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Everything posted by Sudo

  1. George, Did I include too much information by not cutting out the ending?? Oh, and Kathy... I like you too. sudo
  2. Gots one that may be of interest.... First is the audio that I recorded off of a 1960's TV program that I love. Click HERE! but I've also got the video to post if needs be. But I think with all the hints in the audio, folks will know it. sudo
  3. ooooh Frisco, You've done it now, dude. You've exposed yourself as a TWI apologist and that gets you few folks to take up for you when TWI was so evil to them. Here's what was telling about your post.. Re:"Really man what profit is it to you or anyone else to pursue such questions." Profit?? Maybe trying to warn those checking out TWI here at Greasespot what the cult is all about perhaps? Maybe trying to get some mental healing from the abuse they suffered? But I think you're trying to say something else by reading between the lines, Frisco. I think you might be trying to say that those things happened long ago.. in OLD TWI. But now we're in new and improved TWI and those old matters don't matter today. They are old wine skins or some such, right? And if so.. why hasn't the BOD apologized for the abuses inflicted by their predecessors? sudo
  4. Sudo

    Greasespot posters??

    Rainbowsgirl, Re:"How very clever and well thought out of you ((((((Sudo))))!" Naw naw naw.. this was cross posted on another forum. But no... now that I think about it... yes.. yes it was ME that came up with this witty post and am just now realizing how very clever I am!!!! sudo
  5. Sudo

    Greasespot posters??

    How many forum posters does it take to change a light bulb? 1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed 14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently 7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs 2 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing light bulbs 4 to flame the spell checkers 12 to correct spelling/grammar flames 2 to argue over whether it's "lightbulb" or "light bulb" ... another 6 to condemn those 2 as anal-retentive 2 industry professionals to inform the group that the proper term is "lamp" 4 know-it-alls who claim "they" were in the industry, and that "light bulb" is perfectly correct 5 to post that this forum is not about light bulbs and to please take this discussion to a light bulb forum 20 to demand that cross posting to hardware forum, off-topic forum, and light bulb forum about changing light bulbs be stopped 32 to defend the posting to this forum saying that we all use light bulbs and therefore the posts "are" relevant to this forum 22 to debate which method of changing light bulbs is superior, where to buy the best light bulbs, what brand of light bulbs work best for this technique and what brands are faulty 10 to post URLs where one can see examples of different light bulbs 14 to post that the URLs were posted incorrectly and then post the corrected URLs 3 to post about links they found from the URLs that are relevant to this group which makes light bulbs relevant to this group 4 to post to the group that they will no longer post because they cannot handle the light bulb controversy 56 to quote the "Me Too's" to say "Me Three" and “I agree with you” 4 to suggest that posters request the light bulb FAQ 44 to ask what is a "FAQ" 4 to say "didn't we go through this already a short time ago?" 6 to say "do a Google search on light bulbs before posting questions about light bulbs" 1 forum lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again. 1 to state that a light bulb does not emit light, it sucks dark. After it is full, it stays dark. sudo
  6. Rottie, Yeah.. Greasy is *da' MAN!!* sudo
  7. Sudo

    Way Music

    Likeaneagle, Its been a long time so "way speak" that was once clear to me is now harder for me to understand. LCM said what??? These songs picked up debbil spirits all by themselves once the singers copped out? And you could get possessed by just listening?? sudo
  8. Sudo

    Way Music

    Belle, How was that supposed to work about the songs not being spiritually healthy *now* but they were just fine when produced? Did anyone ever explain that? Be that as it.. here's one before your time that I think was so popular that it wasn't cast into the Uncle Harry day bonfires. Click HERE! sudo
  9. Sudo

    For Music Lovers

    How about a great popular song that sings about sweet Jesus?? How many of you younger folks even remember railway stations? Sheesh.. this probably belongs on the Nostalgia thread but.... its a great song that was a big time hit on the radio (can you believe it) ...37 years ago!!!!! Every time I hear it I think about my baby brother. Click HERE! sudo
  10. Sudo

    Way Music

    OK guys.. next song. Remember this one? Then when did you leave?? Click HERE! sudo
  11. Mark, What strikes me is how people will return to the faith of their childhood. Whatever that faith happened to be. Kind of like comfort food, huh? sudo
  12. Sudo

