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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. That's typical. I've been treated the same way by people I thought loved me and my family. They scour suburban America for the new "devout" person and then treat their long standing people like dirt. Then when you leave they ignore you or try to scare you or just plain insult you. And they expect the person who has left to come crawling back when they learn that outside "the household" there is weeping a gnashing of teeth. What a joke. I'll never go back!! I am free and prosperous since I left them. I guess their blasphemy knows no bounds because I am sure it's the devil that has prospered me with his bread crumbs...egads.
  2. It's hard to say why he sticks around. There are a lot of Way Corps that will never go near Headquarters because they know of many of the abuses that occur there and they want no part of it. A lot of people still believe that there is no place on earth that has the biblical accuracy that TWI does. Simply is not true because I could start naming offshoots as I write this that have taken many TWI concepts much further and debunked a lot of stuff that Vic taught. Too bad many of them can't stop acting like TWI. Anyways, a lot of the field Corps are in their own fiefdoms and do not support HQ any more than they have to. I decided to leave because I can't live with that level of hypocrisy. I can't say what Michael Forts deal is. He is married to Howard's daughter, perhaps that factors in? He is a really good teacher/public speaker. I wish him the best.
  3. Ya, the hypocrisy is glaring. Since the Allen lawsuit, and since they apparently listen to their lawyers now, they will not make any attempt to provide anything that even resembles long term health care. They have the ERT and Healing support and they are trained first responders and/or nurses. They defer matters to the hospital and/or Doctors very quickly. Mrs. Wierwille had become senile and had started to wander off on her own at odd hours of the night. Before she went into the nursing home she fell one afternoon while out on a walk. She was pretty incoherent. I saw the entire incident. I digress. My point is TWI will not take care of people's long term medical needs. I think this especially true of older people. Bottom line is they are not licensed or qualified to provide these types of services. If Howard has similar problems as Mrs. Wierwille he will not be able to stay there either. As for Donna, what can I say? Her lifetime assignment is the wife of the President of The Way International. It seems it doesn't matter who the prez is. Male or female.
  4. It's occultism pure and simple. Before I was sucked into TWI I spent many years involved in new age, occult based religions. "The law of believing" surfaces, and resurfaces through these belief systems. The names the system gives it are different but the practice is the same. Focus your mind on what you want to see happen, visualize it, keep doing it until it happens. Many occult teachings involve charms, amulets, talismans and the like and many of those things are for the sole purpose of focusing the mind. When I first learned the law of believing garbage in TWI, and with my background, I told myself that the law of believing was legitimate, godly principle that had been counterfeited by the adversary. In reality, it's occult teachings entwined into Christianity. Furthermore, it's a self ensnaring system the way TWI practices it. If your life is going smoothly at the moment then you are a wonderful believer enjoying God's abundance and manifesting his power as more than a conqueror. If you are having any sort of chronic problem, be it illness, financial, marital, etc. (ad infinitum ad nauseum); then you need to get you believing up and the implication is that the problems are your fault.
  5. I don't believe they bother going after anyone the way Craig used to. I would say it's akin to "don't ask, don't tell". They are so entirely wrong on the whole debt issue it amazes me that they think they are so "right". Here's the kicker. Their debt policy has decimated their numbers over the years since Craig left.
  6. This should explain the structure. As for Mittler and McFadden I can't say. Meaning I don't know the details.
  7. Well, ya they missed all those other domains and probably a few others. I've camped domain names before so that I could buy them as soon as they become available. I actually acquired a .com domain with my business name in it. Took a long time but one day it came up and I have it now. The BOD are totally ignorant of these matters and would not have the humility or the brains to listen to the people who do know at HQ. They should have all those domains and a few others redirecting to the main one. Dolts. Guess they fancy themselves a faithful remnant and aren't too worried about growth. Consider all they have missed by not social networking, using youtube and others, having downloadable content of their teachings, etc. Yep, they fail to discern the times.
  8. Losers. Typical. When I was wayD my first go round it was all about signing up people for the way class. A few months after way disciple was over of the 16 new people we had, only one remained.
