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Does twi need to be good?


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Dear Jeaniam and Johniam, 1st of all, I do love you both even though I disagree with You both. IMHO,The vast majority are testifing and trying to heal and so much more ..not lying. On this subject does anyone really have all the answers? Isn't that the right direction...a discussion not a war? Maybe I am just the dumbestest one on the planet, as that's my goal here to learn to grow to change and to trust and to heal; and to help not to hurt! At least could you look at hearts one by one please? There is never going to be one overall view that covers it all on any matter.

I Love You All, RG

I never meant to accuse ANYONE of lying nor to imply that I had concluded that anyone was. No, I do not believe that on this subject anyone really has all the answers, nor that there is one overall view that covers it all. That was actually the point I was trying to make.

Excathedra, you're right I left that possibility (among others) out. That was an oversight, not by design, for which I apologize. The whole post was intended to amplify and explain my position, which is a reluctance to elect myself God on this issue. There are already enough posters who seem to want that job and seem to think they could do a better job than the One who has it now.

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Jean - I'm not electing myself God. I never would. I do reserve my God-given ability to assess and act accordingly.

I am not in a position to condemn - really. I can distrust, denounce and deny these men. True, Ultimate comdemnation is not in my power though.

I'll never see these men again. If by some chance I did - I would act with caution. Trust is won one action at a time. Whether or not I want to give the opportunity for these actions is something I would have to consider in the moment.

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Sanity is a relative term.......LOL (but thanks! ;))

What I see here at GSC - is enough variety of opinion to be able to fit the puzzle together.

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We aren`t right or wrong...we all are simply in posession of different pieces of the puzzle...each individual and unique....each piece adding a new facet to the over all picture!!

None are unimportant, none can be disgarded...all are of equal importance.

I LOVE it!!

I think the greasespot icon should be partially completed puzzle with pieces scattered around awaiting placement!


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Thanks Rainbows Girl. That was nicely said :)

Jean could you possibly try to make your points without having to include a personal cutting or nasty remark? Please?

It would be much easier to consider your pov without the accompanying venom.

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You first, Rascal!

I always tell my kids to do what's right no matter if everyone around them is doing the wrong thing. Seems to me that here is the perfect opportunity.....

I'm not pointing fingers here - BTW

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...a time to keep silence and a time to speak...a time to love and a time to hate...

Rascal is an insufferable oaf, who drops turds of moral superiority on every possible thread, like a stray dog wandering from yard to yard marking its territory. She HAS to be in control of every conversation. She answers to no one.

That is how she comes off to me. What do I know?

And this is a mature response?

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...a time to keep silence and a time to speak...a time to love and a time to hate...

Rascal is an insufferable oaf, who drops turds of moral superiority on every possible thread, like a stray dog wandering from yard to yard marking its territory. She HAS to be in control of every conversation. She answers to no one.

That is how she comes off to me. What do I know?

Since you asked,

you know how to take your own wounds and disappointments and,

rather than seeking to understand them and heal,

craft them into a knife to slash at your fellow Christian,

and pretend THEY have something to do with all that anger caged up

under the surface.

You know how to spew insults on the electronic page.

In those 2 skills, BTW, you exceed the abilities of every Christian I

interact with, all over.

However, I wouldnt be proud of that-

I'd consider that something to think over.

Would Christ be pleased to read your posts?

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All right . I've erased it. Not going to do Rascal much good since you and Doojable have pasted it.

quote: you know how to take your own wounds and disappointments and,

rather than seeking to understand them and heal,

craft them into a knife to slash at your fellow Christian,

and pretend THEY have something to do with all that anger caged up

under the surface.

You know how to spew insults on the electronic page.

In those 2 skills, BTW, you exceed the abilities of every Christian I

interact with, all over.

Why does it have to be some deep rooted crap? Why can't it just be that I don't like the way she posts? She doesn't like the way I post, does she?

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Wordwolf: You're right BTW. I DO have issues with the psychology/psychiatry industry. IMO that's the most successful scam of the 20th century.

VP did say some things in pfal about it. He said the bible was better psychology than anything else and he said that 85% of inmates of mental institutions were Christians. (Dr. Mengela LIVES!) If VP said anything else about it I don't recall. But my issues are from further study and personal experience.

There was not much available to help people who were genuinely mentally ill in the 1800s. So some were treated cruelly. The name Dorothea Dix comes up in my memory. Can't remember exactly what she did. Freud was a pioneer. But now it's a billion dollar industry. They need job security and if there aren't any genuinely mentally ill people they will MAKE them. They make them by a) messing them up by what they tell them so their patients will have to keep on coming back to them and never be cured (assuming they really had any problems before beginning therapy), and b) giving them drugs they will have to take for the rest of their life. Heroin dealers are more humane than some of those doctors IMO. Like I said, they need their job security and routinely go hunting for it....from you and me. Nice.

More than 10 yrs ago Jean and I locked horns with an overly aggressive social worker. We had our children at home with a midwife. Still had to deal with social workers. They didn't like people having their kids at home so they tried to hijack our family. We called a lawyer. The lawyer we called is now a juvenile court judge appointed by the governor himself. She had experience with that social worker. Called her "rabid". I kid you not.

