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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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"He was brought across in 1228. Preyed on humans for their blood. Now he wants to be mortal again. To repay society for his sins, To emerge from his world of darkness, ... "

And I'll share some other quotes while waiting to see if someone guess it.

"My very old friend Thomas wagered me he would be able to persuade you to deliver this most intelligent and beautiful woman to him by simply telling you what you so desperately wanted to hear. There may be a cure. Well there isn't one of course. When will you learn Nicholas, that this quest of yours is a hopeless one, that it will only cause you and others misery. Normally I hate to lose but the look of utter foolishness on your face almost makes it worthwhile."

"So, did you learn anything while you were dying on me?"

"Yeah, I learned that I have to live with the choice I made 800 years ago, and that forgiveness is not something you ask for, it's something that you earn here, among the living."

"I can really see you two together. You must have been really something once."

"It was a very long time ago."

"I know when. In college right?"

"Actually it was closer to the Renaissance."

Some more quotes...

"I am what I am, and I don't think Betty Ford takes vampires."

"Well well, a vampire with a conscience."

"I want you to stay out of this. I think a child owes his father that much courtesy."

"What about what a father owes his child. It works both ways you know."

"Let's see what your frined Schenke has to say about that shall we? 'A father provides love, guidance, discipline, protection and support.' That's not bad."

"He left out freedom."

"So would I."

"You're not going to be young forever, Knight."

"A tan will do you good. What's a little sunburn?"

"I don't tan. I don't burn. I implode."

"First night, first feeding, you wake up so hungry, you'll do anything for the blood you need. Take anyone. Enemy, friend, lover. If your first kill isn't human, you don't hunger for humans."

"I'm curious what happens when we die, but I don't go on reconnaissance missions to find out!"

And I'm out of quotes... so hopefully someone will guess it...

Edited by Maddy
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"What are you doing?"

"I'll tell you what I'm *not* doing! I'm not driving in circles trying to elude people I don't know, who want to kill a nice little nebbish, for reasons I don't even understand. I'm also not about to sit in that car while Sheldon looks at me like I'm Babe Ruth and George Washington all rolled into...

[into phone]

"... yes, information? I'd like the number of the Central Intelligence Agency... No, that is not a residence."

"Who are you?"

"Just a happy go lucky tourist out to see a bit of the world."

"Is that why you've got five passports, from five different countries, in five different names?"

"Kept trying for a good picture."


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No, but good try. This show is about half that old.

"A killer caught by a lousy television show and a rotten commercial. There's some thing poetic about that."

"Now all we need is the third man."

"Well, if it isn't Orson Welles, I can't be of any immediate help."

"What are you doing?"

"I'll tell you what I'm *not* doing! I'm not driving in circles trying to elude people I don't know, who want to kill a nice little nebbish, for reasons I don't even understand. I'm also not about to sit in that car while Sheldon looks at me like I'm Babe Ruth and George Washington all rolled into...

[into phone]

"... yes, information? I'd like the number of the Central Intelligence Agency... No, that is not a residence."

"Who are you?"

"Just a happy go lucky tourist out to see a bit of the world."

"Is that why you've got five passports, from five different countries, in five different names?"

"Kept trying for a good picture."


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"Try this for a deep, dark secret: the great detective, ---- ----? He doesn't exist. I invented him. Follow. I always loved excitement, so I studied, and apprenticed, and put my name on an office. But absolutely nobody knocked down my door. A female private investigator seemed so... feminine. So I invented a superior. A decidedly MASCULINE superior. Suddenly there were cases around the block."

"A killer caught by a lousy television show and a rotten commercial. There's some thing poetic about that."

"Now all we need is the third man."

"Well, if it isn't Orson Welles, I can't be of any immediate help."

"What are you doing?"

"I'll tell you what I'm *not* doing! I'm not driving in circles trying to elude people I don't know, who want to kill a nice little nebbish, for reasons I don't even understand. I'm also not about to sit in that car while Sheldon looks at me like I'm Babe Ruth and George Washington all rolled into...

