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Everything posted by Sudo

  1. Sudo

    Bizarre Suicide

    Naw naw naw.... too many lights going off on my BS meter. Check Snopes HERE! sudo (fooled one too many times for his own tastes)
  2. Nottawayfer, Re:"The thing that gets me the most about this is that it's the girl who gets in trouble. What about the guy who got her pregnant?" If the girl decides to raise the child the guy has to pay child support for 18 years. That seems fair to me for what might have been a one night thingee. *BUT* and this is a big but... the right thing for that girl would be to put that baby up for adoption. Listen, Nottawayfer, due to the fact that there is now no stigma for women raising out-of-wedlock children and that abortions are now legal, there are hardly any children for people of means to adopt anymore. They have to go to foreign countries to get a child to raise. I'm truly sorry you had a rotten dad but facts are facts and children raised in homes without fathers present are at a SEVERE disadvantage. You seem to have turned OK, right? Well guess what the statistics say.... yep... even when the dad wasn't the best in the world, the fact that he was in the home almost guarantees the kids will turn out better than if he weren't.... rotten dad or not. Not sure why this is so but its's so. I'm thinking that even a drunken out of work slob of a father won't take shinola from the kids and thereby teach them accepting authority and keeping them out of trouble with the law as mothers tend to be (believe me I know what I'm talking about here) much more permissive. I don't know for sure why it works with both parents. I'm just guessing. But It DOES work better with both parents in the home. No debate. Which takes us right back to what we were talking about... what we allow as acceptable behavior in our culture. And having kids out of wedlock??? Naw... that's not good for a society. sudo
  3. Doojable, Re:"It may have more to do with where you grew up, Sudo. I grew up in NYC, and although my parents didn't cuss (or they cussed in another language ) I certainly heard cussing." I don't want to disparage your upbringing but you didn't hear cusssing even on TV until the 70's. And it started off mild. I remember Johnny Carson saying Hell and damn and the audience roared with laughter because he was being naughty. Then you could say other words on TV like bitch and bastard. My my and this was considered progress? But you know... its really not about the curse words. They are just words after all. Its about what we as a people decide to allow as acceptable behavior and words are just a barometer. We used to not tolerate out-of-wedlock pregnancies. Girls that got "into trouble" went away to visit their "Aunt Sue" for a few months and the child then put up for adoption. Those children were then reared in a two parent home and turned out fine. Now a single lady gets pregnant and not only raises the child on her own but brags that she doesn't NEED any man helping her out thank-you-veery-much! Gay couples are demanding the "right" to raise children yet we're all homophobic if we don't think that's in a child's best interest. Most of these kids have big problems with no father in the picture. But we accept that as a society because we don't want to stigmatize pregnant single ladies or alternative lifestyles. Aw... I could go on about the trash that's on TV, the filthy and even violent lyrics on songs on the radio that we all have just insulated ourselves to but I think you get my point. We hear this stuff over and over... get used to it thereby accepting it for all intents and purposes... and then... our culture goes even more into the toilet. sudo
  4. DMiller, No I hadn't forgotten but hadn't realized it had been 63 years though. 63 years after the American civil war battle of Gettysburg... it was 1927. Just before the depression. I grew up watching WWII movies and even TV shows like Combat. It seems so strange to realize that even the youngest 18 year old soldier at D-Day would now be in his 80's. Truly that was one of our greatest generations and we're losing thousands of them each year. My dad was a year too young for D-Day but was in the army being trained for the invasion of Japan when we dropped the big one on Hiroshima. He's still working a full time job (though he doesn't need the money) I can proudly report!! sudo
  5. Highway, Re:"Aw, cmon Sudo... you don't think this is really true, do you?" You don't think so? Then listen to the clip again when the mom has obviously now gone and gotten her camcorder and baits the little girl to use that language again.. only this time for the camera while mom giggles through the whole thing. My mom told me that she had never heard the "F" word until she was in high school and even then it took a while for her to know what it meant. I was in junior high before hearing the "D" word for a man's penis and didn't know what it meant either. And I don't think its fair to just say that my mom and I were ignorant. What I'm telling you is that crude language was not used routinely in not so many years past. And your point is that children using bad language is no big deal if the parents are OK?? But if the parents aren't OK like your neighbor lady, then bad language can get them reported to Human Services if they use too many cuss words? I'm saying that the use of crude language by everyone and laughing at it when used by children who have just learned to make complete sentences is no laughing matter. It's a coarsening of our culture and when you accept vulgar language then you accept other unsavory apsects of society that used to be univerally condemned as a culture... people intentionally having out of wedlock children. Divorce for little or no cause (we just don't love each other anymore), premarital sex as a standard in TV shows etc... where the end result is that our children grow up more crude and apt to do crude things. That's my opinion. sudo
  6. George, I never watched this show that I can remember. I remember his Satarday morning cartoon show a lot better. We also bought one of his albums.. To My Brother Russell Who I Slept With. It was pretty funny. sudo
  7. Sudo


    Hooner, What's a "literal"? I remember VPW giving his spin on a Bible verse by re-writting it like he liked and calling it something like a literal according to usasge something or another. Of course, he was just making it up but I didn't know there was a full book rewriting the Bible. Or maybe you're talking about something else? I just haven't heard of "literals". sudo
  8. Sudo

    monkeys on parade

    Polar Bear, Yeah, that trunk monkey is nice and all but do you know how EXPENSIVE they are? And you thought OnStar was pricey. Hee-hee! Yeah.. that's funny! sudo
  9. I don't find it amusing when little children use bad language. Why would anyone think it was cute? They obviously picked it up from hearing it from adults, unless they heard it from some other two year old with a potty mouth... that picked it up from the adults in THEIR household. Or maybe the supervising adults (I won't say 'parents' as odds are she's not living with both biological parents) allows the child to watch 'R' rated HBO movies and the like. Pretty disgusting in my book. Naw folks.. this isn't cute. Kids didn't used to even hear this kind of language before they were teens. Now they're using bad language at age 2 and birth control at age 12. And folks think its cute?? sudo
  10. Shifra, You're obviously TWI I. So I ask you.. how in the world would a nerd like that get 18 year old girls to service him in the motor coach? sudo
  11. Sudo

