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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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If you google "[name of show]" and "quotes," you'll get a number of hits that you can use: IMDb, TV.com, maybe Wikipedia, and fan sites for the show in question. That should hopefully give you enough quotes. (TV.com often has quotes for individual episodes.)

Give it a try!


Between the IMDb listing and a Wikiquote page, I can usually find a lot of quotes,

at least for more recent shows.

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"The wide side's too short. You're gonna look like Lou Costello."

"This is a mistake. I don't know how to have casual conversation. You think you're talking about one thing, and either you are and it's incredibly boring, or you're not because it's subtext and you need a decoder ring."

"Open doors for her, help her with her chair... "

"I have been on a date."

"Uh, not since disco died. Comment on her shoes, her earrings, and then move on to D.H.A. : her Dreams, Hopes, and Aspirations. Trust me. Panty-peeler. Oh, and if you need condoms, I've got some."

"[sarcastically] Did your wife give them to you? "

"Drug rep. They got antibiotics built in, somehow."

"I should cancel. I've got a patient in surgery tomorrow."

"And if you were a surgeon, that would actually matter. That's a good idea, settle your nerves. Get me a beer too. "

"****: No beer."

"You're gonna eat before dinner? "

[****reaches into the fridge and takes out a corsage]. "This is pretty lame, right?"

"I think she likes lame."

Oh, the show is current, but I'm not sure about this episode. How'd I do?

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"Do you like scrambled eggs?"

"What does that got to do with this?"

"Where there's chickens, there's eggs."


"That was a funny place to put a barn."

"You try that fool stunt again and I'm gonna find a funnier place to put one."

"Why don't you use some of that fancy stuff they taught you in the Marines?"

"That's what he just used on me."

"I still think what you need is a good scare, and the best way to do that is to eat the food here."

"Well, how do you think I got the hiccups in the first place?"

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"Do you like scrambled eggs?"

"What does that got to do with this?"

"Where there's chickens, there's eggs."


"That was a funny place to put a barn."

"You try that fool stunt again and I'm gonna find a funnier place to put one."

"Why don't you use some of that fancy stuff they taught you in the Marines?"

"That's what he just used on me."

"I still think what you need is a good scare, and the best way to do that is to eat the food here."

"Well, how do you think I got the hiccups in the first place?"

"Be ready to make the pick-up in exactly five minutes. Copy that?"

"Check. Exactly five minutes. Give or take a minute 'cause I ain't got no watch."

"We'll communicate on the emergency frequency!"

"How bad is it?"

"Real bad. If it was a horse, we'd have to shoot it."

"Hey, when all this is over, I'm gonna adopt you two.

"That might not be a very good idea. He'll eat you out of house and home."

This was one if the rare tv shows that featured a character whose first name was "Beauregard."

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"The Dukes of Hazzard"?


Nice. And I did NOT make this easy.

The actual clues in there, as I saw them, were....

1) Luke Duke was previously in the Marines, which came up a few times, like when he used a hang-glider,

and in the episode I quoted.

2) Uncle Jesse told the others, more than once, to communicate by CD on the emergency frequency.

Oddly enough, I didn't FIND that quote, I had to recall it.

3) As their parole officer mentioned, their first names were Beauregard and Lucas.

Pretty quick, George, but now it's your turn.


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If you're into chick stuff, try Triple Movie Links. Suda always posts movies I've never seen.

This show had, I believe, a broader appeal. If no one gets it from these quotes, I'll post some more obvious ones.

"There's no such word as 'chumpy'."

"Sure there is. Someone's a chump, therefore he's chumpy!"

"Try again."

"Are you challenging me?"

"You bet your sweet little chumpy I am!"

"You're kinda babbling."

"I know. See, I never babble."

"Are you kidding? You're a brook!"

"Oh, I've been afraid something like this was going to happen."


"You're beginning to talk about yourself in the third person."

"Oh please, I'll go to jail, I'll strap myself into the electric chair, just don't make me listen to this!"


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