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Stayed Too Long

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Everything posted by Stayed Too Long

  1. I can't see any picture or link.
  2. A lot of people spend a lot of energy and time calculating when the end will come. As vague as the bible is on the subject, to me it doesn't make sense to try and figure it out. If the world is going to end it will end whether anyone has figured the date out or not. I would much rather spend my time enjoying the day rather than worrying if it is going to end.
  3. Who should I believe "KNOWS" what God really requires for me to be saved? templelady, pond, or dancing? Each has a different belief.
  4. We have two who profess to be Christians, templelady and pond, and they are miles a part on how to be saved. Some other professing Christian want to jump in and explain how to be saved?
  5. If you got all the people believing in hell and punishment for wrong doers, you could not get an agreement among any two of them where hell is, what hell is, who is going there, what the punishment will be like, yada, yada, yada. I would bet once they started discussing particulars some would say that the guy sitting next to them would end up in hell because they didn't believe what they believed. There are thousands of Christian religions who base their teachings on the same book. How do they all come to different conclusions? Anyone who believes in hell please tell me who will go there and why? And then tell me what I have to do to avoid it.
  6. I won't. If ever you decide you want to know the facts concerning the capture of Luster, google "Andrew Luster Capture".
  7. Peter denied Jesus a number of times and his leadership position was never called into question. Judas betrayed Jesus and he was never kicked out of the 12. Thomas doubted that Jesus rose from the dead and his position was not taken from him. Paul slaughtered quite a few Christians and the people let him become their leader. David had men killed so he could have their wives and he was never removed as king. I don't think the bible says leaders who sin should be kicked out of their positions.
  8. Mr Rapist could not be located by any authorities around the world. Chapman got word through an informat he was in Puerto Vallarta, so Dog grabbed his son, and Tim and went down South to capture him, knowing full well it was illegal in Mexico for bounty hunters to operate. He caught the fugative and there was such a scene made, locals called in the Mexican police. The police arrived and took them all of them into custody, Mr Rapist because he was wanted in the U.S., and the bounty hunters because they were breaking Mexican laws. The Mexican government extradited Mr Rapist to the U.S. That is how is was able to stand trial and be convicted. Mexico in no way tried to keep the United States from getting possession of the fugative. Mexico allowed the Chapman team to post bail and they returned to the U.S. Now they have decided to prosecute them. The bounty hunters are now fighting extradition to Mexico.
  9. Dog and company didn't violate any U.S. laws so I don't think it would have any bearing on Senor Rapist's court proceedings. The Mexican government turned him over to the United States government not Dog, because Dog was taken into custody by the Mexican authorities. I don't see any hypocrisy with the way the United States is handling the situation. We have an extradition treaty with Mexico and the Mexican authorities what him extradited because he broke the laws of Mexico. If someone broke a law in the United States and fled to Mexico, we would expect the Mexican authorities to honor our request to have him/her returned to the U.S. What basis do you think the United States has for denying extradition? Chapman, Chapman, and Chapman caught a criminal who commited a crime in the U.S., but knowingly broke a Mexican law in Mexico doing it. They should have considered the consequences before entering Mexico.
  10. I have not heard that, but maybe he has. Going to Mexico and capturing this rapist is what really propelled him to the top. There were reporters around and he got lots of publicity, which I believe he was after. Why would he go to another country to perform an act he could be imprisoned for if not for the publicity and the potential for mega$$$$. I doubt if he went down there out of any sense of "moral duty" or anything like that, but padding his wallet certainly could enter into the equation.
  11. Tim Chapman bio. Not that it is any big deal but the official website of A & E says Tim and Dog are not related.
  12. Not true. Chapman, his son, and his associate with the last name of Chapman, are all out on bail living in Hawaii. They may or may not be extradited. Not true. The authorities could not find him so how could he be extradited to the United States? Chapman and company went to Mexico, found him, and afterwards Luster was extradited to the United States. How else could he be serving a sentence if he were not extradited? Just because someone is a Christian does not give them the right to break the laws of another country. It almost sounds like people think Chapman is being 'persecuted' because he is a Christian. He is being 'prosecuted' because he was stupid....he knowingly broke the laws of another country. If we expect the Mexican goverment to hand over criminals we want who are in Mexico, then the U.S. must do the same.
  13. My mother does NOT wear combat boots. "Oh yea? Your sister isn't very good looking either!" "Between starched scivvies and self flagulation, I am a little irritable today." "Take your PSA test and shove it up your own a$$." "I told you your mother would put too many chilies in the stew."
  14. OH YEA!!! I like this one.
  15. He made a poor decision to enter Mexico knowing bounty hunting was illegal in the country. I am sure this will only add to the shows popularity.
  16. Instead of head'em off at the pass we'll head 'em off at the airport.
  17. If'n I am thinking of the same gal, she was on staff with the Way of Kansas in 78. I was in the 9th Corp at the time and spent Christmas break with her at her home. She was a wonderful woman.
  18. Where are those stingray's with the shape tails when you need one?
  19. I just bid $15,001. I can't image anyone not wanting to know the precise loction of heaven. Now I will know exactly where I will (or maybe, won't) be spending eternity.
  20. Confesses to another murder. Click 'Get Image' after web page appears for new murder confession.
  21. Seth I hope you have reported this to the authorities?
  22. What would be the down side of him being found by an unloving man and the up side of being found by a loving man? Just curious.
  23. I agree. Ermel Owns and Harry Wierwille had to have known what was going on, yet they receive rave reviews from ex-twi folk here at GSC. Their wive's must have known something fishy was in the works also, but they also get a pass. Emogene Allen and Wanda Wierwille I doubt were clueless either. Yet Donna is fair game but no other trustee wife is held in such contempt. I think the reason Donna is fair game is because she said some pretty wicked things about people. If she had kept her mug shut, probably she would be held up on a pedestal also.
  24. Looking at the standings this could be shaping up to be another "Subway Series" as both the Mets and Yanks have .610 pct. With about 40 games left anything could happen though as injuries could have an impact. Detroit is looking pretty good in the Central Division with .640 pct though.
  25. Stayed Too Long

    Group Sex

    Either all 3 are gay......or the top is gay, the 2nd is bi, and the 3rd is female. See how much easier it was back in Archie Bunker's day when, "men were men, and girls were girls, and you knew who you were then?" Course even then in Montana often times it was, "Men were men. Women were scarce. And sheep were scared"!! Maybe the times haven't changed that much after all.
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