    Tattoos on women

    Chas, I wonder why people will permanently disfigure their bodies knowing they may not feel the same way 20 years later. WWII Navy and Marines liked to tattoo "Semper Fi" or ship anchors or.. get this... their girlfriends' names on their chests and arms. A lot of them were sorry later. Doesn't it remind of you of that Jimmy Buffet tune, "With nothing to show but this brand new tattoo. But it's a real beauty, A Mexican cutie, how it got here I haven't a clue." Welllllll... if you're happy with your new tat then that's fine with me because you're all grown up now and there are worse things than defacing your skin which is just really a cosmetic issue. At least none of my daughters have decided to permanently deface themselves. But if they do.. they're legally adults now. Have you seen this video?? Click HERE! sudo
  12. Jardinero, Who is "we"?? You and Joseph? Or you and a significant other? And where the heck have you been lady? We've been missing you here of late :( . sudo
  13. Hap, Re:"..you had it in About the Way, I rarely go there and did not see it. my 'pologies!" Nothing to apologize for, Hap. There are forums I rarely go into as well... like the Politics forum. I'm just not big and tough enough to take the heat. So as Truman (I think it was) said I get out of the kitchen!!!! Its interesting how the forums we visit change over time. At the beginning, most of us wouldn't miss *anything* on the About The Way forum but as time goes by.... what is discussed there is all old hat. Or maybe I should say an old wineskin, eh? And it gets so dang BORING for a lot of old timers like us, Hap. sudo
  14. Kit, Re:". . . son Paul is preparing to audition for the US Marine Corps band." Like George was referring to.. I'm assuming this is *the* Marine corps band. If he makes it.. its a cushy life. You get paid to play your horn all day and retire with half pay after only 20 years. sudo
  15. Scary.. That seems to be the main emotion here. Yeah... I'm slapping myself on the forehead wondering why I ever bought into such ridiculous notions. It must have had something to do with my girlfriend at the time who cajoled me into taking "the class". What?? A mother gets her child killed because she is too concerned and worried?? And we believed that??? sudo
  16. DMiller, Doojable is right... she's easy on the eyes but I don't keep up with race car sports. You're not saying she's a driver are you? How could she expect to win racing against men? I'd like her getting me another Budweiser, though, while I watched the race. sudo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Kathy, I was just mentioning this tune this past week here so it hit me to post it. I didn't edit it for size.. its in its full MP3 glory so those with dial up may not be pleased as it's a little over 4 meg. I mentioned that my high school band director never let us play this song. I'm not SURE why but I suspect he considered it... like... sacred or something along those lines. That we as a high school band had no business attempting to play it as we could never do justice to it. During my junior year, the entire Messick high school band traveled to Jackson, Tn (about 1 1/2 hours away) on buses to hear the Marine band that was performing there. They had no qualms about performing this piece and the look on Mr. Swayzee's face as they did so. He talked about it the rest of the year.. especially how (don't know why this impressed him) the trombones were playing as one unit on the coda. We really should have played this song during my 10th grade year as we had a flute (and piccolo) player who could have hacked that very difficult solo part with ease. He was 1st chair flute all-state Tennessee his senior (my 10th grade) year. And what song could I be talking about? Why probably the most patriotic American march ever written. Sousa claimed that the whole song came to him in a vision while on a boat crossing the ocean and who am I to doubt him? George knows what I'm going to post right now. Maybe some others of you do too. Click HERE! sudo (wishing all a Happy Memorial day!!)
  18. Kathy, We agree then. It's Memorial Day and I'm here at home wondering what I could post that folks would really like to see or hear.... sudo
  19. Hap, What?? You and Shell just igoring my posts?? Click HERE! sudo (about to get his feelings hurt Boo-hoo-hoo!!!) :(
  20. Kathy, I intentionally left the tags in the file... Naw... he didn't sing Western. Its Roger Whittaker and he's singing about WWII from a British perspective but tell me this... doesn't it make you a little weepy eyed?? It does me sudo
  21. Waysider, Welcome to The Nostalgia thread. We aren't very active lately but we've been a thread for many many years. And now come to find out you are a Nostalgia and marching band kind of person.. Bless my soul. Here's a little nostalgia for you.. if you consider our parents' generation and WWII as nostalgia. This *IS* Memorial day after all. Click HERE! sudo
  22. Kathy, I'm a guy so what do I know but John Davidson doesn't look like much to ME! Now shall we talk about high school marches (thinking this is a really nerdy topic) or on to bigger and better things? Any suggestions, Kathy?? I'm open to new ideas. sudo
  23. You know when you're in a cult if you are told that a mother shouldn't worry about the safety of her children, and that in fact if she worries TOO MUCH... God will punish her by allowing her child to be killed. Funny... most children that are killed are from families that DON'T take measures to protect them and allow them to roam the streets as they please. But you are in a cult when you are told that you worry about your kids too much. And its YOUR fault when awful accidents happen... as awful things will sometimes happen to *all* people of all faiths. sudo
  24. Sudo

    For Music Lovers

    Doojable, I liked your Beatles post. Takes me way back. sudo
  25. Abigail, And then again there's the more obvious answer isn't there? Geeze.. do I really have to spell it out for an intelligent person like you? sudo
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