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Everything posted by tomtuttle

  1. I tried Simon's addy also and got my wife on the other end. Isn't God good?? Yellowdripper, I feel led of God to inscribe your email addy on all the men's bathroom walls I frequent. Your window of opportunity to witness will be opened abundantly, for I am called my thy name, O lord God of hosts and hostesses. Just keep thanking God ... Exie, I have NEVER BEEN CONVICTED of any felonies, but was once "detained" for impersonating a fire hose ...
  2. And a good down on the farm morning to you too, sexie Mexie Exie. I sees you're up early. Me too. I was erect a 4:30am. And here on the farm, we eat a hearty breakfast of judy cunning hams with toast, made by our own peter & brenda cook. But even before that, we have motion with devotion, Valerie Knowles breath training, Bill Mayes Hayes Gahagan Mo-Tech in Govt. training and jet style packing. Then it's Top Floor Wierwille for a dunamis-laden teaching from Acts. Where is Vicki Del Duncan Negro? She is supposed to share on not Ed & Lin Hardening your hearts.
  3. I remember sitting out on the porch at the LC's house with Simonion and others most faithful in the vaudeville, and thinking at that time, "This is the beginning of the end of 2 major deals in mah life: 1. The ministry as I knew it 2. My marriage as I knew it And I also (bullinger) was relieved, as Valerie was ...
  4. It's CROMETT, dagnabbit. You're thinking Davis Cromwell, at least that's what I used to call him ... I believe SirStranger needs a few dos equis, por favor senor, pero yo mando aqui y necesito mi amigas bonitas para noche de amor!!! Just kidding, mah beauteeful sistren in the vierville...
  5. We need to contact Carlos Rice (Arroz) and Edward-O Di-No-toes to do a public ex to reconcile the locals. Maybe Mr. Bay Leaves could sing some Bea-uls songs ... Will "Mother" be coming??
  6. Dat's right !!!!! TomtheStrangler, you should know I need not alcohol to disinfect and purify, for surely the spirits inside will take care of that. But better to be safe than sorry, right?? Corona chasers till our sunrise fellowship led by our own Sexie, Simon in the midst!!!!!
  7. My nues has not been sparked - Father says "Shut Up Tut!!". Sos I am not free to share but this one tidbit; "...and in this box factory there were maany, maany boxes. There were big boxes and small boxes ..." I go a fishin' in 2 weeks - to Mexico - gonna learn mah youngins how to snorkle amongst the fish. The food there is delightful. We were there (Cancun, Cozumel, Riviera) a couple years ago and you just can't duplicate the flavors as in a native country. May buy an oceanfrot parcel & build an investment/retirement house. I'd be a coconut farmer, paint happy faces on coconuts & sell 'em to the tourists. If I do, we can have a 9th reunion there. You can snorkle out 200 yards from shore to a reef & cherry-pick a few lobsters to have for dinner (Simon, PLEASE start the condiments!!). A little wine for our stomach's sake and for our often infirmities, a loaf of bread to break, and we'd be 'good-to-go' ... ... Life's too short brethren and sistren. Take time to enjoy your life and those you love. We really do have so much to be thankful for (sing it Lisa). Hugs & Tuts
  8. Miss Young&Firm, so maany memories. I can see, smell, hear, taste and almost touch so maany scenarios while we were incarcerated at multiple rut locales. The stairs leading downstairs in the BRC The bathrooms and water fountain right by the top of those stairs. Even the flooring there. The kitchen downstairs where Jon Mahoney would give me treats at 5am. Those double doors out the lunch room downstairs, where we exited on Sundays to pick up our gorp packs. The family-style tables, where the way plumbers, following brother Buddy Curry's lead, would scarf most of the main dish before it was lovingly passed to me (Simon, please start the condiments). The slack shop in Euphoria, the soda machines, where I would set a few little corps gals up on top of after they were done with setup. "VIP Row" on the main level of the campus center, to the right as we entered for meals, where were the bathrooms where I saw our fodder in the vaudeville setting comfortably, lightening his load, with HA standing at the open door to the stall, just waiting to "fetch" whatever is was the MOG happened to need. And who can forget the looooong nights upstairs, where our own Lenny would share his heart as we lifted him in perfect hate, that he would come to an end. Owens Hall, where our beloved Davis and Dana and Frank, you're too fat, and others lived and moved and had their being, exhibiting agape at 3am by putting vasoline on the door handle, taping the light switch down and starting a wonderful Kirby so as to gently awaken the saints from their restful 2 hrs of sleep. Floyd Trishop leading us into the "all truth" of fatness for loving, downstairs in Kenyon, smelling the coffee burning from the nearby office of the sanctified Blast Patrol. Devine Design sharing the same area with WayMart and Refractions just overhead. Need money? No problem. Just visit our brothers Michael Kawolic and David Wahl in Finance, who met into our boosums, pressed down, shaken up and rolling over. Take out a loan for tuition at 0% interest. Then head over to LCM's apartment for an enjoyable time of fellowship, fun and heartfelt sharing. Ahh, so maany things I miss. But most of all, I miss standing outside waiting for something to begin, marvelling with you guys over the spirituality of our fearless leaders, and how blessed we were.