    Way Music

    Lonewolf, OK.. but when did you leave?? Bob Stanley you say?? The name isn't even familiar to me because he came after I left I'm guessing. Likeaneagle sez the '90's. 'Splains it for me! sudo
  13. Sudo

    Way Music

    Personally?? I didn't care for most TWI music but someone just sent me a bunch of Way songs. A lot of them I had never heard but I left in about 1987 so I'm assuming they were produced after I left. She also sent me some songs I remember well and am curious if those who left later would be familiar with the early stuff. Here's one that I didn't know... so if you recognize it... what year did you leave?? Click HERE! I'm not posting the entire song (though I have it) because I don't want the WayGB making legal trouble for me. You guys know how to get in touch with me ;) . sudo
  14. Hey guys, Look at how much our dogs love us... click HERE! This dog virtually gave his life to save children. sudo
  15. Sudo

    My Generation

    Mark, I respect your posts so I watched the entire video but I don't get why you think there's some message here. I *did* recognize the Abby Road album comparison but other than that?? You're gonna' have to give me some clues I guess. Unless everybody else sees stuff in it like you do in which case I'll just admit to being a dummy. sudo
  16. Rottie, I agree. Of all the animals I've been around only dogs seem to really love their masters. Those who own cats (who really owns a cat?) or horses or what not might disagree. Growing up we owned cats, had horses, had a hamster, an Easter chick, a duck, a bunny rabbit some goldfish and even a snake. But its my considered opinion that dogs are very very special. They get so excited when we get home and even if we have had a bad day and shoo them away, they cower wondering what *they* did wrong... shaming us for our behavior. And I gotta' tell you that if there were any myth I really wanted to be true its "The Rainbow Bridge". I'm not ashamed to admit it... I start crying when I read it. sudo
  17. Shell, Re:"Thanks Sudo, it hadn't occured to me that you'd play the song after I added it to this thread, but thank you!" You're very welcome, Shell but I tried to get a version with the words and couldn't find one. Those WORDS!!! That's what woke me up at 7 O'Clock sharp the 2nd week of so many Augusts. sudo (thinking they played that over the loud speakers at only 2 or 3 ROA's)
  18. Dot, Re:"Sudo-I did not know of the razors -- " Oh yes.. that's what makes cock fighting so brutal. These animals are slashing each other to death! sudo (wondering just what kinds of people would enjoy a cock fight)
  19. Roy, Yes, that is Beautiful Ohio I posted. You're a good guy, Roy. Thanks for noticing. sudo
  20. Dot, There's one item in your list that I didn't see.... employment opportunities. I can attest that Rascal lives in God's country having visited her and her clan two months ago but don't plan to move there if you are looking for work in bio-medical engineering. sudo
  21. Shell, Beautiful Ohio??? Somehow I hear it running through my head. 7 A.M. the second week of August.. sudo
  22. Dot, Pretty cold. But then, we still have cock fights in deep pockets of the South where roosters with razor blades attached to their feet attack each other. And in the name of sport. Folks bet on which rooster will kill the other. And then we have people blowing up other people in Afghanistan and Iraq because of religious differences. My point?? Mankind is still pretty brutal. Why don't all we nice people find ourselves a place we can live?? sudo (remembering what happened in Salem Ma. when the Puritans tried that)
  23. George, I never saw The Lion In Winter. Did you see it? And if so do you recommend it? sudo
  24. Chula, I think it says a whole lot that someone like you has to come to THIS site to find out what's really going on at TWI. I mean.. TWI has their own site after all... www.theway.org. But I suppose you went there first thinking they'd have useful information posted, huh? Well, welcome to the Greasespot Chula! sudo
  25. Sudo

    For Music Lovers

    Dmiller, Thank you for the feedback. You know how it is with music.. some folks will REALLY like a song that others can't stand. Kind of like different foods, huh? I'm posting what *I* like but trying to guess what others here may like too.. and since I saw that Dooj and Ala were both Lyle Lovett fans, I thought that song might be a hit. sudo (trying to think of another one folks would love)
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