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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Dear Mr. Durbin: Bring it on. rafael@livingepistlessociety.org
  2. :)--> You are correct. I added the line about him not being able to change the channel. Which means, as frightening as it sounds, the line about him only doing paid interviews was true!
  3. :)--> I posted that story on another thread, and asked people to figure out which line I added. The thread is on Warning Labels, I think.
  4. Raf


    Munching on pineapple pizza is like gulping dry water. Can't be done, because it doesn't exist.
  5. Sort of. But that's like saying Dr. No was a sequel to Casino Royale. Which is to say, the Scarlet Pimpernel was a series of books turned into movies. The first novel was also turned into a musical. They used the same source material. Same with Phantom, by the way. It was a novel turned into many movies, then later into a musical, and now the musical has been made into a movie... Wait a minute, you were messing with me, weren't you? George Aargh!
  6. Let's say you were standing next to some one that you want to be close to. What would it take to do that? I find a shot of Jager usually does the trick.
  7. Speaking of which... I added one line to the following story. Please note, I only added ONE LINE.
  8. Raf


    I mean really. They think they can put anything on a pizza and still call it a pizza. I say that we need to take a stand for the integrity of the pie! I mean, Giussepe has a purpose for every slice, where he slices it. Add a pineapple to the pizza and do you still have a pizza? No. Scratch it out! The pizza, the pizza and nothing but the pizza!
  9. Raf


    CHERRIES?!?!?! You put cherries on a pizza and you had best not show your face in Italy, the Bronx, or Chigaguh.
  10. If I was standing next to someone, would that mean I am close to that person? Of course not. Word usage changes depending on context. God's omnipresence does not nullify our ability to be far from him or close to him, just as physical proximity to a human being does not guarantee you are close to that person. If one thinks of spirits in physical terms, then omnipresence quickly gives way to pantheism. If "God is everywhere," then "God is in everything." I don't think that's what the Bible teaches. It does say that His eyes are everywhere and that nothing can be hidden from Him. It's not something I can explain to death, but it's not something that ever made me lose much sleep while pondering the philosophical and theological implications, either.
  11. Raf


    Mike hasn't done anything bad. This should really not be about him. Moving on...
  12. Raf


    Frankee, I left you a private topic. Mike, if you're reading this and want to know what I wrote to Frankee, word for word, I'll send it to you in a PT.
  13. Raf


    I completely agree. I completely agree.
  14. Raf


    Nah, not called for on this thread, Garth. But yeah, good laugh.
  15. Raf


    Oh totally. Now you've got it. Shrimp tacos. Blech. Fat free milk. I mean, please. Veggie burgers. Come ON people.
  16. Raf


    In fact, I think the term "Hawaiian Pizza" is an oxyidiot. It's self contradictory. If it's Hawaiian, it's not a pizza, period. You could have all the right ingredients, leave off the ham and pineapple, have Original Ray make it in a brick oven, and if he serves it in Hawaii, it's not a pizza, just by virtue of location. The idea of exporting something that doesn't exist in the first place... Only in America.
  17. Raf


    I mean, I totally rest my case. Thanks excy.
  18. Raf


    Blasphemy! Idolatrous heretic!
  19. Raf


    A damn travesty is what I call it. Crime against the palate.
  20. Raf


    Surely this thread has achieved Just Plain Silly status by now, no?
  21. Raf


    I have no problem whatsoever with pineapples. I think pineapples are God's gift to Dole. I loves me some pineapples. It's just that the moment you put it on a piece of bread with cheese and tomato sauce, that piece of bread with cheese and tomato sauce ceases to be a pizza. A little pineapple pineappleth the whole slice. Alls I'm saying is, you may think it tastes great, and I may even agree with you. It just ain't a pizza.
  22. Raf


    Why does Dominoes sell pizza? I can't get dominoes from Original Ray's on Lexington Ave., can I? So why can I get a pizza from Dominoes? Answer: I can't. Especially if there's pineapple on it.
  23. Raf


    Great. And I'll order a black coffee with milk. Besides, anyone who orders "pizza" from "Pizza Hut" has already, de facto, forfeited his right to judge what is and what is not a pizza.
  24. Raf


    The politics site is a bit rough and tumble. Hope you get in, but please wear an asbestos suit.
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