The social worker wanted me and Jean to have a psych evaluation. We called the lawyer again. I told her I didn't want the psych evaluation because I knew that no matter what I said they could make me ANYTHING from perfectly normal to borderline psychotic. Like I said, it's a scam job. Didn't have to go. Very soon afterward, social worker out of our lives. And you are correct in assuming that we used every resistance tactic dealing with the social worker that we use here when harassed.

BTW, that comment I made to you on the other page was out of line. I apologize. I admit I don't have the stamina (or the time) to directly address EVERYTHING you post. So I don't. I just don't agree with where you're coming from most of the time.

quote: Doesn't it have to stop somewhere?

Yeah, but why me? Why does the man always have to be the bigger person?

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I never said that you had to be the bigger person.....Notice that Rascal has said nothing since her last comment - perhaps she beat you to it.....

All you can do it take care of your actions - as long as you live solely in response to another they have the control.

Still not pointing fingers......just stating my views.

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Interesting comment here. Why does this sound like twi?

They need job security and if there aren't any genuinely mentally ill people they will MAKE them. They make them by a) messing them up by what they tell them so their patients ("members") will have to keep on coming back to them and never be cured (assuming they really had any problems before beginning therapy (joining the ministry)), and b) giving them drugs (one class, or exciting new present truth after another) they will have to take for the rest of their life. Heroin dealers are more humane than some of those doctors ("ministers") IMO. Like I said, they need their job security and routinely go hunting for it....from you and me. Nice.

Striking similarity here.

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All you can do it take care of your actions - as long as you live solely in response to another they have the control.

Still not pointing fingers......just stating my views.

Interesting parallel to some of you live and VPW. Not pointing fingers...just making an observation.

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Would you agree that there is a huge difference between responding to a person's play by play banter with name calling and working through a painful situation?

And even more difference in trying to piece a puzzle together....

Fact gathering is a healthy way to work something out. Ignoring or fabricating things is dishonest. Ask any scientist - you have to have ALL (or at least as much as you can possible gather) the data in order to draw a conclusion.

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I don`t call people names, and I try not to make personal attacks against other posters period. I think you read a lot into my posts that is not there...

I have not responded to the numerous personal attacks against my veracity or mental health..accusations...shrug.

We are discussing facts and ideas here openly and honestly. I can read and consider your points and their merits if I am not having to dodge around all of the irrelevent accusations, and back handed insults.

It was an attempt at civility....nothing more

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I think psychotherapy IS twi for those people. It's all hind sight, but I'm glad I had twi instead of psychotherapy.

For some perhaps. I don't paint all psychologists or therapists as evil though..

I think there is a pretty broad spectrum of people with different motivations.

You have some who care, some who are in it for the money, some who are highly qualified and professional, and some who don't give a damn.

The most damaging and addictive appear to be the quasi-psychological weekend "drive through" type of fixits that can cause problems far worse than they are trying to "fix".

Kinda like twi. Every year, have to leave family and friends on a national holiday, and get the same verbal pummeling, year after year.. with the same bore me to tears drivel, and it is demanded, not an option.

I think the "patients" need to pick up a few clubs and work over the "docs" :biglaugh:

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Ya'll have now brought up a current issue and I am going to risk derailing this thread yet again to ask if anyone else has seen this news report. :offtopic:

I think it was last monday I was watching an early morning news show, around 0530 am. There was a short blurb (that I have not heard again) about a new class action law suit that is to hit the courts sometime in June. Some parents and scientists have found a correlation between your basic childhood innoculations and Downs syndome and/or Add (did I get that right?) Attention Deficite Disorder.

Apparently some parents claim that they took their baby who was a "perfectly normal intelligent child" to get innoculated and walked out with a downs baby. After that came out other parents have come forward with similar stories.

So now it's all going to court. You're comments concerning medication caused me to remember this little news article. Anyone else hear it?

BTW John I agree with most of what you said about Social Workers. I truly understand what they must do and how they must do it. So I can empathize (been there done that won't do it again) with their attitudes at times. But you are right in saying that some are given more power (authority?) than they should have. They don't know how to temper their responses because frankly they don't know how to read people. On the other side of the coin some Social Workers are some of the nicest most helpful people you will ever have the pleasure of knowing. Sometimes its just the luck of the draw. It sounds like your draw was for sh!t.

It sounds like we are beginning to have a dialog here on this thread...ahh the pleasures of a family get together. Somebody get great aunt Prudence a refill on her sherry so she'll stop screaming at the cat! :biglaugh:

Just saying...I love you guys and gals...Oh Yea! Almost forgot. Happy Easter!! He is Risen!! :jump:

Edited 'cause I forgot my smiley face guys.

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I think it was last monday I was watching an early morning news show, around 0530 am. There was a short blurb (that I have not heard again) about a new class action law suit that is to hit the courts sometime in June. Some parents and scientists have found a correlation between your basic childhood innoculations and Downs syndome and/or Add (did I get that right?) Attention Deficite Disorder.

Apparently some parents claim that they took their baby who was a "perfectly normal intelligent child" to get innoculated and walked out with a downs baby. After that came out other parents have come forward with similar stories.

So now it's all going to court. You're comments concerning medication caused me to remember this little news article. Anyone else hear it?


I have not heard that particular story, but I have heard many like it. But it is autism, not Downs syndrome, that you are referring to. Downs syndrome is a genetic disorder, it is one that can be predicted in the womb. Autism MAY also be a genetic disorder, but that is still a theory. Another theory is that the mercury used as a preservative in the vaccinations causes autism. I don't think that theory has been proven either.

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