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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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The Honeymooners is correct!!!!!

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I almost forgot about this. Here are a couple more quotes.

"I've got a wife, two kids and 10 finance companies to support. How am I supposed to pay my bills?"

"Daddy, if you dance like that in front of my friends I have to go live in another galaxy. Oh daddy, your dancing went out with pop-up fuels; it is practically 20th century."

"What a doll. She's got everything. Too bad all girls aren't like her, oh well, somebody's got to be in the PTA."


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Okay, let's add a couple of easier ones...

"Who'll Rotect me?"

"Who'll protect you? The SPCA, that's who."

"Yum, it's been lightyears since you programmed synthetic brownies!"

"Traffic is thicker than a cloud of meteors today."

"I've got a wife, two kids and 10 finance companies to support. How am I supposed to pay my bills?"

"Daddy, if you dance like that in front of my friends I have to go live in another galaxy. Oh daddy, your dancing went out with pop-up fuels; it is practically 20th century."

"What a doll. She's got everything. Too bad all girls aren't like her, oh well, somebody's got to be in the PTA."


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Ok, this one's not so easy, so I'm going to include more quotes. Fair's fair.

""Who turned on the dark?"

""One thing I can't stand is late kidnappers."

"What advice would you give young people just starting out in the spy business?"

"You ain't goin' no place!"

"The dance in France is mainly in the stance."

"I regret to inform you that Norway has just declared war on Sweden."

"He's not evil... crafty and selfish, maybe, but not evil."

"It's all yours, mate."

"It's great, it's terrific, it's the best show on Earth!"

"April is the cruelest month."

"How hungry can they get in half an hour?"

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""Who turned on the dark?"

""One thing I can't stand is late kidnappers."

"What advice would you give young people just starting out in the spy business?"

"You ain't goin' no place!"

"The dance in France is mainly in the stance."

"I regret to inform you that Norway has just declared war on Sweden."

"He's not evil... crafty and selfish, maybe, but not evil."

"It's all yours, mate."

"It's great, it's terrific, it's the best show on Earth!"

"April is the cruelest month."

"How hungry can they get in half an hour?"

"She put herself in a big box, put herself in a box this big, and sent herself up and put photographs on it. And we opened it and this young lady popped out."

"What happened to her?"

"Popped her back in again."

"We shipped her to the Beatles."

Should I prepare the four beds?"

"No, no, prepare four coffins. They will not live the night."

"Ooh! So, uh... That's, uh... That's what [bleeped] is all about."

"Yeah. [bleeped] It's pretty scary."

"You know what's even more scary?"


"You can't say [bleeped] on television. "

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Uh, I wasn't really planning on posting any quotes..

I'm terrible at coming up with exact quotes of anything... ask my wife... but I kinda' did answer in a way didn't I? And the rules say 'ya have to post one if you answer one? OK.. but this one is lame because the only TV quotes I can come with off the top of my head are things like "He's dead, Jim!" or "Lucy! You got some 'splaining to do".

But back in the 60's was a TV show I liked and one of the characters was famous for this line:"I know nooooooothing!!!!" It came up at a recent family get together and even my sister remembered it!

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  • modcat5 changed the title to Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]

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