  9. I'm not a fan of security through obscurity. However, I do spoof my server banners using mod_security. If I am not using mod_security then I will at least not let the apache version show. I avoid Microsoft IIS at all costs. I have layers and layers of security on my servers, and I run several, of which preventing directory indexing is one of the least and most fundamental elements. They'll take it seriously when they get hacked. I wouldn't be surprised if they already are. I looked at the code for the new site. It's basic html/css site. Runs on some type of php cms/engine. Probably licensed from a company and then scrubbed of all the authors credits. Looks to be custom built and whoever did it did a nice job at a cursory glance. Someone needs to kick the server admin in the rear for not locking it down. Here's where they call the no_right_click javascript function: <p class="f-lp"><a href="http://www.theway.org/topic.php?page=yeartheme&lang=en"><img ID="poster" src="http://www.theway.org/common/images/posters/en/themeposter_0910_sm_en.jpg" border="0" width="199" height="251" alt="" title="Our Yearly Theme" style="float:left" oncontextmenu="return norightclick();" /></a> </p> </div> Totally noobish to have that and only call it from one link and then allow the server to push files to the client's cache that you are trying to protect. Not to mention the more noobish mistake of allowing directory indexing where you can get the file that is protected by the no right click joke. And this is likely a result of typical TWI micro management by BOD, and Rozilla. This is what happens when people like Rozilla, who know so very little about fields like IT, approve in the minutest of detail what their computer services people do with the website. It would make more sense to direct policy to state that the server be secured and let skilled people do so. Maybe this brings up another obvious point and that is they don't have skilled people in this field and are too goofy to outsource it where proper penetrating testing can be done. So goofy. yep, they're noobs alright.
  10. I believe the manifestations are real because they are in the bible. I think a lot of people faked it though. Seems you would hear the same thing from certain people over and over again. It is same with healings. There are people on GSC who did miracles and healings and others who faked it. It's a pretty subjective experience. John Lynn did some interesting work on SIT/ w int. Apparently, the bible says it's praise from man to God. What TWI does is basically SIT then have a word of prophecy. I can say that when I first got involved in my first fellowship I went through a lot. So many times certain people in the fellowship would do the manifestation in fellowship and it would hit things on my heart I hadn't told ANYONE about. It happened a lot to me in those days. The closer I got to HQ and the more indoctrinated I became the more I thought so many people were going through the motions. Sometime soon I plan to revisit the subject from a fresh perspective.
  11. yikes, amazing how revered the blue book is.
  12. I understand that the in-residence way corps (IRWC) used to have a pretty decent set of classes. It's accredited now and for all I know has been for a while. I hear that it's not accredited in Ohio or at least wasn't but is accredited in Colorado where accreditation standards are more lax. Let me say that the IRWC curriculum is pure garbage. Knowles breathing - have to check it off the checklist, daily floss chart - have to check off that you flossed for the day, you take the entire way of abundance and power class set multiple times, english for the greek student and a few others. But by far the majority of the class time is spent in the way class series. You have to take exams on it as well. Anyway, I think they are taking advantage of the accreditation system that calls for so many hours of classes etc. They fill it up with a few useful classes and the rest is way of abundance and power. Seems a little unethical to me. Oh, you can't leave grounds unless they let you. You have to take any medical issues to Mrs. Corps Coordinator and they decide what to do. I felt like I was incarcerated while I was in-residence. In the end I rejected the matrix.
  13. Yep, it's called getting shafted. It amazes me how they can ignore obvious scripture such as the laborer is worth of his hire and then turn around and pay as little as absolutely possible. They at least did away with the need basis crap because it's illegal.
  14. http://theway.org/common/images/posters/en/ To make matters worse for them they allow their site to display the server banner and it allows subdirectory indexes to show. If someone where to decide to hack their site this info would get em off to a good start.
  15. Ya, looks like it's just disabled on the theme poster at the bottom right. Still funny cause you can go get it out of your cached files. Perhaps they should disable the server from pushing it?....they would never take advice from a greaespot though.
  16. I don't remember my topic only that I had a "coulda done better" session with my FC afterwards.
  17. <---YIKES! Save yourself $100.00 and RUN!! don't walk, RUN!! <--- AHHHH!!! RUN FASTER, THEIR GAINING ON US!! AHHHH! Allen home is in the background. <---Now this is a REALLY good reason to not answer the door. I they did internet outreach you wouldn't need some dumb program like way duhsciple. Ok, I better stop now....lol!
  18. Here's what biblical research looks like according to TWI. <--- looks like an Advanced Class study group <---WTF is with the love of all things book, pen, noteoad....ever hear of Bibleworks? <---We research the whole bible....bof dem tesamints <---Here's some in-residence corps staging a photo in the BRC. I always get a chuckle out of the "expert lecturing the un-instructed" photo shoots. The strained smile is just creepy. Glad they disabled right click. I bet they wouldn't want someone copying stuff off their site.
  19. wtf, is there a pot of gold where the rainbow ends or what? That poster is just gay. I cringe remembering how people frame those stupid things in nice picture frames and hang them where they can actually be seen. On another note, they are extremely retarded with disabling right click. I just copied their entire website to my hard-drive for the fun of it. Hey Rosie, disable that! I think I will go right click my newly copied site...lol Oh, btw, I use a VPN so good luck finding me!
  20. Crap like you say here only encourages me to want make off color comments about your idol. I'd love the opportunity to plant a foot in your a$$ and my door is the last one you'd ever want to come knockin' on.
  21. Oh, I bet I just quoted the "official" reason passed down to the plebes. I never thought about all the mail they would get and I bet they would get a ton of it too - being a cult and corrupt organization and all.
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