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Everything posted by gc

  1. gc

    Name Our Business

    My favorite tow company name is "Rock and Roll". It gives the image of getting the job done, and it is easy to remember. I'm guessing it can be used as long as you aren't in the New Orleans area :)-->
  2. rascal, was that last story from the 90's or earlier on? It's a horrible story nonetheless! :(--> gc
  3. Ted, I wouldn't mind taking you up on your offer. :)--> I've e-mailed you my info, thanks ever so much! gc
  4. gc

    Shock & Anger

    Belle, Just remember, its almost Friday! :D-->
  5. My two cents worth, what ever they are worth. When I was younger I didn't quite understand the significance of something being plagiarized. Then I met someone who did his PhD. He worked his butt off for a number of years researching work that had been done in his field, researching his own original work and then writing his dissertation. His bibliography was huge! There were pages of sited works that he read and that he quoted from. He had to site works that he read even if he didn't quote from them. His work would not have been accepted, nor acceptable if he hadn't given credit. Yet, here is a man of God who taught Godly standards, who expected others to have Godly standards, yet lied about all of his research, his books and his visitation from God and made his living from those lies. Now, keeping in mind that I didn't quite understand the significance of plagiarization back then, however I did understand what it meant when someone lied or stole. It meant that they were not trustworthy. I believe had I known back then that the good doctor had taken other's works as his own, I would not have swallowed hook, line and sinker all of what he taught. That element of distrust, at least, would have overshadowed everything that he taught. Which, incidentlly, was my reaction to his words once I found out about his works! And most likely, I would have not stayed in the ministy as long. gc
  6. gc


    To me that is the key, to "make better choices of which..." to trust. My trust level has always been pretty low, and I didn't even realize it until about 10 years ago. It seemed that, who I was and who I portrayed to others were two different people. Not even my closest friends would I trust with me. When I realized, I started to change things. Its very freeing to have people around you who love you for who you are! gc
  7. gc

    Childish adults....

    I just finished reading the entire thread on child abuse! As per that thread; It sure seems odd to me that children are/were taught to act respectfully and as an adult (in the wrong ways) but these adults are tolerated and even commended for childish behavior. Makes no sense what so ever!
  8. gc

    The kid is a Phenom!

    congrats to your son! I think its wonderful to be so proud of your son. I know I always was of mine :)-->
  9. I'm so glad they are home safe!
  10. gc

    Caption Contest

    Belle, I was thinking Mardi Gras too! :D--> I've waited on young-uns that look like this. They sure look happy! gc
  11. gc

    Photo volunteers

    I don't mind helping
  12. This Gigi can blow a hard wind now and then! Just ask my ex-husband ;)--> That's my nick name from childhood. :D--> GREGUSKA sounds a little fiercer, its a Czech male name.
  13. F. FFLEWDWR Couldn't find three F's, so I added the first initial. :)--> They would have to figure out how to say it since it has only one vowel!
  14. gc


    Tom, some abbreviations for your enjoyment :)--> More commons ones Less known
  15. Hi Bliss, welcome to gs, glad you're posting! I have nothing to add to all the good advice that's been given. I've been out for a lot of years now. In my case it was easy to leave since almost everyone in my area left at the same time. But the feelings I had of being lost stands out in my memory. When I look back on it all now, what helped me bunches was the knowledge that He would not leave me or forsake me, and He didn't! Will be praying for you and yours gc :)-->
  16. I think its ok for people to question, not that anyone has asked for my permission :)--> I question all the time now and I think its healthy, which is something I didn't do years ago. I don't believe God has a problem with us being human and acting out our humanness as he made us with a brain to wonder and question. Thanks JohnnyL :)--> gc
  17. I didn't go WOW, but I have a story. This happened in the 80's. I was married to someone who wasn't a Christian. We sometimes had money problems. Once, I needed exactly $100 for a bill and I didn't have it. I've always just trusted God for what ever I needed, and I don't even remember if I prayed for the money specifically. My ex was worried about it, which I understood, so I told him that it was ok, we'd find the money, trying to keep him calm. He got angry and said something along the lines in a very loud voice; "Oh, so you think God is just going to deliver this money to us on a silver platter? Its not going to happen!!!" So I told him yes, God would. And I truly believed it at the time. Within a week or so I got a note from a couple who were friends of mine from twi. In the note the woman told me how I had been on her mind and that she had been praying for me and here's a check for $100. Mind you, I'd told no one of my need at all. So, I took the check and the note, handed it to my husband at the time and said with a smile, "here's your silver platter". And I paid the bill on time :)--> gc
  18. I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked! I've listened to Kasy most of my adult life and never knew he said the F word or lost his temper! ;)--> :D--> It was very touching! gc
  19. The picture breaks my heart! Hezbollah (Arabic ‮حزب الله‬, meaning Party of God) is a political and military party in Lebanon founded in 1982 to fight Israel in southern Lebanon. It is regarded by most in the Arab and Muslim world as a legitimate, militant, Shia political party in Lebanon, and by the Israeli government and most Western governments as an Islamic fundamentalist, or Islamist, terrorist organization. Hezbollah
  20. gc

    Breakfast Recipes

    Mr. H, mmmmmmmmm good! gc :)-->
  21. gc

    Yellow Water

    Chas, I read that book! She is an inspiring writer and such a relief to know that others think the way I do! :)-->
  22. gc

    Kick Boxing!!!

    Oh yes! This year I was a bit worried about my birthday, which has never happened before. So it felt good being pampered by loved ones. :)--> gc
  23. gc

    Kick Boxing!!!

    Happy Birthday act2! Have fun celebrating! I was 49 last Wednesday, and I celebrated all day :)--> gc
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