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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. It being about a week, I'm posting one. "Woman, please! I am not from Havana!"
  2. "Captain. I think I've found something." "Transmit another copy of Starfleet's ship recognition protocols, and tell them to read it this time!" "I am Locutus of Borg. You will respond to my questions." "The uncertainty principle will not help you now, Stephen. All the quantum fluctuations in the universe won't change the cards in your hand. I call. You are bluffing and you will lose." "Wrong again, Albert."
  3. One thing I've read-and agree with- is that God will REPEAT messages to you. The Old Testament didn't have a guidebook on dream-messages because they were not COMMON. Dreams were common, but messages from God IN a dream are not. This does not mean they are unheard-of, just that most dreams are NOT. I would agree that MOST dreams are the subconscious clearing out the previous day, or otherwise addressing issues to itself. One key to understanding if a dream is a message from God, however, is that God will use more than one avenue to communicate a message to you. Did you get a dream and think it was from God? Well then, pay attention. OTHER information will arrive from OTHER avenues if God is trying to communicate to you. Otherwise, it was just a cool dream.
  4. "Captain. I think I've found something." "Transmit another copy of Starfleet's ship recognition protocols, and tell them to read it this time!"
  5. Fun and games on Ceti Alpha 5! This was "Space Seed." The first quote was the explanation of Khan's parting comment upon exile. "Have you ever read 'Milton'?" The second was Khan demonstrating his brilliance with manipulating people.
  6. Got it on the first try. The belief system, founded by vpw, is a Word-Faith variety. That means you alter reality by your "believing." You speak it, and God's REQUIRED to bring it to pass. So, if bad things happen to you, first of all, your believing was deficient, which is how the bad thing arrived. If it stayed, you failed to believe sufficiently to push it away. So, it's always your fault. They're more flexible on this at points, since vpw had a chronic problem with alcohol that led to his death. However, a lot of local legalism can make for a "dry" area. Of course, if the local leader is a boozer, then, by golly, it may be all right in that area... I named the books above. They've quoted from them. And yes, the kids really DID reduce a Holocaust survivor to tears and called her a liar. They were "carefully taught." That would stop the money coming in. The money MUST keep coming in.... If you're not giving 10%, "God won't even spit in your direction." You're expected to exceed that- 15% or 20% is more common, although it's not a mandate on paper. (Most stuff isn't actually a mandate on paper-it's still expected.) It takes years of educating someone that way...
  7. Re: "The Two Babylons", by Alexander Hislop. I personally did not see them promote this SPECIFIC book in the bookstore. However, it is the basis for the later book "Babylon Mystery Religion", by Ralph Woodrow. That book, heavily footnoting Hislop's book, is basically a much lighter version of Hislop's book. Years later, Woodrow discovered there were many errors in Hislop's book, and wrote a sequel "The Babylon Connection?", which repudiates the previous book. ("I was wrong, and here's why...") People in twi probably can still quote "Babylon Mystery Religion" but are unfamiliar with the sequel, since it contradicts their theology. Both vpw and lcm (Presidents 1 & 2) hated the Roman Catholic Church, and could rant at length about it. (lcm, for example, announced the Pope had an aircraft carrier and was getting ready to convert everyone to Catholicism at gunpoint. This was about a decade ago.) The antisemitic books promoted-and carried by-twi include "Myth of the Six Million." This claims the Holocaust never happened, or was wildly exaggerated. So does "the Hoax of the Twentieth Century." "The Thirteenth Tribe." This book claims all the "Jews" are actually Khazars, and the current Jews are not related to the Jews in the Bible. (This has been disproven with genetic tests.) That's not directly anti-Semitic, but it's used as justification by antiSemites.
  8. That would be something like "I did not mean to offend you. I offended you nonetheless and I am sorry." That's an acknowledgement that my action, well-intentioned though it was, was incorrect in some fashion-or at least offensive. I've gotten those other apologies, and they're always indictments, as in: "I'm sorry you're unable to control your emotions and not be offended while I do what's right." twi and ex-twi aren't the only ones who do this, BTW. I HAVE, however, spotted this more among the religious than non-religious contexts and peoples.
  9. In other words, WTH's trying to sell you on the "LAW of Believing" again.
  10. If they don't show any remorse for their past misdeeds, it's clear they think they were justified in doing them. That says a lot.
  11. That's one reason not to trust self-professed MOGs. Or we expect people to adhere to the law, and find it UNACCEPTABLE that an erstwhile teacherwill be so arrogant as to pass off another's works as his own, so lazy as to fail to cite his sources, so vain he will break the law and think nothing of it. You may call that naivete if it makes you happy. I call it "having standards", or "character", depending on the context. No, it's finding out someone committed a crime and exposing it. Charisma and MOGs have nothing to do with exposing crime. Continuing to expose lies-especially lies others try to hide, whitewash, or get others to believe-is an ongoing process, with its own end. Labelling it doesnt make it less valid. It DOES, however, telegraph one's OWN agenda- "distract from the plagiarism". It's not a SERMON, it is a warning. You know, like lots of guys all over the Bible gave. God seems to like when His people are warned. Feel free to sleep all you want- but some of us consider it high time to wake from sleep.
