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Everything posted by Sudo

  1. Abigail, Re:"Does the Bible really denigrate women?" If you don't think so then answer this one question.. what does the Bible call a man who is promiscuous? A Harloteor? A Stud? Naw.. he's called the king of Israel.. David... Solomon etc. sudo
  2. Hiway29, Re:"sudo-oh yes they are. From my own sordid history in the way, to the hundreds of horror stories related in here, it sadly seems all too credible." So when did these guys get so stupid? I left around '87 and most folks in TWI then seemed to be at least of sound mind if not a little deluded. Let me get this straight.. a little girl comes in yelling that there are spirits in the garage and EVERYONE doesn't go out to see what the heck is up in the garage? Hmmmm.. sudo
  3. Kathy, Sure a pom pom girl in junior high counts! I bet you were just as cute as a button, too!! but George.. the march was The Thin Red Line by Kenneth Alford. T.W. Swayzee loved this guy's marches nearly as much as he liked Sousa's. Here's a link about Alford.. Click HERE! and a link to his most famous march that I'm sure you'll recognize even if you didn't remember the name..Click HERE! Now was I right?? You guys have heard that march, huh? I see a river when I hear it. A river in an Asian country.. Hee-hee! It's Colonel Bogey On Parade. And we played that one too! sudo
  4. Egilkent, I'm not exactly calling you a liar but I don't believe the story as told. Even TWI adherents aren't that stupid. sudo
  5. Sudo

    Datin' forum

    Freeatlast, Re:"Another thought here too is the dangers of those posing to be someone they are not." You're right! It's disgusting how people will try to deceive and manipulate on dating threads. Personally?? I'm single and have never been married but am interested in finding a soulmate who loves walks on the beaches hand-in hand. Here's a recent pic of me... sudo
  6. Hiway29, Re:"I have no idea what to say about those, except they're well done." Thank you! My point entirely. The piece you remember as 'finiculi, finicula' is Napoli by Bellstadt but why I posted it was because of the artistry of our "lowly" high school band. As I said, I was 1st chair French horn and went on to become 1st chair at Ole Miss.... starting my sophomore year. I *think** I deserved 1st chair my freshman year as well but was denied it because the band director felt he owed it to the senior horn player, IMO. But I could out play him and everyone in the symphonic band dang well KNEW it. You hear how good our high school band sounded?? Well I was the *only* member of that senior band that won being in the Tennessee All State band all the years in high school. So I'm not really bragging in telling you guys I could really wail on that French horn. And yeah.. I'm still ticked that I didn't make 1st chair my Freshman year at Ole Miss. However, after the senior guy that still retained his 1st chair after I joined the band graduated, I was the undisputed 1st chair for the next three years. But I shoulda' had it even my freshman year. Now I know you guys don't know the intricacies of what the French horn can do but George does. So George... When I tried out at Ole Miss when I was a senior in high school the Ole Miss band director at the time Dr. James Ferguson ( a $%@& head) started off the audition by asking me to play a C scale. I then played for him the whole three octaves that the French horn was capable of doing without missing or slurring a note knowing that he was expecting me (a high school student) of playing two octaves like a trumpet player. After that he didn't ask me to play anything else.. he right then offered me the maximum band scholarship he was authorized to offer. Not a full scholarship as I wasn't a music major but pretty dang close. It's how I was able to attend Ole Miss.. out of state for a Memphis boy. And the new director of bands ( Ferguson left after my freshman year) really wanted me to change my major to music but I refused even though I was better than his music major French hornists. I now see that my anger at being denied my rightful place had consequences on others. I go on and on don't I? Well I'm just trying to make a few points... the first being that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to marches and George's march is very very good. The second is that I'm disappointed in the quality of our bands today and I wish George had a a good quality recording of his very good composition. sudo
  7. Rascal, Am I day late and a dollar short?? Happy birthday girl!! sudo
  8. George, Kathy is right.. I am thrilled as she said. You are truly talented but I have to lament the sad state of our performing bands.. and you say this was a *COLLEGE* and community band? They sound like a 7th grade band back when I was in high school. I understand that the quality of high school bands today is abysmal and this recording of your superb composition seems to confirm that don't you think? Here's two songs from a poor recording of my high school band done in the 60's. Listen to the musicianship. These were high school kids and the intonation was remarkable. I was first chair French horn. :) Name the first one.. (this IS still the Nostalgia thread after all even if nobody's coming here anymore!! Hee-hee!) by author and/or name. Click HERE! for a typical Messick high school band performance and... Click HERE! for a march that I doubt anyone will know but I post it because its just so typical of the musicianship of high school bands of the 1960's. Look at this "album cover" and see the name of the director.. T.W. Swayzee We still get together the first Saturday in August, bring our axes and play music directed by Mr. T.W. Swayzee who is now 84 years old. I don't know how much longer we'll have him around but he is a treasure and beloved by all of us. Has anyone seem Mr. Holland's Opus?? Well T.W. wrote music regularly for school plays. Phttttttt on Mr. Holland!!! He couldn't hold a candle to T.W. Swayzee! :) sudo
  9. Groucho, Re:"..do you have refreshments at break time?" Maybe some Kool-aid? 'Ya know.. I always LIVED for those break times though about all we ever got was weak coffee and carrot and celery sticks. But we could smell the coffee brewing about 30 minutes before break. No half and half for it though... got coffee creamer. And ranch dressing for carrots and celery. That was probably a Grace Bliss thingee. sudo
  10. George, And as promised... here 'tis!! Your latest march that YOU WROTE YOURSELF!!!! Albeit performed by a band not up to your composing standards. Hey guys.. click HERE! and listen to Our Strong Refuge written by our own George St.George! I had a high school band director that was a Sousa maniac. He loved the guy so much that he would never let us play Stars And Stripes Forever because he didn't think we could do justice to the piece. This march by our own George St. George reminds me so much of a Sousa march and take it from me because I know what I'm talking about... it's really good. Very talented. But then... some of yous don't care nothing about marches so that's your loss but as for me.. I'm very very impressed... if only George could get a marching band to record it. Half way through the piece, you can hear a pretty decent clarinet doing scales :). sudo
  11. Waysider, I've done the very same thing.. Hee-hee! sudo
  12. Freelady, Re:"And how do I get intouch with Paw?" You send him a message (we call it a private message) and to to that go up to the first bar on the forums page (Just under the Greasespot banner) and you'll see where you can click for 'members'. Click on that and then type in Pawtucket. Click on the arrow beside his name and select message. That's sounding kinda' complicated.. tell you what.. I'll tell him to get in contact with you, OK?? sudo P.S. You heard what ChattyKathy told you... the PFAL class is still owned by TWI and you don't have authorization to run it I'm pretty dang sure. Be very very careful about giving out any personal information here, my dear. The WayGB WILL track you down. I doubt they'll bring legal action for political reasons but they could make trouble.
  13. Freelady, How are you going to run the class? Tapes or video cassettes? Do you have copies of the sylabus you're going to hand out. Just curious. sudo
  14. Sudo

