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Everything posted by outandabout

  1. During the process of extricating myself, one of the things that occurred to me was that the best teachers that I had had in residence were those who had left.
  2. I was with the La1lys in MS for two years. Worst two years of my life. So I know what you're talking about when you mention them. I can't believe how extreme it all was for you when you left. Why not just let people go? And then later they themselves sneak away.
  3. More parallels - in Scientology there is always the promise of achieving a "higher level" if you just keep going, if you just spend more of your money for more classes and those sessions where you hold the cans and get interrogated. There is the highest level where you go Clear. For us it was also class after class until TaDa! The Advanced Class, the Holy Grail of spiritual enlightenment. And as it is in Scientology, once you get there it's not what it's cracked up to be but wait! There's another way to "grow spiritually". Go WOW. Even better go in the Corps! Then climb the ladder. Wow those ordained people must really be attuned spiritually. They must be walking by revelation all the time so if they tell me to do something it must be right even if I think it isn't because I'm at an inferior level. Like those levels in Scientology. Once you are Clear you are There. But once you get there it too is not all it's cracked up to be. And the money. The total disregard in both organization for the sacrifices being made to give and give at the expense of the members. An exScientology remarked that in the parking lot you could see the fancy cars and the beaters. The top echelon get the good ones and the run of mill underlings give and give and can't afford a decent car. And both organizations take the money and funnel it back into the organization and do nothing for those who give it for the purpose of the underlings (Joe Believer) is but to serve and give and give. Like in TWI we were told we would be "blessed" to serve. But where was this elusive "blessing" we were supposed to receive? Those at The Top sure seemed blessed. Surely God would bless us too if we just kept going and going. The former Scientologists in this series all shared that they reached a breaking point that it was IT and they did whatever it took to get out. Just as many of us did. When we knew that we never would get that carrot on a stick and we'd had it. One of the exScientoligists, upon being asked how much he had gotten over it all, said he sometimes went days without thinking about Scientology, Same here. But just as they say, it's never totally over. But they have gone on and reclaimed their lives as we have. Leah Remini left Scientology in 2013 and said some things about what she's going through and I could relate to that phase when you're making that transition, which to me is the first few years. Then you're living your life free of that cult and don't think of it for days.
  4. I just want to say to you, Skyrider, that I am enjoying your posts immensely. Your recall is astounding and writing skills superb. Thanks for sharing all this. When I see your "name" on a post, I know it's going to be good. God's blessings to you.
  5. I've been watching that Scientology series. I am totally fascinated. Parallel after parallel. Brings back memories of TWI. In the series a member was tasked by top dog David Miscavage to get all the sidewalks torn up so demonstrators wouldn't be able to get too close to their properties. Needless to say, member didn't accomplish this and was rebuked and physically assaulted by Miscavage. Reminded me of all that we were required to do per the directives of our "superiors" but never could measure up and were either subjected to rebuke or lived in fear of it. And of course there is the parallel of being ostracized if we committed some kind of what Scientology calls "crimes". The loss of our relationships that weren't TWI connected. They were unbelievers or Earthly family. In Scientology they are Suppressive Persons. The spying on and reporting of other members. Leah Remini shared how she had voiced some doubts to her closest of friends and they reported her and she was severely chastised and threatened. Brought back a memory of how I was asked by someone if I ever thought of leaving. I honestly told him well yes sometimes. Next thing I know here comes T L@lly branch leader asking me to see him the next day. I was so scared I couldn't sleep. The ensuing meeting was him yelling at me for at least an hour, a barrage of accusations some based on fact and others totally off the wall. But who was I to talk back or defend myself since he was The Man of God in the state. It reduced me to a blubbering pile of tears and then he came out from behind hid desk and hugged me. Talk about crazy-making! To this day I can recall this meeting and it hurt me for a long time. The person I am now would say Fu€k Off and walk out. .
  6. Per the above directive, an appropriate gift would be one golf ball. Here ya go, Craig!
  7. I remember a Sunday twig coordinator meeting that left me in a total mental stupor - so many things covered, so much to do, so much to stay on top of. It was too much.