  12. That's avoiding undue risks, but to not use an antivirus and firewall to me seems to be skipping what I consider the bare minimum for security, even with the updates. I like making it as hard as possible for someone to intrude. (And I manage it with freeware.) Presuming trained user, and presuming the external firewall with stateful packet inspection, I expect the risk would be less. I would STILL use a firewall/antivirus, though. At the minimum.
  13. So do I. Not as much as Windows applications, but I find they're both HUGE files and INTRUSIVE. Smaller programs seem to be more useful to me. I would NOT do this, except while downloading a firewall PROGRAM. The Windows "firewall" that camewith Windows Service Pack 2 was designed to be "better than nothing" and "better than the previous one." It succeeds in this. However, 1/2 a firewall's protection doesn't exist with this- there's no protection against a resident program dialing out if it slips past your security. So, I would download a firewall like ZoneAlarm. The basic one has never let me down, and the pay version is even better. Running Windows Update should always be done. This does not substitute for an antivirus, and neither does Windows Defender. (That's more an antispyware program.) There are at least 3 good free antivirus programs. AVG is good, and is kind to newbies. Avira AntiVir is better, and has a smaller "footprint" on the hard-drive. Avast! is better still. From what she's saying, sounds like she's also using Avira already.
  14. Very nice summaries, there, HCW. I'd like to note-for those arriving late to this show- that HCW spent a number of years on-staff, and interacted face-to-face with vpw more than most of the posters here. (Not all together- but few interacted as much or more.)
  15. And the "don't go to university and get a degree" stuff all ground to a halt in time for the bot's kids to attend college. These are the sort of things that make you go "Hmmmmm....."
  16. Then it's not Happy Days, either-Tom Bosley is not a Howard. (Unless he chose the stage name "Tom Bosley", which would run counter to this being a clue.)
  17. The ARSENAL of Freedom, which was Minos' advertising name. There was a weapon in space, menacing the Enterprise, and one on the planet, endangering the away team. This episode featured Captain Picard endangering his life on an Away Mission, one of the rare Saucer Separations (Encounter at Farpoint, Best of Both Worlds II, Arsenal of Freedom and Generations seem to have been ALL of them) Riker's claim to serve on the Good Ship Lollipop, and Vinny Schiavelli as the computerized salesman. Picard figured out pretty fast that one of their clever weapons was so clever it wiped out their civilization, but took FAR too long to figure out how to stop the weapons. (I kept saying "I'll take it!" to the television thru much of the sales pitch in the second half.) Go, George!
  18. Myself, I prefer to stick to the hypercritical Greek Texts like the Phillips and the Hershey Text, and only rarely extend my research to the Estrasainto Aramaic Texts like the Pecrapa.
  19. As for Donnie F being an influence on lcm, I'll take as my source lcm's own words in "VP and Me" (which was discussed on the "vp and me in wonderland thread as seen here: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...c=8019&st=0 ) lcm said "The first time that LCM saw Dr. was when he was a senior at the University of Kansas. LCM went to twig first and found the teaching to be tremendous (electrifying). Donny Fugit taught." As for vpw himself, I personally love the first thing out of vpw's mouth when he first met lcm, months to a year later. "When he was first introduced to Dr Wierwille, Dr said to him 'Hello-Well I have to go and eat this piece of cake.' " Looking back, this was his first personal interaction with vpw. With the cold light of day, vpw sounds incredibly shallow and secular. This young man comes up to learn the Bible-vpw blows him off for dessert. He didn't even invite him along-he had to "GO" and eat his cake.
  20. Actually, the quote was about the First Corps that was renamed the Zero Corps, and the second group was officially called The First Corps. (Meaning 2 groups were first called that, but one was disbanded and were stripped of their title, and the second one was allowed to finish and got the name.) Then we got a THIRD group of people who are NOW called The First Corps. When none of the people from "The First Corps" (the second First Corps) was still in the group, (lcm HIMSELF was in the "Second Corps", which was the third sequence of Corps, after the 2 First Corps,) lcm took a bunch of the long-timers still in twi and said "these are now the First Corps." So, the people currently being called "the First Corps" by twi were never IN the corps and never graduated the corps, and are now the THIRD group of people to be called "The First Corps." So, 3 First Corps: A) First group of Corps. vpw cut the program since they actually thought for themselves. They were later nicknamed "the Zero Corps" since vpw took their name. B) Second group of Corps. vpw allowed this more submissive group to finish, and gave this second group the name "First Corps." C) A bunch of old-timers still in. Despite never being in the Corps program, they were bunched together and declared "the First Corps" by lcm, who made this their honorary title to disguise the fact that all the members of the first 2 groups had all left. Of course, then vpw made formal programs of each one, and dropped their histories and made them all look like his idea...
