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Everything posted by gc

  1. gc


    Thanks dmiller! :) It feels good to be back. gc
  2. gc


    This has been an interesting read. At one time I believed that marriage should never end in divorce, but for adultry. Back then, I never thought about the marriage committment in terms of the vows. I only saw the vow to stay married, not the vows that are made to each other. I believe those vows are most important, to love, honor and cherish (traditional), more important than the vow to stay married. gc
  3. gc


    Morning everyone! I sorry my last post sounded the way it did, sorry. What I really meant to say was, I didn't have much time to look through all the post since my time is limited, so I just started a new thread. I use the computer at the library here in Blakely, Ga. and its 10 to 12 miles away from where I'm staying in Hentown. My dog and I evacuated on the Saturday to Mississippi, then again with my brother's family and my mom to Georgia on the Sunday. The people here are simply wonderful! We are staying in a trailer owned by one of the churches. They have hooked up a land line for us so we can get phone calls from family and friends out of state and they have loaned us a cell phone that allows us to make long distance calls on the weekends. It is a very small town so I've been getting to know the people here. I'm hoping to go home on Friday to pull carpet, punch holes in my sheetrock and hopefully air out. I made the trip back home on the Wednesday after labor day, during the limited re-entry. There were 5 of us traveling there that trip. We checked my home and my mom's but was unable to get into my son's place since his area is uptown New Orleans and was still flooded. I was able to grab some things, but so much was left behind, and I believe, being damaged by the mold and mildew now. I had trees that are uprooted, roof damage from the wind, flood water damage and a couple of windows broken from the wind. It looks like part of my roof was lifted up during the storm because of there is a seperation of the wall and ceiling in a couple of areas. Four car had to be left behind because of too few drivers and for mine, the worry that it would not make it in bumper to bumper traffic out of Mississippi. It made it for Ivan when I had to sit in that traffic for 10 hours but I wouldn't take the chance this time. I am more fortunate than one of my brothers and one of my sisters who both lost everything. :( Ted, I was listening to one of your cd's right before I evacuated, so that one was in my cd drive when my computer was diconnected during the re-entry :D I'll let you know about the others, thanks. Psalm71, I'll send you an e-mail, I'd like to know how close you are in Ga :) Belle, not sure what I need other than prayers for now, thanks! :wub: David, thanks :) rascal, I managed to make a claim with my insurance company and with fema the day of the hurricane (or the following day, can't remember now which) and I still have not heard from either. Rita could only have made it worse! My son evacuated with me to Ga. then moved to Houston because the school there was accepting university students from La. He was there when Rita hit! I was past scared when the forecast had it heading that direction. He couldn't get gas and couldn't get out. I sighed with relief when the storm moved more east! Thanks for the prayers! hugs to everyone! gc
  4. gc


    I didn't notice any "hurricane Katrina wondering where people were" threads. My dog and I are in wonderful Georgia safe and sound waiting for an appointment with insurance and fema back home. I sure do miss being home :( I hope everyone else is fine from the coast. gc :)
  5. I'm heading out, the last forecast has Katrina heading straight for the New Orleans area! Seems the soup bowl might just get filled up :(--> bye ya'll :)-->
  6. Those are great pictures of you two together! gc
  7. A true gentleman knows he's insulting, its the person who is being insulted that doesn't know ;)--> gc
  8. Tom, I think SOME people think Texas is southern ;)-->, even though we all know its it's own country! Some years back, when I was introduced to my future mother-in-law and I called her ma'am and Ms. When she corrected me I explained that I was southern and I was raised that those terms were polite. She got a big ole smile on her face and said "Oh, like Dallas?!" :D--> Of course, she's English, so she doesn't know any better, we're all Yanks to her! gc
  9. Ooooh we're neighbors! I've been meaning to travel up that way for over a year now! ;)--> A grand baby sounds wonderful. I think Evan was born that smart! Raf said: So true! :(--> gc
  10. gc

