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Everything posted by outandabout

  1. Hello, Roy I hope you are doing ok. I was in a mental hospital too - 3 times, last time was 2000. One thing I learned the hard way is take your meds. I didn't think they worked but they do - if you find the right ones for you. (I take Zyprexa and Lamictal). Another thing for what it's worth. Momentus resulted in me going to the mental hospital in 1994. Of course no one will say it was Momentus' fault - just mine.
  2. I found out it didn't entitle me to much, but it did entitle those with a higher position to torment me for life - atleast so I thought until I realized I could leave.
  3. That spoon thing got way out of hand. Glad I left when I was pregnant.
  4. RE: the Perfect Homes - my brother and his wife were put on "Spiritual Probation" because their house wasn't clean enough. He told me they had no time to clean it because they were always at meetings. (They left during the Spirtual Probation because they realized they were happier not going to meetings).
  5. I remember right before I left all the broo-haha abuot Scheinheit's paper. I finally got a copy and read it and couldn't understand all the extreme responses of the higher-ups conerning this paper. They even fired some one who received it in the mail and didn't read it. They convicted THEMSELVES by their reaction. The paper itself is simply a logical, Word-based explanation of why adultery is wrong. Duh
  6. Once in awhile I mention one of the places where I lived once, which leads me to a brief explanation why I was there because of TWI. It is hard to explain though, that I was in a cult. Sometimes I say I was in a Bible ministry that became more and more cult-like so then I left.
  7. That reminds me - When I was in MS some people in my branch had an impromtu barbecue, invited a few people, then called the branch leader and wifey to join them. They were REEMED for not following "spiritual protocol" for not inviting the BLs FIRST. Typical BS.
  8. I have to admit - the list of DFAC/LOA in the Corps Newsletter was the first thing I looked at, as well as who got married or engaged. Forget the other stuff. I think I even saved ALL the Corps Newsletters somewhere until I threw them out.
  9. The dreaded LOA or DFAC published in the Corps Newsletter for all to see so you could be humiliated. What about "No Assignment?" That meant you were a loser.
  10. VP used to say "If you control your lusts, your tongue and your appetite, you can accomplish great things." What a hyprocrite.
  11. Oak - There were WOWs who were injured or worse. At the top of TWI it was kept hush hush. I was thinking about that just a day or two ago. How in the world did we WOWS consent to being sent to God knows where with people we'd never met, with a pittance of money..... Chances are some zealot talked us into it. It was status to a leader if they produced alot of WOWs out of their area. They didn't give a damn what happened to us once we went.
  12. Is it really called "Potbless?" Is that like "Bless & Treat?" Does TWI really have to be that special and different. OT - I got so sick of those Halloween parties where you had to dress like a Biblical character.
  13. When I graduated from the Corps, I requested "anywhere" because I believed that I God would send me where I was supposed to be. (confusing TWI with God) I ended up in Mississippi and lived the two worst years of my entire life.
  14. I doubt the BOD prayed for anybody - but we had to pray for THEM
  15. Hmmmm let's take a walk down Memory Lane: Yellow Springs, OH - got witnesssed to Columbus, OH - took class there & stuck around a couple months Rochester, NY - couldn't find a job in Columbus, OH and went back to hometown. Del Mar, CA - failed at beginning of WOW year and went Del Mar where parents had moved to San Diego, CA - moved out & got an apt. San Pedro, CA - Fellow Laborers Visalia, CA - field assigment in Fellow Laborers New Bedford, MA - WOW Emporia, KS - Corps in residence Redlands, CA - WOW interim Corps assignment Emporia, KS - back in residence HQ, New Knoxville - part of in that in residence year Greenville, MS - Corps assignment Jackson, MS - Corps assignment Del Mar, CA - kicked out of ROA and went home (long story) San Diego, CA - own apt. and then a Way Home, then to an apt. with new husband. Stayed in same apt complex for 16 years. Left TWI shortly after moving there. Chula Vista, CA - hubby & I bought a house here 11 years ago. And that's just the cities. It doesn't include the moves within the different cities. Not to mention that when we were in residence at Emporia they would make us move from dorm to dorm at least four or five times in a year. How the he11 do you explain that? Especially what was I doing in Mississippi. I've been in the San Diego area for over 30 years. Have no desire to move, in fact, I HATE moving! (BTW when I was in MS and moved from Greenville to Jackson I could fit all my worldly possessions into a VW).
  16. We had a potluck at work yesterday, and even after all these years I was aware of the vast difference of how we did things in TWI and how things are done in the real world.
  17. How to Have a TWI Potluck: Procure a room for free somewhere, assign a dish to each person and make sure that's what they bring, no exceptions or substitutions. Before the potluck, bring a crew of people to vacuum, dust, and make sure every chair is perfectly alligned. All participants must arrive at least 10 minutes early. If any are late, they are sent away and are not to partake. Make sure the branch leader or whoever has the highest TWI title eats FIRST. Anyone who does not adhere to this will be severely chastised. Make sure that you practice Christian Etiquette while eating, and do not act too jovial or you will surely say the wrong thing and be severly chastised. After the meal is over, make sure the room is CLEANER than you found it. Whoever the leader is assigns who vacuums, who cleans the table, who puts food away, etc. Go home a have a drink so you can get over the stress you just experienced from making sure you had a perfect pot luck. How to Have a Non-TWI Potluck (i.e. at work): Send out an email to all in the office and announce the date and time of the potluck. Put up a sign-in sheet for people to bring whatever. The day of the pot luck buy some plates and cups, etc in case no one else did. Around the time of the pot luck participants wander in with their food. It doesn't start until half hour or so after the appointed time. Some one takes the lids off the dishes, arranges the food, etc. Several people will not have put their dish on the list but they bring it, and somehow there is a variety of dishes to eat. Upon commencement of the pot luck, it is observed that there are not enough utensils, but then they appear somehow. Other people not on the email list wander in and they are greeted warmly and welcomed to partake. Your boss eats whenever, along with everyone else. After the pot luck, whoever wants to helps clear off the food and puts it away. Then the table gets cleaned off by whoever decides to. Somehow it all works out and a good time is had by all.
  18. I drop in here a couple of times a day for a few minutes to see if there are any new posts, and I've noticed that sometimes days go by without anything new. As for TWI, not much going on there so not much to say about them. But I still keep coming back........
  19. Sometimes I quote that in some situations "We're all bozos on this bus" but nobody gets it. Nice to see somebody else remembers.
  20. You really hit the nail on the head! Totally! That is so like what I used to think! When I was in the process of extricating myself out of TWI, I would think a thought, hear Craig's or some other leader's voice in my head negating that thought, think a thought, hear a voice about what's wrong with my thought, and back and forth in my head.....eventually my own thoughts superceded the "voices" and I was "free to be me." It was a long process and today that "Voice of Craig" (imbedded in my brain from all those meetings and meals in the WC) is a distant memory. Great description, JJ!
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