  21. What year was it when medical attention became OFFICIALLY known as "THIRD AID" instead of FIRST aid on grounds? I know it was while vpw was still alive. (First and Second aid would be "praying or getting someone else to pray." THEN you could have an aspirin.) Granted, locally, we didn't follow the rule for hq- we prayed while taking the aspirin, but if hq had been the absolute standard in the late 80s that they were in the late 90s, then, by golly, taking the aspirin would have been something done in secret. Anyone else remembering criticisms of insurance? I'm sure I'm not the only one who heard-and READ- that LIFE insurance should be called DEATH insurance, and heard criticisms of having a policy. Oh, and there was an interesting double-standard on the mental health professionals. I know there was a guy who was one who was in who got a lot of respect- he was the cover story on one of the Heart Magazines. I don't know what they told T--- C------ in private about his field. I DO know that even CONSIDERING going INTO the field, though, would get you lectures from some of the Advanced class grads and so on.
  22. "Tell me about your ship, Riker. It's the Enterprise, isn't it?" "No, the name of my ship is the 'Lollipop'." "I have no knowledge of that ship." "It's just been commissioned. It's a Good Ship." "What's the armament on the Lollipop?" "One of the final tests in advance navigation at the Academy presents the student with three options. When Rice took the test, he rejected all of them and offered one of his own." "I'd call that arrogant." "But it paid off -- he received the top mark. And now that test has four options. The original three... plus his." "... Where we live by the motto -- peace through superior firepower. Come -- allow us to meet your needs. If you need a little something special, be it for one target -- or multiple targets -- we got it, you'll see it..." "The patient has lost a great deal of blood from multiple lacerations. What's your diagnosis, Doctor?" "Your patient is going into shock." "What do I do?" "Elevate the legs and keep her warm." "All right. Stay with me, Doctor. Keep talking..." "Bridge crew - prepare to move to the Battle Bridge." "You're going to separate?" "Yes. I want you to take the Saucer Section and proceed immediately for Starbase One-zero-three." This episode had a guest-star: Vincent Schiavelli.
  23. Here's what I posted in the "wonderland" timeline (5.6): ============= "vpw spent his life drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes and cigars- tobacco products. Although he usually did it "off-camera", many people knew some of this. Everyone knew he at least smoked, but he seemed to chain-smoke when "no one was watching." Furthermore, he had a "coffee cup" next to him for morning meetings and so on-and often, the contents had nothing to do with coffee. Those who ever commented on it (who were few enough among those who noticed) were treated to his comments about us not being "under condemnation" and thus it wasn't sinful, and therefore had no consequences. However, there WERE consequences.... By 1984, the long-term exposure to alcohol-which damages internal organs, including those that act as the body's filtration system and also damages the brain- and long-term exposure to tobacco-which is a known cancer-causing agent (unlike studio lights)- resulted in some permanent damage to vpw' body. He acquired cancer of the eye and liver, and suffered a stroke. vpw quite vocally-and often- announced that the eye damage was the result of getting cancer from the studio lights used when filming PFAL- thus saying it was the result of virtuous activity, and used to give the students a guilty conscience. Once, when addressing the corps, he was speaking on personal committment to God. He said "I gave my EYE-what are YOU willing to give?" Further, in private, vpw was MOST disturbed that he had ANY physical problems, especially this one. He claimed he'd never been sick or needed an aspirin EVER- not ONE DAY in his life-before this. Not even in PRIVATE did he ever seem to admit he'd exposed his body to carcinogens for DECADES. He had surgery that removed the cancer-stricken eye. The details of the stroke were COMPLETELY hidden-although there were witnesses- and the existence of any cancer produced a problem. According to vpw's DOCTRINE, any Christian should be able to believe sufficiently to burn out a cancer from their body. vpw had slowly manipulated his personal image to the point that he was frequently seen as some sort of super-Christian-which is what he wanted. However, this meant he should have EASILY believed away his cancer. WORSE, he'd taught in the Advanced class that, since a cancer has a life of its own (like algae), it must be the result of devil activity. Since vpw was supposedly a super-Christian, he should have been able to deflect such an assault easily. However, rather than adjust his image, or correct his doctrine-which had already hurt many other Christians-he simply hid the cause of his descent into death. In 1985 the "Word over the World Auditorium" opened at the organizations hq on the farm. vpw died May 20, 1985 at age 68. According to his death certificate, the cause was cancer of the liver and of the eye. According to most people in twi at the time, the cause was UNKNOWN. The most commonly-stated reason was "he got tired of fighting." In the last few months of his life, vpw visited Gartmore and spoke privately with Chr1s Ge*r. He (CG) later claimed that his own paper which he wrote afterwards-"the Passing of the Patriarch"-was based entirely on private conversations with vpw. (Some people believe him, some do not.) That paper-among other things-also claims that vpw would have been able to "believe himself healthy" if he'd wanted to." =========
  24. "Tell me about your ship, Riker. It's the Enterprise, isn't it?" "No, the name of my ship is the 'Lollipop'." "I have no knowledge of that ship." "It's just been commissioned. It's a Good Ship." "What's the armament on the Lollipop?" "One of the final tests in advance navigation at the Academy presents the student with three options. When Rice took the test, he rejected all of them and offered one of his own." "I'd call that arrogant." "But it paid off -- he received the top mark. And now that test has four options. The original three... plus his."
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