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Everything posted by Sudo

  1. Sudo

    Perseids meteor shower

    I saw ONE meteor early Wednesday morning while out jogging. I had forgotten all about the Perseid shower until I saw it. Didn't see any more even though I was watching the sky. sudo
  2. Anyone into 50's cult films?? I saw the movie this past week on TCM (man I love that channel) and was a little surprised by the songs in it. You guys have probably heard the first on (click HERE!) for years. But what about this one? Click HERE! Can anyone tell me who it is singing these songs? Any idea why the words are slightly different? You might also be surprised as to who wrote the song. sudo (thinking it was getting dusty in here)
  3. Eyesopen, Re:"This causes me great sadness. I am fairly certain that it doesn't make God very happy either." Cheer up! Hap and P-mosh were just kidding! Republicans aren't going extinct! There now.. don't you feel better? sudo
  4. Paw, Good going! I bet there will be quite a turn out! sudo (believing to be listening)
  5. Krys, Suda beat me to the punch so happy birthday from me as well!!!!! sudo
  6. Likeaneagle, I know some folks who kept a copy of the 12 sessions of PFAL and have made digital copies that they make available to selected individuals. They know its illegal so they are very cagey about who gets a copy. I think their rationalization is that since TWI is no longer running the PFAL class, then there should be no copyright problem with them sharing the Word of God as it hadn't been known since the 1st century. sudo
  7. Sudo

    Happy Birthday, Raf

    Dooj, Re:"I think that Sudo just likes showing off.." Yeah.. I guess so. Someone sent me that animation in an e-mail and I've just been waiting for a good time to post it. It is pretty neat, huh? :) sudo
  8. cman, Re:"After I installed XDrive, I stopped all aol processes through msconfig." Yeah.. that was the kind of thing I was talking about with AOL programs. And even after zapping them in msconfig, I've found they will put themselves back in if you use an AOL program. Have you noticed that? It does look like a cool program, though. Have you tried the combining of pics and sounds yet? sudo
  9. cman, Did you load both the g drive AND the x drive? How's it going with them? I'm a little leary about the AOL x drive because in the past, AOL has always bundled stuff into their programs. I have to admit that both sound way cool. sudo (who's into 'way cool' techie stuff)
  10. Sudo

    Happy Birthday, Raf

    It's birthday party time!!!! sudo
  11. WG, Your FDIL is what we down here in the South would call trailer trash. You could probably do a whole lot with a good attorney... maybe even get custody for all I know.... but it would cost you lots for the legal help. You see rampant decay in kids now-a-days only in cases like you've described... kids living on candy bars, sugar juice and of course no dental hygiene. Yes, its child neglect but your chances of using it to force changes by FDIL depend on the legal environment in that county. A good lawyer that practices in that field could tell you. An initial consultation might be the way you want to go as it probably wouldn't cost too much and THEN you'd know where you stood. Actually, $2000 sounds like a good deal for restoring 10+ teeth including general anesthesia but in ALL states, children covered by Medicaid get FREE dental care with no co-pays. Some states have their own plans but they have to provide free dental care for covered children under the age of 21. The only problem might be in finding a pediatric dentist that accepts Medicaid. The closest one could be 100 miles away but that's not usually the case. Good luck! sudo
  12. George, I don't know all of them but Daisy belongs to the Bumsteads, Odie belongs to Garfield's Jim and Ruff belonged to the Mitchell's. I believe that Barfy might have been in Family Circle. Did Bullet belong to Snuffy? I'm drawing a complete blank on Otto. sudo
  13. Hiway29, I just caught that myself. And I just saw Stalag 17 again on TCM a month or so ago, too. I couldn't have told you which stalag Col. Hogan and gang were in anyway. sudo
  14. Uh, I wasn't really planning on posting any quotes.. I'm terrible at coming up with exact quotes of anything... ask my wife... but I kinda' did answer in a way didn't I? And the rules say 'ya have to post one if you answer one? OK.. but this one is lame because the only TV quotes I can come with off the top of my head are things like "He's dead, Jim!" or "Lucy! You got some 'splaining to do". But back in the 60's was a TV show I liked and one of the characters was famous for this line:"I know nooooooothing!!!!" It came up at a recent family get together and even my sister remembered it! sudo
  15. Hiway29, Not sure of the rules here but those last few quotes are just giving it away to any old coot. Why not throw in a PT boat for good measure?? sudo
  16. I think maybe Walt would have approved. He was a chain smoker who died of lung cancer way too early. sudo
  17. Well hello hello! At least I'M still around but you know... lots of folks come and go. Your post made me think of folks I hadn't thought about for some time. Now stick around, you hear?? sudo
  18. Matilda, Its good to see your font even if its not too often now-a-days. You'll post and then take off for a while. I remember the WayDale days too and I think those threads are archived somewhere. So are things OK with you? C'mon and post a little more often. There are lots of new folks and of course those we see once in a blue moon. sudo
  19. Hills Bro... A happy birthday to a fellow long timer at the Greasespot!! Post more often, man!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!! sudo
  20. Garth, We could do a poll but my observations line up with yours... most of us Greasespotters are in our 50's. I'll be 55 in September. I've gotten to know several posters personally by way of "weenie roasts" and meeting up while traveling with Suda. As we all ease into retirement in the not so distant future, it seems inevitable that more and more of us will be get to know each other in person. I'm looking forward to just taking off in the van and heading to see folks in Michigan's upper peninsula, New England or even sunny California. With time on our hands I know we all will be seeing more and more of each other in person. One of these days in addition to all the regional get togethers we have, there will *have* to be a nation wide Greasespot reunion. We'd set aside a block of rooms at a large hotel (with lots of amenities) that was centrally located and have a meeting room reserved where we would all meet up... and go from there! :) sudo
  21. Happy double nickles to ya's Geo.. Did someone just call you old?? I'll be there in a few months myself. And to think we used to consider folks over-the-hill at 40! sudo
  22. Also.. I understand that neither knew the other was dying. They were once political opponents but had become close in later years. I think that it was Adams that said as he lay dying that at least Jefferson was still alive. Something like that. sudo
  23. 2Life, Yeah.. we all bought into the nearly identical "law" of believing at one time too didn't we?? sudo
  24. Raf, This is one week out of a Summer of many Summers you've had that you will never forget. Savor every moment knowing you're building memories that will last your lifetime... all in one momentous week. Congratulations! sudo
  25. Mark, It was just a few years ago that I realized that freedom of speech doesn't exist in much of Europe like it does here. Your example is one that would appall most Americans had that been done here. Americans have defended the right to say outrageous things since the conception of the country. You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theatre is about as close to abridging speech rights that we allow, right? We had a long discussion on speech rights in Germany a while back because there it is a CRIME to deny the Holocaust. That kind of speech law is repugnant to (most) Americans, I'd think. Belgium obviously thinks the same way Germany does. sudo
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