    Way.com vs. GSC.com

    that was fun! I plugged in my maiden name and it came back 1% evil and 99% good. Then I plugged in my name attaching my married name, it came back 80% evil and 20% good Lastly I plugged in my name, minus the marriage name adding the name I will take when I get married again and came back with 1% evil and 99% good! Back to where I started! :D--> gc
  11. irisheyes, Louisiana, where its hot as hell, but not raining from Katrina. gc :)-->
  12. If only a lot of it survived then how do we know which is the part that survived? And if only a lot of it survived then can you really say that God protected his word? sorry if this is a derail, but this is the part that stood out to me the most on this thread. gc
  13. I've never been to a country fair! Someone should post pictures :)--> gc
  14. MO, I'm really sorry you have gone through all you have gone through. It all sounds horrible to me. I know what it would have done to me to loose my son :(--> I pray you and your kids are healed and reconciled, no matter how long it takes. gc
  15. I don't believe Jesus believed in believing. I don't think he trusted his believing to accomplish anything. I think he trusted God. I also think that "believing" and "trusting God" are two different things. I remember the contradiction when I read Jesus' prayer about the "cup being taken from him". If the account is correct and he prayed that prayer, and since he didn't want to die that awful torurous death, then why didn't he believe for it to be accomplished another way? Taking into consideration that another scripture tells us that he had angels at his call to protect him, he very well could have. gc edited for the glaring grammatical error ;)-->
  16. You're not the only person "for" sit. But you did set yourself up to be against people who don't sit by saying "Yes, I still enjoy s.i.t. much, maybe thats because I'm still enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian'" there by implying that those who don't sit don't enjoy/live the christian life. As for me, I don't/won't argue with how someone believes anymore. Stating an opinion or belief doesn't have to be confrontational or demeaning, its just "an opinion". Not one of us knows the mind of God and what He thinks is right, we just think we do! ok, this is really none of my business and I'll butt out now. gc
  17. Allan said: "Yes, I still enjoy s.i.t. much, maybe thats because I'm still enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian'...(It's o.k. have at it critics and flamers..I have my 'fire extinguisher' at the ready !!)" Allan, are you posting so that you can upset others on purpose, then hoping that they will respond in a negative way? If you are enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian' then I think Jesus said "...Thou shalt love...thy neighbour as thyself." Quit being mean to yourself and it will be easier to be nicer to others :)--> gc
  18. Even if it was John quoting Jesus...Jesus is different to me now compared to when I was part of twi and he was different again from when I went to the church in my neighborhood and he was again different from when I was a catholic. So, which is Jesus or are they all Jesus? Couldn't "I am the way..." look different to different people? And the big question is does Jesus have to have a Christian look to him? The Jesus of the bible rarely looks like the Christians I meet, so many are more worried about whether I'm in church than they are about human suffering. gc
  19. Once I heard someone singing in tongues, it was beautiful! I believe that was at your house Evan, do you remember? I don't remember if there was an interpretation. gc
  20. My first class was my formal introduction to twi, I never went to twig before that. I think I was born again when I was a child. I used to try to read the bible, and I often talked to God. I did the walk to the altar in a church near my home when I was 18. That was a few years before twi. I was raised catholic. There wasn't a category for me in the poll, but I ticked #2 anyway. I was born again and I'd heard of sit. The problem is, I never wanted to sit! It sounded foolish to me. When I took the class and they asked who didn't sit, stupid me raised my hand! :D--> I was taken to a back room of sorts and was too embarrassed to sit out loud. Eventually, knowing my toddler was waiting for me, I did. During twig I hated when someone called on me to sit and interpret, but I did it anyway. I don't believe I ever faked it, even the first time! My draw to twi was learning how to read the bible and understand it. And the biggest draw was that I was told that if twi ever taught something that they later found in their research to be untrue then they would change their teaching. I thought that was very honest and possible since it was a research minstry. HA! btw, I still sit, mostly in private prayer. gc
  21. Allan said: Allan, it sounds like you think rascal hasn't healed as fast as you think she should've. Its not your call. Everyone heals in their own time, even if you think its been long enough. God is everywhere, so yes I believe that God was with me even when I was part of twi. Does that mean that I still believe that God led me there or that God was behind what was going on? Just because God was with me and us ("for he hath said "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee") does not mean that God was involved with twi. There is a big difference! Is this the post for people to expound how they said f**k off? Or would that be misconstrued into one person telling another that you're not as good as me because I am stronger (better, more blessed) than you! Why would anyone want elevate themselves by casting others down? For some reason you seem to take offense at all of what rascal has said, maybe you should read it again. And if rascal is questioning God on His involvement in twi, and it doesn't seem she is, then I think God can handle the questions. Heck, she might even get an answer! She isn't the first person to question God and she won't be the last. And I don't believe that God gets mad at us or counts it against us because we question. gc :)-->
  22. Oakspear, so true! If you are in a relationship where you know you're loved, remember THAT first and foremost. When you look at a situation through "I'm loved" it looks differently. I've been in both places. When I was married I didn't believe I was loved. So any incident (or remark for that matter) that arose became unsurmountable. Now that I'm in a new relationship (just past our 6 year mark), one where I know that I'm loved, I've had to train my brain to think "remember you are loved, this man wants you to be happy". I've found doing this first before I react makes the way I see a situation totally different. Its not easy at first, but I've seen the changes in how I react to things now. Its much easier to fix a problem when both parties know that the other is working to make sure that they are happy, satisfied and feels loved in their relationship. Not sure if this goes with the subject, sorry if it is a derail: Its taken me a lot of years to realize that we all have weaknesses and mine are not worse than someone else's. The combination of our strengths and weaknesses make up who we are. If we get rid of those little flaws (and I'm not talking axe murderer or abuser here) then we are no longer the person our loved ones fell in love with. I see it this way because I believe that our strengths are connected to our weaknesses. i.e. our strength in giving of ourselves will sometimes end with us being taken advantage of. So we need to recognize this and handle it correctly instead of condemning ourselves and trying to be the perfect person. gc edited to take out the duplicate word
  23. gc

    Photo volunteers

    I can help with ACDSee, that's the program I use for my pictures. gc
  24. THAT would be a big sign CW!! :)--> gc
  25. oh, not all women would just look at color, some of us would look for signs that said "Red FAST Cars" and some would look for "Red Old People Cars" :P-->
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