[into phone]

"... yes, information? I'd like the number of the Central Intelligence Agency... No, that is not a residence."

"Who are you?"

"Just a happy go lucky tourist out to see a bit of the world."

"Is that why you've got five passports, from five different countries, in five different names?"

"Kept trying for a good picture."


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"Try this for a deep, dark secret: the great detective, ---- ----? He doesn't exist. I invented him. Follow. I always loved excitement, so I studied, and apprenticed, and put my name on an office. But absolutely nobody knocked down my door. A female private investigator seemed so... feminine. So I invented a superior. A decidedly MASCULINE superior. Suddenly there were cases around the block."

"A killer caught by a lousy television show and a rotten commercial. There's some thing poetic about that."

"Now all we need is the third man."

"Well, if it isn't Orson Welles, I can't be of any immediate help."

"What are you doing?"

"I'll tell you what I'm *not* doing! I'm not driving in circles trying to elude people I don't know, who want to kill a nice little nebbish, for reasons I don't even understand. I'm also not about to sit in that car while Sheldon looks at me like I'm Babe Ruth and George Washington all rolled into...

[into phone]

"... yes, information? I'd like the number of the Central Intelligence Agency... No, that is not a residence."

"Who are you?"

"Just a happy go lucky tourist out to see a bit of the world."

"Is that why you've got five passports, from five different countries, in five different names?"

"Kept trying for a good picture."


I recognize the line about knocking down the door, and the line about cases around the block.

This is "Remington Steele."

Laura Holt, detective, invented him so she would get work as a detective,

then a stranger arrives and assumes the identity of Remington Steele.

Stephanie Zimbalist and Pierce Brosnan, IIRC. First time I'd heard of either of them.

Brosnan did a GREAT "James Bond" imitation as Steele, even if I only saw maybe 2-3

episodes of the show. It seemed interesting, I just never had the time to watch it.

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Next show.

"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

"We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so VERY pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."

"Well, we may not have parted on the best of terms. I realize certain words were exchanged. Also, certain... bullets."

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

"We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so VERY pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."

"Well, we may not have parted on the best of terms. I realize certain words were exchanged. Also, certain... bullets."

"So. Would you like to lecture me the wickedness of my ways?"

"No, I brought you dinner. Although if you'd prefer a lecture, I've a few very catchy ones prepped. Sin and hellfire... one has lepers."

"I think I'll pass."

"Can you hear me?"

"I'm standing right here."

"You're coming through good and loud."

"'Cause I'm standing right here."

"Say that to my face."

"I said, you're a coward, and a pi$$pot. Now what are you gonna do about it?"

"Nothin'. I just wanted you to face me so she could get behind ya."

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

"We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so VERY pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."

"Well, we may not have parted on the best of terms. I realize certain words were exchanged. Also, certain... bullets."

"So. Would you like to lecture me the wickedness of my ways?"

"No, I brought you dinner. Although if you'd prefer a lecture, I've a few very catchy ones prepped. Sin and hellfire... one has lepers."

"I think I'll pass."

"Can you hear me?"

"I'm standing right here."

"You're coming through good and loud."

"'Cause I'm standing right here."

"Say that to my face."

"I said, you're a coward, and a pi$$pot. Now what are you gonna do about it?"

"Nothin'. I just wanted you to face me so she could get behind ya."

"I got a stake in this job, and nuthin' don't split eight ways.

Let me do the math here. Nuthin' over nuthin'... carry the nuthin'.."

"Course YOU couldn't buy an invite with a diamond the size of a testicle, but I've got my hands on a couple.


"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater."

"Six men came to kill me one time. The best of 'em carried this. It's a Callahan full-bore auto-lock. Customized trigger. Double cartridge thorough gauge. It is my very favorite gun."

"Da-shiong bao-jah-shr duh la doo-tze... Are you offering me a TRADE?"

"A trade? Hell, that's theft! This is the best damn gun made by man. It has extreme sentimental value. It's miles more worthy'n what you got."

"What I got? She has a name!"

"So does this!

I call it Vera."

