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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Skeet Ulrich Cuba Gooding Jr. Greg Kinnear
  2. "I'm the piano player down at Eddie's bar. And Rachel? She's the waitress who wants to be a star."
  3. She played... Carol Connelly Kelly Frears Jo Harding Arlene McKinney
  4. "...is the hand that rules the world."
  5. "When your husband makes love to you, it's MY face he sees. When your baby's hungry, it's MY breast that feeds him. Look at you! When push comes to shove... you can't even breathe!"
  6. "They're digging in the wrong place!"
  7. Yes! Like Boston Legal, Ally McBeal was a show created by David Kelley, featured lawyers, and tied into The Practice. But while Boston Legal was actually a spinoff of The Practice, Ally McBeal was retconned into being in the same "universe" after both shows had already premiered (on separate networks). Regardless, people who played characters in The Practice (Rene Aberjonois, John Laroquette) played completely different characters in Boston Legal, because shut up. The exception was Betty White, who had a guest role in the final season of The Practice. Her phone's ringtone on Boston Legal was The Practice theme music. William Shatner and James Spader ended every episode smoking cigars on Shatner's balcony. In one episode, that scene came at the beginning of the third act instead of after the end. Shatner saw Spader on his balcony and said "Is the episode over already?" In any event, you're up.
  8. I imagine she us. She was the assassin in the pilot episode for 24 in 2001 and she was hot then, too. I've also taken a liking to Neve Campbell, who has aged gracefully and is hotter now than she was in the Scream movies.
  9. Close. Ally McBeal was not a spinoff. But there is a connection. [Lots of connections, actually, but only three significant ones].
  10. The characters on this hourlong dramedy sometimes appeared to be aware that they were fictional characters in a TV series. "Cue the music," one character says. “You should have included me in that conference. I’m a good actor. I won an Emmy.” "Don't fall for her. She's just a guest star." "This is a sweeps episode..." "I'm NOT kissing you!" And so on. Although it is a spinoff of a prior, established series, it makes very few references to it. A recurring guest star made her first appearance on the parent series, and the ringtone on her phone was the theme music of the parent series.
  11. Pilgrim? Scott Pilgrim you say? Scott Pilgrim v. The World?
  12. Herrman just LOOKS like FDR. I remembered Branagh from a cable movie
  13. Well color me amazed. As in The Amazing Race
  14. Gonna go ahead and say this is not an easy one.
  15. Uh, yeah, we're supposed to make it easy, but not THAT easy.
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