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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. :D--> Seventeen years of marriage! Congratulations you two! Here's to many many more years of what you two have. Your marriage is a very great example of every vow you took, everything that marriage should and can be.
  2. Me too, also, as well as, Ex. I assumed that it was a given fact that was just another secret that those of us knew of had to keep our mouths shut about. Secret # 485 or some such. -->
  3. Vickles said: If I'm not smart or don't know much, I am very happy with what I do know and what I can learn. I am more free than I ever was in twi. I don't have to answer to you or anyone else for that matter. ============================================= :)--> As far as I'm concerned, that is the most intelligent statement I've read, heard or considered about what our lives are now! Thank you Vic.
  4. A curse.......................................... GUFFAW, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOLOLOLOL hee hee ROFL Pi$$ing in my pants funny.
  5. 2027 said: Now I would not post there but I see a need for some For I did my share of bad mouthing the Way years ago but I move on ============================================ ya know, maybe it's cuz I have the flu and am pretty ornery but how is it that one comment can seem so condescending and self serving.
  6. mj said: anti-depressants , aids meds , high blood pressure for being fat and lazy ============================================== Wowzers, your statement just backed progress up about 20 years. No wonder people don't get help for medical needs because of the stigma. I take meds for blood pressure, but am neither fat nor lazy. People that need anti depressants can FINALLY go to the doctor and get meds because *%#&$*# society doesn't stare at them and criticize; it's OK to get help. Until statements like yours. Sigh (What in the WORLD does this have to do with this thread anyway?)
  7. Amazing what unkind stuff will be said without any considered thought. :(-->
  8. I did see the "wink" but that can be interpreted a number of ways. =========================================== twas a --> not a ;)--> quite a big differance huh? Thanks for reminder that someone explained it
  9. Ummmmm mike........ sigh, never mind
  10. Mike said :This question was answered in GREAT detail by Daniel McConaughy in a Way Magazine GMIR article titled “Early Patristic Evidence for the Forgery of Matthew 27:52b and 53” in the May/June 1982 issue. ============================================ Gee, Mike, thanks loads. Clears it right up. -->
  11. Seems to me, like twi, all this doesn't answer the questions either.
  12. Here in Michigan we are mud! Snow and rain mix all night; mostly rain. Spent some time this am digging a drainage ditch to send the lake in my driveway away. Temp about 42 and windy. Sigh Mud pies for supper.
  13. lol Tom, no idea. A twi branch coord that was so young as to not belong in a leading position and kept patting me on the head like I was 3.
  14. just thinking said:Oh wait, better one! My 26 year old TC calling people in his twig "kids." Half were older than him! LOL! ========================================= HEE HEE I had a Branch Leader dink boy that used to pat me on the head and say "it'll be ok honey". Oh, how that burned me. He was 12 or something and granted, I'm short but for cryin out loud! :D--> Wish I'd had the balls to say 'get thee behind me dink boy'
  15. hi wasway, yeah there is a thread on it, in open perhaps? did ya like the movie?
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