"Look, they got boy whores! Isn't that thoughtful? Wonder if they service girlfolk at all."

"Don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?"

"Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps."

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

"We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so VERY pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die. Huh? Look at that chiseled jaw, huh? Come on! "

"Well, we may not have parted on the best of terms. I realize certain words were exchanged. Also, certain... bullets."

"So. Would you like to lecture me the wickedness of my ways?"

"No, I brought you dinner. Although if you'd prefer a lecture, I've a few very catchy ones prepped. Sin and hellfire... one has lepers."

"I think I'll pass.But thank you for this."

"Can you hear me?"

"I'm standing right here."

"You're coming through good and loud."

"'Cause I'm standing right here."

"Say that to my face."

"I said, you're a coward, and a pi$$pot. Now what are you gonna do about it?"

"Nothin'. I just wanted you to face me so she could get behind ya."

"I got a stake in this job, and nuthin' don't split eight ways.

Let me do the math here. Nuthin' over nuthin'... carry the nuthin'.."

"Course YOU couldn't buy an invite with a diamond the size of a testicle, but I've got my hands on a couple.


"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater."

"Six men came to kill me one time. The best of 'em carried this. It's a Callahan full-bore auto-lock. Customized trigger. Double cartridge thorough gauge. It is my very favorite gun."

"Da-shiong bao-jah-shr duh la doo-tze... Are you offering me a TRADE?"

"A trade? Hell, that's theft! This is the best damn gun made by man. It has extreme sentimental value. It's miles more worthy'n what you got."

"What I got? She has a name!"

"So does this!

I call it Vera."

"Look, they got boy whores! Isn't that thoughtful? Wonder if they service girlfolk at all."

"Don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?"

"Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps."

"I'd sure love to find a brand new compression coil for the steamer."

"Yes, I'd like to be king of all Londinium and wear a shiny hat. Just get us some passengers. Them as can pay. All right?"

"If the compression coil busts, we're drifting."

"Best not bust then."

"Captain, do you mind if I say grace?"

"Only if you say it out loud."

"Wash, you gotta give me an Ivan."

"I'll see what I can do."

"Kaylee, how would you feel about pullin' a Crazy Ivan?"

"Always wanted to try one."

Edited by WordWolf
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Right. I thought the swearing in Chinese was a giveaway.

Then again, I also thought Shepherd Book's lines were more memorable-

like not sermonizing Inara but having a sermon if she wanted one,

and the line about kneecaps, and especially the level of Hell for

people who talk at the theater.

Amazing how the show resembles a Western when you leave out the ship,

though, doesn't it? I think that's exactly what Whedon wanted-

mixing futuristic SF with Wild West- and succeeded. Frankly, I'm

disappointed the series was never renewed-it had a lot of potential

that the network never saw.

I imagine either the Londinium reference, the malfunctioning compression

coil, or the famous Crazy Ivan was what triggered your memory.

(Just because I never saw the series BEFORE didn't mean I couldn't see

it NOW....)

Your turn!

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Actually, it was the names Kaylee and Wash, along with the "no saying grace out loud" line that gave it away.

I thought it was a terrific show (and, yes, it was supposed to be a "space Western"). It was relegated to Friday night, though, which seems to be a death sentence for any sci-fi show (except for shows on SyFy, ironically). Moving "Dollhouse" to Friday doesn't bode well for this Joss Whedon show; and "Smallville" may be on the way out, too. :(

I'll post new clues later today.


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"Is - is me. Hi."

"Um, thanks."

"Well, uh, maybe I'll see you around... maybe at school... since we... both... go there."

"Great! It was nice to meet you." [walks away]

"We both go to school. Very suave. Very not pathetic."

"There's a reason why you're here, and a reason why it's now!"

"Because now is the time my mom moved here."

"Something's coming, something, something, something is - is gonna happen here. Soon!"

"Gee, can you vague that up for me?"

"What are you doing here? Five words or less."

"Out. For. A. Walk... Bitch."

"We saved the world. I say we party!"

"That probably would've sounded more convincing if I wasn't wearing my yummy sushi pajamas."


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