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Everything posted by outandabout

  1. When I was in TWI nobody ever "forgave" me for the various sins they accused me of - "sins" I didn't even understand why they said I committed them. There was no forgiveness in the TWI I was in. I think they are hypocrites to write such an article. Just like the fellowship where the branch leader was teaching on "freedom" when the same branch leader was oppressing everybody.
  2. I wonder if they still wear pantyhose in TWI. They're not in style anymore (thank God).
  3. My mother used to say that too!
  4. Pantyhose? Do they have to wear pantyhose in TWI?
  5. I too have thought of the similarities of Cosby and VPW. So much the same. Both heralded as father figures and then exposed as letches.
  6. Happy New Year to all of you on GSC. Hope you all have a free and prosperous and wonderful New Year in 2015!
  7. As long as we live in a free country with freedom of religion we are subject to the possibility of some of these religions being cults. The alternative is control of these religions by the state for our own good which results in no freedom at all.
  8. Very convenient to change it to spiritual rather than physical, since it was obvious that the physical abundance wasn't being manifested to many of us, BECAUSE of TWI.
  9. And when the in residence Corps went on Christmas break (Relocation), we were supposed to "Move the Word" in our Location (i.e. home with earthly family) Then we could all go back to Emporia or whereever and brag about who we got into the word and feel like a failure if we didn't.
  10. It took me a long time to get over it, too. I was once told I was "poisoning the whole branch." But it wasn't clear how or why. I don't know what I was doing that was so terrible. How could they condemn me for not "moving the Word" when they weren't doing much themselves? The leadership was blameless and we were all scum. Oh, by the way, I rented Gaslight once myself. That's where the term "gaslighting some one" comes from, meaning deliberately driving them crazy.
  11. I was asked by a guy in our branch if I ever felt like leaving TWI. I told him the truth which was yes, sometimes I did. He reported that to our branch leader and I was called to his office the next day and was subjected to a 30 minute tirade, being accused of all kinds of things that he would know nothing about. I eventually broke down in tears and then we was all nice. I guess he needed to break me down and see how reprobate I was to actually want to leave the wonderfulness of the TWI life.
  12. What they should do (and have done) is NOT celebrate Christmas AT ALL. Not come up with their own version of it. They should get honest like the Jehovah Witnesses if they don't agree with any of it. Instead, they have to "improve" on the holiday because they are such Know-It-Alls and know so much better than everyone else the best way to clebrate Happy Household Holiday. TWI always had be BETTER and DIFFERENT because they are God's Chosen Household and superior to all the rest of humanity.
  13. I tried to watch the Utube video but it said I had to disable safety mode. Oh well....
  14. I used to believe in Wierwille so much that at one point I would fall to sleep at night with his teachings playing.
  15. Wow, savings and budgeting, who would have thought?
  16. It was all so long ago, after I left TWI, I do recall sending out cards that I deliberately chose to say "Merry Christmas" as a rebellion against the TWI doctrine that prohibited those sentiments. As for now, I enjoy decorating the tree, sending out cards, baking cookies and opening gifts on Christmas morning. And putting up the lights on the house. I'm aware that the birth of Christ is not at this time of year but it's still a good thing that this season celebrates his birth. I'm just glad that I am no longer subject to TWI and its ludicrous ideas of what they think we should or should not do to celebrate this season. Who are they to dictate that to us? I am FREE at last, FREE at last!!!
  17. I thought it was Howard Allen. (Maybe they both said it.)
  18. I just saw some really good looking fruitcake in Costco today.
  19. when I was in TWI, I faithfully ABS'd 10 to 15% of my income the whole time I was there. I did not see any increase in my finances or the physical conditions in my life. I will concede that I don't know what was prevented by abundant sharing. I do believe that God takes care of us and blesses us because he is God and we are his children, not necessarily because of an amount on money we give to whoever. Why was TWI the magical place to give our money? I no longer ABS and God takes care of me just the same. I am better off now regarding my income and lifestyle than I ever was when in TWI. The 15% doesn't go to TWI anymore and I haven't seen any repercussions. I think TWI used us. I still give to certain charitable organizations by my own free will, whether I am blessed to or not, it's simply because I believe in what they are doing. Maybe I am blessed for that, and maybe I'm not. I just don't think it was right for TWI to threaten us with catastrophe if we did not give them a percentage of our income.
  20. I know what happened when you no long abundantly shared - you had MORE money!!!
  21. As for physical abundance, how could we prosper financially when we couldn't follow a successful career path because we had to move every three years, or go WOW or had to have vacation in August. The needs of TWI had to come before our personal financial goals, plus out of the meager income we could generate due to all of the above, we had to ABS minimum 15% or God "wouldn't spit in our direction."
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