomyth. In that journey, part of it includes the descent into the Netherworld to rescue a loved one. Orpheus did it, Hercules did it, and so on. Harry hasn't done it-yet. If Sirius IS alive, he's trapped and needs a rescue. (Otherwise, he'd have escaped already.) If so, who would go, what would they need, and when would it happen? Here's how I call it. (With a little help from a few friends also good at mythology.) Obviously, it would be in Book 7. (I predicted that before Book 6 came out. Not enough suspense is built up otherwise.) Those who would go: Harry, of course, Neville, for reasons I'll explain in a moment, and Luna Lovegood, who has no fear of death, and BLEW UP PLUTO in the Dept of Mysteries, Book 5. (Coincidence? Maybe....) All 3 have seen someone die, were exposed to mimbulus mimbletonia sap, and are underestimated. When would it happen? Any date when the barriers between the dead and the living are reputed to thin. Could be Halloween-that's always significant in HP, and in Book 2, Harry crossed a veil and interacted with the dead on Halloween. (Nearly-Headless Nick's Deathday Party.) Could be New Year's Eve, the crossing of the year barrier. I think it will be April 30, at dusk. That's Walpurgis Night. I know JKR knows the term, because she once said the Death Eaters were originally known as the Knights of Walpurgis. There's a number of legends concerning Walpurgisnacht, but the one she's probably most familiar with is that the barrier between the dead and living falls from dusk to dawn. That's mentioned in Bram Stoker's "Dracula's Guest", which I read as a kid, and I'm confident she read it too-since she's Scottish, and so is Stoker. So, dusk to dawn, April 30-May 1. Who goes? The 3 I mentioned. What do they need? Could be a few items. Traditionally, a coin of the lowest denomination is needed, if Charon's Ferry is used. (The lowest denomination because the rich and the poor all face death, and that's why pennies were left on people's eyes.) Whether or not it's needed, I expect 2 items to be absolutely needed. JKR specified that Book 5 was so big because she needed to include things to be mentioned later. Almost none of them were used in Book 6-therefore, they will be used in Book 7. I say 2 items will be needed. The broken mirror Harry was given by Sirius, and the mimbulus mimbletonia plant. The broken mirror, because she promised it will be used, and be useful, but not like it's expected. That suggests to me that it can't be used to communicate, but will be used. I came across a reference that a broken mirror can be used to trap a soul, and I think it will be used to "capture" Sirius to bring him back. I say the mimbulus mimbletonia, because we're hit over the head with it all of Book 5. It's the only Gryffindor password ALL YEAR. It shows up in several scenes, and Neville's ALWAYS carrying it. The 3 have been exposed to its sap. It's from Assyria, same as the Gilgamesh legends, where a water-plant comes up in Gilgamesh's searches for immortality. It makes a crooning sound, and releases sap. So, WHERE is it used? Has to be someplace where there's a crossover into the lands of the dead, someplace where there's a crossroads of some kind. Could be Egypt, could be Assyria, could be someplace local. Probably a cave-the crossroads of the surface world with underground. So, is it a portal that's safe to use? Well, I think it will be difficult to use. It will only open during specific times- like the dates I mentioned, from dusk to dawn- and only with the proper "key". That could be any item, but I think it will be a SOUND-key, and thus the "crooning" of the mimbulus mimbletonia. They'll have until the first rays of dawn to rescue Sirius, have an adventure, Luna will stop pursuit, and there will be last-minute drama. For all I know, they may end up on the same side of the barrier as Wormtail, Severus Snape and Voldemort. If so, there will be a fight, and both Wormtail and Severus Snape will have a chance to discharge their debts to Harry by helping disable Voldemort, leaving him trapped there when dawn begins. That would leave Voldemort trapped and conscious in the lands of the dead, possibly a prisoner. Personally, I see Harry and Voldy in a shoving match at the portal just before the first rays of dawn strike, and Harry shoves Voldy back in just as Harry's pulled clear by Wormtail and Severus. That would fulfill The Prophecy, literally- "either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives..." So Voldy would "die", literally at Harry's "hand". Then again, it's possible the Voldy fight doesn't take place there at all. Personally, when I found out that the term "Deathly Hallows" appeared in the title of Book 7, I all but considered that CONFIRMATION. It will either refer to a PLACE or a TIME. I expect either to refer to the place/time I mentioned above. Oh, and Sirius will be fatigued from his experiences, and thus not a factor until Voldy's defeated and we look to the future. That's what I say.
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