    2007 Weenie Roast

    Bow, Speaking of cabins... what's the cabin situation at Ron's place? I liked Ky fine, too. As far as time of year preference, I would prefer it in the Fall so its not boiling hot. However, it was comfortable last year even though it was August. sudo
  15. Whitedove, Re"..the Belizean BRC Anthony and Amy recently bought the bookstore from Delores she started it as a part time hobby and it became full time work..." I know Anthony and his daughter Amy. Good people. Do you think they are the ones advertising? And if so.... where the heck are they getting the *new* books and CD's?? sudo P.S. Who is Delores??
  16. Bolshevik, I keep forgetting that not everybody here is at least 50 years old. The link (click HERE!) shows a lot of Good Seed which was a TWI band probably before your time. sudo
  17. Jacy, I doubt any such book exists but welcome to the Greasespot!! Maybe someone told you they saw a book like Jesus Christ Our Passover that was written for children, maybe? sudo
  18. Bolshevik, I forgot to include the link but it looks like you guys found it alright... its http://www.eternallyblessed.com/ . I didn't mean to imply that the site had recent TWI music. Here's the link that takes you to their TWI songs... just click HERE! I'm wondering who these guys are!! sudo
  19. Bolshevic, Re:"they even have some of the prevailing word editions." Yeah.. I saw that too. They also have TWI music. I'm wondering who these guys are and how they are getting away with it :blink: sudo
  20. Have any of ya'll noticed the ad usually in the About The Way forum for buying VPW's books?? It may be there right now for all I know but here's a screen capture of the ad.... So my question is... where are they getting these books? If you click on on of the products, like say, The Bible Tells Me So, the description says it is a new never read book. Are these Eternally Blessed guys in cahoots or competition with TWI bookstore? And copyrights?? It seems strange to me. sudo
  21. Sudo


    Here he is... Greasespot cop out that he is sudo
  22. P-mosh, Re:"This week, my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl." You're biased. Nearly all newborns I have seen are not that attractive. They start looking a lot better after about a month. But be that as it may.. I know you're tickled pink and I hope both mom and baby are healthy. Congratulations!!! sudo
  23. Tony Soprano, I am always aghast at peoples' cruelty. I don't know why people will torture a helpless dog or slowly behead another person as they do in radical Islamic cultures. But please.. just reading the Rainbow Bridge will make me cry like a child. sudo
  24. Umm.. no one else?? As I said, I *do* have the video if there's any interest. sudo
  25. Rhino, I heard on NPR this morning that she would probably serve about half her sentence due to overcrowding in the California jails. She's been pampered and catered to all her life it appears and used to doing whatEVER she wanted to do and get away with it. I wonder if she'll learn a lesson from this?? sudo
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