  8. Well you know what the Rainbow Bridge is. Do they mean that?
  9. Wow that's nuts. I'm glad I got out in 1988. Interesting though.
  10. The next cause might be boring them into leaving.
  11. Yeah, what about God not being a respecter of persons? I heard that quoted but the reality in TWI was totally not that!
  12. What stands out to me is the server/servee situation. How to some become the waited-on and others the waiters? Notice how they stand in attention, not partaking of the festivities but relegated to meeting the needs of the party-goers. And the party-goers don't seem to be having much of a good time either. They were probably required to be there and required to enjoy themselves.
  13. I've always liked your posts, Skyrider. I'm sorry to see you go! All the best to you.
  14. If you want to call it music. TWI was made a laughing stock on The Soup when they played "The Renewed Mind is the Key to Power" which was a non melodic song with ridiculous dance moves. Was also on U Tube until TWI tried to take it down. Can still be seen if googled I think.
  15. Well said. Thank you. I took their crap for two years.
  16. Did the Lallyos make you leave? They were always threatening to kick people out of "their" area. Some people sneaked away on their own. Disappeared.
  17. My corps note are gone too. And the collaterals. I still have JC Our Promised Seed and JC our Passover. Those are pretty good books. They just happen to be mostly written by the research team though VPW got the credit.
  18. hmmm 1981-1984. 1981 I was in Mississippi as a Corps grad. Pretty much alone in Greenville, MS. A WOW vet was with me but she eventually left. Don't blame her. When I was sent, there was supposedly a Twig Area. That year the Corps were supposed to go to their assignments before ROA and then come back. There was a WOW family still there who would be gone after ROA. Horrible year. Lived in a trailer for awhile and worked at Sambo's. Was very poor. At first we couldn't get the heat on since we couldn't afford the deposit. Tom & Barb L were the limb leaders and they were like the Gestapo. Enough said about them. 1981 - 82 was in Jackson MS since the limb leader invited me there since I was such a failure in Greenville. Even worse year than before. Lots of condemnation. I worked in I-Hop with a 6th Corps Janet C who was hell on wheels. I just took all the crap because I thought it was ok since it was from people I thought were more spiritually mature than me. I was a mess by the end of the year. Decided to go WOW for my next assignment because I didn't know what else to do and didn't want to stay in MS. Had a nervous breakdown at Corps Week and got "sent home." You're supposed to forget your earthly family until TWI doesn't want you around and then they send you there. 1982- 1983 went to a school studying Advertising. Stayed clear of anything that would lead to a reproof session. Went to a nice little twig for awhile run by a regular "Joe Blow" believer. Was invited to live in a Way Home and oh no not that. I didn't want to spend my Saturdays cleaning and whatever else. No thank you. Didn't go to Corps Week or ROA that year. 1983-1984 Since I was in my 30's I wanted to find some one to marry and hadn't been able to do that in residence or since. I had fallen in love with a non Way guy in Greenville but wouldn't let myself be with him because he wasn't TWI and didn't want to be. Don't blame him now of course. Just hung around the TWI in San Diego where I had been since fall 1982. Still live here in 2016. Stopped moving around. I was done. All I really recall is staying on the periphery even though I was Corps. I was burnt out and wary. But I still thought it was God's ministry and didn't leave.
  19. That reminds me - I was in MS as a Corps Grad and asked my branch leader if I could go to my parents' to visit. (WOW that's weird too! Having to get permission to go home) Anyway he said "Why don't you just stay there". He wasn't happy with my performance. I'm really sorry I didn't take him up on that.
  20. The shaming of those who leave is a way that they keep you in. You don't want to be besmirched if you leave. When I did leave, I realized I didn't care what people said. I wasn't there to hear it. Wayworld was no longer my world.
  21. Maybe Rosie will take care of her. Heck, maybe they'll get married now. It's legal. Ha ha
  22. oh yeah, the apple trees..... And why the heck couldn't we hang with the College Division? GEEZ Elitism at its finest.
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