  9. You outta be taken out behind the woodshed and flogged thusly. Hey, I was trying to remember what type of car that was that you had, that little brown sumpthin out there in Azerona. What was it ??? Frank, you're too fat ...
  10. ... whose god is their belly, whose end is construction ... Simon, weren't you in Way Plumbers??
  11. LCM: "Is that your head, or is your neck blowing bubbles?" Simon, only babes stumble in their walk because of my liberty in Christ. You are in need of milk, not strong meat. I would they were cut off which trouble you.
  12. Simonion, you are so loving these days. Far cry from the cursing, sonofabitchin, salty sailor of old. MOVE IT!!!!!! Hey, I got lovingly reproved by TJ and LCM for saying that to a younger corps guy. I miss the old Simon.
  13. Lightside, you left us all hanging - finish your sto-rey ... Did you end up getting help for your son?? Is he still involved with gangs? Is he in jail now, or worse?? Hows about your daughter and her friends?? Have they found jobs just outside Reno yet?? I miss the loving attitudes of the bleedership ...
  14. One more thing... "Dr." VPW was not fit to be a twig leader. Do you believe the bible, OM?? Something about not being overlords with God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock?? Would you trust him, in private, on a trip maybe, with YOUR WIFE?? If you would, you are a foolish man who doesn't use the "prudence" He gave us. He was puffed up, full of himself. Knowledge puffeth up. Yes, he did have a huge amount of knowledge, but so should we when we reach the age he was when we listened to him. And we also should have the tools to manipulate as he did. But maybe some of us would not use those tools to the same end, maybe some of us have a bit more godly conscience ...
  15. Beat 'cha, sunny !!!! May I miss chapel setup tonite? I have to do my nails... I just figured it out!! Natzi - Dotsie, THAT'S hows he remembered her name !!! Great Scott!!! One - run Two - zoo Three - tree
  16. Yes, I will agree OM that Dr. VPWWOW was faithful - faithful to his self-serving appitite, whatever it was, bible, women, huntin' gawgs, etc. Did he study the bible?? Maybe. Iknow he READ it, because he read it to me and many others. But doncha see it? I can be faithful to do many things, read/study, witness, and so on, and STILL not REALLY be doing The Will Of God (with capitals) FROM THE HEART. Did VPW at one time do what he THOUGHT was God's Will from his heart?? Again, maybe. I even tend to think so. But when he was out there with ole' bathsheba, he was no more doin' The Will Of God (with capitals) than a barrell of monkeys. Come on now, no vast quantities of faithfulness is overly impressive to the true God. Holy Shiite, I could be VERY faithful to running a fellowship and "heppin' mahself to the fixins', His trusting female children, but I wouldn't expect any rewards for the seed sowing ceremonies, the use of the rod-o-God undersheparding techniques, know what I mean ?? Why is this so hard for you to believe, that a man's life and activities could be so divergent from other "lives" and activities of his life for so many years? There MIGHT even be a medical term for those who exhibit such behavior. Evil communications corrupt good manners ...
  17. ... and all she could say was, "Isn't God good? Isn't God good?". Thanks guys. You've blessed me more that 43 seconds of speaking in tongues. You have also brought back maany mamories of incidents that happened in my life, from birth to the corps, that one could simply chalk up to ""coincedense"", but when looked at with the spiritual eyes opened by the way, I know it was more than that. Like the time I was hungry, I wasn't starved to death or anything, I just wanted a snack, like you or I might be hungry for a pack of gum, and I saw this fig tree just standing there with a clump -- is that a good word? -- of figs, just waiting for me to fetch ... Now it's never stealing when you take a fig. There are 2 trees in the bible that are the people's tree, the big one and the one that looks like the dental floss bush. It's never considered stealing when it's from the peoples tree, sos I uprooted the tree and planted it in my own (idios) yard. This must also be true with women in the King's kingdom. They are the people's women, and it is not considered wrong to take them when one has a hunger ...
  18. Roses are red Violets are blue Some jokes rhyme But this one doesn't.
  19. Sorry Ms. Mz. He has no friends or fiends when it comes to the verd, only ememies he hasn't met yet ...
  20. George, your questions to the worker were of God. Notice the IMMEDIATE MIRACLE of HEALING when the truth was held forth, even as a question?? Amazing ... If you wanna grow, you gotta GO!!! Answer a question with a question. Each one punch one ...
  21. That's what I like about this tread. That WHOSOEVER, and class, when the bible says "whosoever", it means "WHOSOEVER", that WHOSOEVER will, may come. Where is Glenn Orthos??
  22. Good girl, Sexie. Iron sharpeneth Simon's iron.
  23. Indeed, this IS, with a capital 'I' and a capital 'S', THE thread of ages. Please, God, take away from my the urge to smoke. And please deliver unto me the Philistines ... StrangeTom, our brother is now playing with Joyful Harves.
  24. Ladies and gentlemen, Elrod has left the building ... after he lifted some ABS ...
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