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Everything posted by DrtyDzn

  1. I'd like to know how a creationist can think that evolution was the mechanism that God used to create the animals. Evolution involves death, yet the animals were created before death came into the world according to Genesis. :blink: Jerry
  2. Isn't the commisission of the Bible to multiply and fill the Earth? Apparently, this has been done (like Word Over the World). In fact it could be argued that it is overfull. With 6 billion people on the planet now, and experts saying, at best, it could be stabalized at 9 million, the demographics of not just nations, but the whole planet, has to be managed to avoid disaster. Its not only age that has to be managed, but the consumption rate of individuals or groups. 9 billion westerners would consume a lot more than 9 billion third world inhabitants. Biblical mandates of a full quiver have to be looked at as old wineskins that would only get us into big trouble if adhered to. Jerry
  3. I looked around for some facts and couldn't find anything that connected the desired deer population with hunting. A lot of opinions, but no facts. There are no facts that pressure from non hunters is the cause either.The fact is, early in the 20th century, hunting was banned because we almost wiped out the deer population. Luckily deer recover rather quickly. It seems that now we have a nationwide overpopulation of deer. At this point, killing the deer is the only viable option to control the population size. But in inhabited areas this poses its own problems. I don't want hunting banned altogether, but as a method of control should be restricted to less populated areas. Control of the deer population in inhabited areas could be done through birth control. We could employ both methods. The clash between civilization and wildlife is only going to continue until we divide up the space into wild reserves and inhabited areas. Jerry
  4. I'll give you this, that killing by hunting is certainly more humane than the environment of the slaughter houses. In California they even sell "cruelty free" meat. Thats if you don't consider killing the animal as cruelty. Man could lower the population if he wanted, but it is maintained at the high levels for the benefit of the hunting business. The associated problems are tolerated to make the sport easier. There are very few hunters who need the kill to survive. If hunting was banned in an area, the population could be maintained at a much lower level and would have to be done with neutering.Jerry
  5. Finally!! Someone with all the answers. Right or wrong.Jerry
  6. The above post was from me, not my wife. LOL Jerry
  7. DrtyDzn

    Stupid People

    My daughter's major is biology, with a zoology emphasis. When people ask her if she wants to become a vet, she always says no, she doesn't think she could handle it when people bring in their obviously uncared for animals. Those are some horrendous stories, Dot. Thank God there are people like you who can handle it. My daughter interned at the local humane society in the wildlife area this summer. Someone brought in an opossum who had been tortured and had rocks thrown at it. She told me their only defense is to run away or look mean. If you put your hand in an opossum's mouth, she won't bite down. She couldn't understand why someone would do that to a helpless being. On a lighter note, she said that someone came into the humane society extolling the benefits of being a breathatarian. That's right, someone who lives on only air. When she was asked how she stayed alive, she said that sometimes people in her community will eat grains, but its highly frowned upon.
  8. Jonny, You are being rediculous. If we are going to follow nature's lead, then we would be killing our prey in the same sadistic manner as you described. If man desired, we could solve the problem of overpopulation using neutering instead of hunting. But we don't want to. Mother Nature is cruel and man is bound and determined to tame her. Civilization and the wild do not mix. If you want wild animals to hunt, then they will clash with civilization. Neutering is just a more civilized way of reducing the numbers of the wild animals to reduce the conflict. Jerry
  9. If we are going to stick to what we see in Mother Nature, get rid of your weapons when you go hunting. Man has the ability to use technology to control the deer population by neutering if it wanted to, but it doesn't want to cull the herd so small that the hunters have a hard time enjoying their "sport". They could lower the numbers of the herd to very low levels by hunting to reduce the frequency of car accidents too, but that is not acceptable either. They need a large herd so that the sport isn't too challenging. How about clearing 50 yards on either side of the roads and reducing the speed limit to 25mph to reduce the frequency of accidents? Then you could have your cake and eat it too, albiet at a slower pace. Jerry
  10. We don't have deer here in the city. It makes for poor hunting though. If you eliminate the problem of deer running out on the road, you too will have nothing to hunt. Humans don't share territory with wild animals very well. But if I want to see deer, I can always go to the zoo. LOL Jerry
  11. Seems to me we all had enough of trying to control life while we were in the Way. Just build your believing, ya know. And it gets harder when you are expected to control other people. Now it may be wise to plan and set objectives and all that, but it will never eliminate the unexpected because we are only finite. Jerry
  12. Well, well. Seems like the Pharisees had a pretty good grasp of the letter also. But it was the spirit of the word that Jesus used. Same doctrine, different application. Jerry
  13. DrtyDzn

    Regarding Anger

    Pond: Are you talking about clinical depression or just the run of the mill type?Jerry
  14. DrtyDzn

    Free Hugs Video

    Boys may be boys, but there more than a few girls who would use the holy kiss or hug to tease. Shoot, we were mostly young and single and the matting dance played out in the Way as in every other place on Earth. With a few little twists of the social norms thrown in, but the dance continues. I'd like to see them do a free hugs video in a Muslim country. :unsure: Jerry
  15. I hope this would include the seed, as I like my wheat, rice, barley, oats and corn. Jerry
  16. I think its a matter of perspective. Some people see God's hand in everything that happens, "there are no coincidences in life". God blesses them with good and tries their faith with the bad. Others see the same things happen to everyone and call it part of life. The rain falls on the good and evil. What happens is just luck or fate. If there ever comes the day when indisputable miracles are again witnessed, changing water to wine, calming the seas, walking on water, it would settle the debate as to whether God is more than a feel good mental exercise. Jerry
  17. If sin could enter the blood through eating meat, you'll have to explain how Jesus avoided this. He at least ate fish, no? Jerry
  18. Roy, I don't know how the seed could be called incorruptible if it could die a second death. Jerry
  19. I resemble that remark, LOL. Al does a good job on all his parody's. Jerry
  20. I remember Craig going on about "believing images of Victory" and how he would picture in his mind everything being the way he thought it should be. He explained that if he was driving down the road and saw say an old barn in disrepair, he would imagine it being all fixed up with a new coat of paint. This practice was supposed to build positive believing. Jerry
  21. Its all about the money. You can get great nursing home care if you have your own money. Medicare isn't going to shell out enough money to make the nursing home owners and administrators rich. So they take their cut out of what should be put into things like more staff and higher wages for the staff to attract quality caregivers. The baby boomers have to start taxing and pouring money into the system now, while they are still in charge, if they want to see improvement in the situation by the time they need a nursing home. Jerry
  22. Its supposed to snow here, today and tomorrow, but they're only calling for a dusting. I'm hoping the weatherman is right. My son is coming home this weekend, its homecoming ya know, so the snow needs to stay off the roads in any case.
  23. DrtyDzn


    So you agree then, that, by your definition, these Christians that are ignorant of manifestations are unable to practice charity. I guess then, that by your definition, you can't have charity without a completely renewed mind. Doesn't bode well for the newcomer. Jerry
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