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Everything posted by OnionEater

  1. OnionEater


    Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  2. OnionEater

    Texas Rules

    Know why Texas women have big boobs and tight ....$ Texas men have big mouths and little dicks If it weren't for Oklahoma cowboys and Mexican hoes there wouldn't be any Texans :blink:
  3. OnionEater

    Texas Rules

    TEXAS - The SECOND largest State.
  4. Little Willie was a chemist Little Willie is no more What he thought was H2O Was H2SO4 :P
  5. Wacky and I had a fine time eating fresh Maine French Fries together. The weather was perfect. Maybe next year we can plan a large gathering.
  6. Wacky I will do my best to be there tomorrow but something has come up and I am not sure if I will be able to get away. Look for me at the Blooming Onion Stand where we met before around 1:00. Check your private messages for details.
  7. OnionEater

    Out of Debt

    I am 100% debt free, I owe nothing.House, cars credit cards... all paid in full. Sure is a good feeling.
  8. Ryebred Good to see your smiling face again. :)-->
  9. I agree 100%. I guess we do have some beliefs in common my friend.
  10. I have 80% lost in my left ear, 20% lost in my right, all high range lost. High pitched voices, telephones and alarms are non existant to me. But I can hear a car door shut three houses down the street, doctor says I have exceptional low end hearing. My ears buzzzz, chirp, snap, crackle and pop constantly... especially when tired. Sort of sounds like a frog pond in my head. I tried two hearing aids for a few months but couldn't get use to them. Doctors believe it started as a child playing with firecrackers too much and I had a 30-30 rifle fire next to my ear that left me totally death for a month in my left ear. On top of that I worked in a machine shop and traveled construction for many years. And I just love loud rock n' role.
  11. Will do. Wacky - I can only be there on Friday, I have a real job in a Jewelry Store on the week ends now. Ayuh
  12. I have decided - BETTER TO BURN OUT. Wacky - See you at the fair on Friday the 24th?
  13. Just f.a..d...e a....w.....a......y *poof*
  14. A good book to read about Dylan is "Down The Highway" by Howard Sounds 2001.I have read a number of biographies on Dylan but this one I like the best. I am reading Dylan's "Chronicles" for the second time, he did a great job with it.
  15. I am a fan of his older music but not of himself as a person. I think he is arrogant, money hungry and totally self absorbed. I have seen him 6 times in concert, the last time I said I would never go again (but I know I will), didn't have a clue what songs he was singing. I miss the music of Dylan in the 60's.
  16. Made a mistake, it was "Slow Train Coming" that was released during my WOW year that he recorded for me.
  17. "Shot of Love" came out when I was WOW and my "family coordinator" said it was from the devil and especially aimed at me to get my mind off the WOW program. He knew I liked Dylan and I was listening to the album when he came home from work. Yup, Dylan recorded it just for me, thanks Bob. LOL
  18. OnionEater


    That is no so, I know of someone with two.
  19. Yup, even with burned out brain cells from drugs you can still be President of the U.S.of A.
  20. :(--> http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/news...icle/12920.html
  21. I remember all the flies when the Rock was in St.Marys. Opps, maybe it was Sidney.
  22. If I had to choose I would watch reality shows over sports. Nothing worse than watching a bunch of cry babies making millions a year. I watch neither.
  23. Could JC get an erection? How about a nocturnal emission?
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