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Everything posted by Oakspear

  1. Why do you say that? What do you know, or think that you know, about paganism?In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  2. Holy Carp Mandii! Thanks for baring your soul here. Couldn't have been easy. Talk to you later In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  3. Regarding a "one-time" affair, I don't think there was ever anything in writing, or anything at all from the BOD about that. There has been plenty of statements to that effect by lower-level leaders speaking on their own authority. I heard a lot of justification, rationalization and excuses by my fellowship coordinator as well as the State coordinator at the time of the Allen lawsuit. What I thought was interesting was Rosie's statements about what was behind Martindale's ejection. Originally Martindale announced that he decided to step down, Rosie said that he was asked to step down; Martindale said it was because he wanted to protect himself, his family, and the ministry, Rosie said it was because he had not upheld biblical standards. Neither sounds like it was the whole truth. Rosie claims that she first found out about his "affairs" in 1998 and about Ms. Allen in 1999, yet he was allowed to continue as teacher and President through 2000. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear [This message was edited by pawtucket on March 23, 2004 at 14:08.]
  4. TWI says that they do not track how much people give, yet Colombo has records inmdicating how much the Peelers gave every year. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  5. Anybody else notice Colombo's shark-like behavior when questioning Peeler? In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  6. Lawyer: What did you do to satisfy yourself that this was an accurate statement? (that the Allen lawsuit was part of an organized campaign to destroy TWI - contained in the TWI press release) Steven Roberts: I just read it and believed what it said was accurate. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  7. The Way doesn't tell people where to live The Way doesn't monitor how much people give The Way does not tell people who to marry or who to divorce Fellowship coordinators are not restricted to everything the BOD says In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  8. Wacky: That approach was used by many: knowing enough of the bible to be able to counter attacks with really-truly-honest-to-God scripture. It even worked for a while. In time the abusive leaders got wise to that and started accusing us of using the Word deceitfully, and leaning heavily on the "obey the leaders no matter what" interpretation of certain verses. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  9. Not only did "leadership" use "The Word" to attempt to control (often succeeding), but in marriages, they would tell each spouse different things. Very seldom would anyone who was counselling my ex-wife and I talk to us together. When they did, it was different than what they told each of us separately. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  10. Yeah, why talk about the subject of a thread, or even read it? Anarchists unite! In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  11. I know what you're trying to say Oldies, but the statement "we complied through fear ... " isn't being given through your viewpoint, but another's...so how can you even have an opinion on it? The poster is writing about her experience, not yours. Howe can you say that her statement is false? You weren't where she was. Not everyone experienced the same things. Yeah...be quiet :D--> (kidding). Look at the flip side, what if every time you related some incident about something that happened to you, good or bad, somebody chimed in with "that's not my experience", implying that it never happened?In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  12. Good point, none of would have ever found Dallas on our own --> I mean the "teachings" :D--> I enjoyed the road trip aspect of it, and liked meeting up with long sundered pals, but I dreaded "sahring" time, since I had to really think to come up with anything that "blessed" me in the teachings! In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  13. GJ: Your experience does not fit into Mike's reality, therefore he looks for ways to make it fit. I had thought that I had heard Mike get as ridiculous as he could get, but his "sermons" to you exceeded my expectations! Hey, if you ever play Lincoln or Omaha, let me know. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  14. Did anyone actually get anything out of these Advanced Class Specials? I mean anything useful? After the advanced class, there wasn't too much that was really new or useful. Oh yeah, we "learned" who the "seed boys" were, and heard a lot of Martindale's opinions. The only events that I liked were the Word in Business meetings where you got together with people of like professions. But it wasn't the teachings, but hanging out with fellow sales reps and managers all day that was cool! In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  15. Hope: I think that I had to pay for the WayAP class when it came out, but at a discounted rate, i think maybe Corps and Alumni got it free though. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  16. Boy, it sure must be comforting to all of you who faked tongues that you really weren't faking it. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  17. I "do" the first commandment by refusing to give credence to the teachings of that lyin', adulterous, booze swillin', Kool smokin', plagarizin', Greek manglin', ruffled shirt wearin' cult founder with the fake doctorate. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  18. Can you raise someone from the dead and bring sight to the blind at the same time? In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  19. But George, can you rub your head and pat your stomach at the same time? In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  20. Lincoln Nebraska, for some reason, is a blues Mecca. Blues greats come here to retire, or semi-retire. Morris Holt, aka Magic Slim, has been a Chicago bluesman for several decades. He has settled down in Lincoln, and performs at several local bars. Magic is like a politician: whether he knows you or not he'll shake your hand and pretend that he knows you. One night a friend and I were discussing Slim's politician-like habits and figured that he would act like he was part of any scenario that we came up with. After many, many, many, adult beverages, I approached Slim. He knew me by sight, but that was about it. I said the following: "Hey Slim, remember that time I played with you down in Kansas City and my keyboards caught on fire? Then those hookers ran up and put the fire out?" (I do not play any instrument, let alone keyboards in this man's band) Slim looked at me and said "Yeah, that was funny, I remember that"!!!!!! What is even funnier is that on at least five different occassions Magic Slim's bother, Nick, the bass player, has tried to get me up on stage on open mike night to play keyboards. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  21. Oldies: I always find it somewhat scary when you and I agree on anything :D--> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  22. ...and I bet they can't make Margaritas like you either, Steve In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  23. Okay Rocky, let's kiss and make up...but hold onto your undies :D--> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  24. On our WOW year we were the target of a local Foursquare pastor who wanted to keep us from influencing the pure youth of the town. One night during Twig we noticed that quite a few people were walking past our house, this was unusual since we lived in an out of the way part of town. My WOW brother and I crawled out and hid in the bushes and saw that members of the Foursquare Gospel Church youth group were walking along in pairs round and round the block. During a gap in the "parade", my WOW bro' ran up and joined the procession. After circling the block a total of seven times the procession went back to the church, with WOW brother in the line. He made it all the way into the church and into the pew, and actually was holding hands with two youth group members during a prayer before they noticed it was him! They called it "The Jericho March"...and were claiming back our block for God In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  25. I went to an all boys high school. In my senior chemistry class there were a great number of "crimes against humanity" perpetrated. Some of the guys liked to play with fire and flammable liquids. One of the guys managed to melt a plastic chair. Our chem teacher demanded that he replace the chair by the next day or he would be suspended. As soon as the teacher's back was turned I tossed another chair out the third-floor window. One of the guys took it home and filed off the Department of Education logo off the back. My buddy brought it back the next day and avoided suspension. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
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