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Human without the bean

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Everything posted by Human without the bean

  1. I just wondered about this statement that I heard from an AC grad. Does anyone else here remember something along those lines? And what was the #1 influence in our culture? :blink:
  2. Or maybe it was a werewolf ( as in wierwille) damn him for brainwashing me anyhow. :wacko:
  3. I like ~Beyond Here Lies Nothing~. :P I saw Bob last year in concert. A legend in his own time, but I really didn't get a whole lot out of it! His music, his newer music, takes a little getting used to. If you like his more modern stuff then you probably would enjoy the new album. Me, personally, I still haven't bought it. For me, the early music is the best. :B) The FreeWheelin Bob Dylan, Blond On Blond, Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited. And I also like his christian period music with Slow Train Coming being my favorite.
  4. Same movie, different line! Man:"My real passion is my hobby." Woamn:"Really, what's that?" Man: "I work with retards".
  5. You say you love me And you’re thinkin’ of me But you know you could be wrong You say you told me That you wanna hold me But you know you’re not that strong I just can’t do what I done before I just can’t beg you anymore I’m gonna let you pass And I’ll go last Then time will tell just who fell And who’s been left behind
  6. You say you love me And you're thinkin' of me But you know you could be wrong You say you told me That you wanna to hold me But you know you're not that strong
  7. My Dad used to call him Dr. Werewolf when I was in TWI. If the name fits.
  8. That's great. If it feels right for you and makes you happy that's all that matters.
  9. I pulled into Nazareth was feelin' about half past dead I just need someplace where I can lay my head
  10. I think I'll give it up. Maybe its not that well known among some fans. MAN ON FIRE Denzel Washington Dakota Fanning Free Post.
  11. UHF I'm sorry but I don't know what UHF is! What is it?
  12. Wolverine? Since Van Helsing has a connection to Wolverine.
  13. Nope. Not it. Movie has become quite popular and plays on cable networks now.
  14. Sorry It's in Asia. Oops!

  15. Hey Java! Did you know the most expensive coffee in the world comes from South America. Coffee beans are eaten by some kind of rodent and then pooped out and then harvested.

  16. Hello, I'd like to weight in about something that I heard. A fellow AC grad told me once that 2 of the most powerful influences in American culture were # 1(what or whom) and # 2 The Moody Blues. Anyone ever hear this? Can anyone elaborate on this. I think I might not have quoted this unsubstantiated claim right, but that's the gist of it! ~The Moody Blues~ They were seed of the serpent for sure!
  17. Welcome to the G-spot. Enjoy the fresh air!

  18. Thanks waysider. You say you love me And you're thinkin' of me, But you know you could be wrong. You say you told me
  19. Try the 21st century. :o I know it's a stretch, but try to picture this flick in modern times! Not dissing this thread. Just think we should try to evolve from the 70's, 80', and 90's eras.
  20. So you sold your soul to the twi. Ditto! I did it too JavaJane! I'm a professional in my field. I got married to the girl that I had been involved with while still in the twi. I'm still married 14 years later, with 2 boys, 7 cats and 2 dogs and I own my own home. (that's pending in today's economy)! While in the way I never thought about marriage. I never thought about a career. Or a family of my own. I only thought about how many functions I could attend. Or how many classes I could take. I only thought in terms of how twi allowed me to feel. Sit much, read the word daily, pray, fellowship with like-minded believers, attend twig, give or your time, sleep, eat, and get some sleep, and do it again the next day. That's what happens I guess when you let yourself become brainwasher by a cult! Today I cuss, :lol: listen to rock n' roll loud ^_^ drink beer and party if I want to and I have nobody to tell me any different and I'm having the time of my life.
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