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Normal Human Responses to Rape


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Ladies! You are BLOWING my mind!! Are you all certified members of the NRA on national and local registers? You girls might be better suited to take your vengeance out against “men” in Iraq. Did TWI do this to you?? :(

Bumpy, I think you are being sarcastic so I'm going to go with that. Except for the comment about "men". Protecting oneself or making certain that you can protect yourself (and/or your children) does not automatically assume that the defence would be against men. It is true that the majority of attacks are made by men, but this does not make any of us vigilantes out for vengence against all men. I realize you did not say "all" but it is inferred.

Personally I would love to go to Iraq, but not because I want vengence against men, all men did not hurt me so I do not blindly blame them all. If you have been reading, and I think that you have, you certainly have noticed that many of us blamed ourselves for being attacked. We often feel like we are vulnerable hence all of the weapons and training. We feel less vulnerable and weak this way. If it happens again then it wont be our fault.

Do you understand? Its not vengence, its healing, its stronger, its how we have to deal with it. It's how we say "Never again".

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I personally thought that it was pretty creepy to percieve a woman who takes classes and learns to protect one self as vengefull...

Eyes, I am harmless...lol actually the style I study...it is all about block and counter...in other words they have to attack first.....I seriously doubt tht I could initiate a strike....

In other words..I am the gal you want by your side....

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There are no words to express my deep sorrow for your loss, or the pride I feel for you in your stauch desire to move forward and your deep love and trust in God. Such a profound mixture of both tragedy and strength of character.

God Bless your beautiful heart!

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Funny story I heard on Paul Harvey one day....Russel Crowe...you know the big tough looking guy on the movie gladiator?? He went into a bar in mexico (I think it was).....and he was attacked and being beaten....his friend came to his rescue, repelled his multiple attackers and then proceeded to clear out the entire bar when it turned into a brawl....

The rest of the story??? His *friend* was a blackbelt not to mention his GIRL friend!!!

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Eyes, I am harmless...lol actually the style I study...it is all about block and counter...in other words they have to attack first.....I seriously doubt tht I could initiate a strike....

In other words..I am the gal you want by your side....

You've always been the gal I want on my side...from the first time I met you. I would however love to spar with you.

The stuff I know is a mixture of both. It is neither Karate or Judo. It is simply what is practical for the Police to utilize on the street. So it is kind of like "scapping". I can really mix it up. In fact the last guy I caught trying to slash a little 8 ir 9 year old girl with a box cutter ended up with his jaw broken in three places. (Have you ever seen anyone's jaw break between the two front teeth? It splits the palet in half...makes for some really strange talking and looks really cool when it is all wired back together again.)

I guess I'm not harmless...oh well...I am loveable! :wub:

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I am going to break my silence as I just learned a lot about this subject from a true expert in this field. Don't derail this thread as this subject is too important. (To late I see the thread was all ready derailed)

I have a new assistant whose lovely wife has many initials following her name. She works in an almost secret juvenile hall whose residents are all girls that have been sexually abused. As this lady puts it, the girls have had every orifice and other parts of their bodies violated. She confirms everything Catcup says and more.

Three things stood out in the conversation I had with this professional. One is that many victims of childhood sexual abuse actually lose the ability to say no to any and all sexual advances, the abuse removed all boundaries and the ability to set those boundaries. The second is the answer to no matter what the question is, is SEX! The third is a type of detachment from reality during the actual act, very similar to being drugged; they experience a sort of out of body experience.

Believe it or not, all those that beg to differ about the victims not turning down the advances of a sick self serving pervert claiming gawd's will was to "do" him, many of his targets lost the simple ability to say no. That and the answer always being SEX, then sex with a MOG being healing isn't such a ridiculous thought to many of his targets.

The girls my assistant's wife works with are placed in this home and very closely guarded and regulated as they are getting the professional help they need. They have a good chance to a normal life forsaking the self-destruction.

VPW's "ministering" made matters worse. There can't be a lower form of scum. OK, except for the bus driving pimp……….

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Believe it or not, all those that beg to differ about the victims not turning down the advances of a sick self serving pervert claiming gawd's will was to "do" him, many of his targets lost the simple ability to say no. That and the answer always being SEX, then sex with a MOG being healing isn't such a ridiculous thought to many of his targets.

VPW's "ministering" made matters worse. There can't be a lower form of scum. OK, except for the bus driving pimp……….

I hadn't thought of it that way. After all he "loves" them and is just trying to heal them. So they trust him....and he violated that trust.

Truly sick....pond scum is cleaner and more desirable.

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As I've said many times, I don't think religion had much of anything to do with Mr. Wierwille's real goals in life, it was just a convenient means to an end for him. A little different upbringing and he would have been an MLM mogul, or conartist, scammer, user and abuser of any sort.

Read this and tell me if VPW's picture should be placed next to the definition:

"The serial bully displays behaviour congruent with many of the diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Characterised by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity and self-importance, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, people with narcissistic personality disorder overestimate their abilities and inflate their accomplishments, often appearing boastful and pretentious, whilst correspondingly underestimating and devaluing the achievements and accomplishments of others.

Often the narcissist will fraudulently claim to have qualifications or experience or affiliations or associations which they don't have or aren't entitled to. Belief in superiority, inflating their self-esteem to match that of senior or important people with whom they associate or identify, insisting on having the "top" professionals or being affiliated with the "best" institutions, but criticising the same people who disappoint them are also common features of narcissistic personality disorder."

You can read the whole article here: http://www.bullyonline.org/workbully/npd.htm

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I can say I have enjoyed this thread and it's great to see so many independent women. I'm married to a cop but way before that my father taught me how to shoot. I was home alone one day -- we live in a nice area -- and these "African American" kids started circling the house. They drove down our driveway. My dog took off after him before the door had even opened and the boy tried to kick my dog. I grabbed the gun -- it wasn't loaded - - but enough to make a statement. The boy said, "he made a wrong turn." Yeah! (roll eyes) They were trying to steal our bikes. Man, my adrenaline had never been going so HIGH. I called the cops on them even though they took off. You never know when you will have to defend yourself.

There was another time in a parking lot and I swear the guy was going to kidnap me -- I've never seen anyone get so mad that I wouldn't engage in a conversation or allow them to help me load my car. I went back into the store and waited and then had someone escort me out.

Thanks catcup for posting your wise advice and I will ask my hubby about the guns ya'll recommended.

It's just really sad when a person in authority (father, pastor, etc) take advantage of women. I wonder if there has been any other research on that -- because like a guy on the streets vs. someone you trust -- there has to be issues. However, our Father (God) heals all. But I've heard about women having problems with God because of those "father" issues.

Thanks gals! Great read and info.

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Yep, that video was cool Rhino. I sent the URL to DR and he liked it so much he kept a copy of it and was watching it on and off for quite a few hours. LOL. He said to tell you thanks. He likes the good ones like that to add to his ever growing collection of vids and pics. :)

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Catcup-Thanks for helping us all to understand what rape victims go through. You are amazing. I don't care what credentials anyone has, you took the time and love to help.

It really hurts me still to see that it happened to wonderful believers who put their trust in certain twi leadership who took advantage of their position. May they get what they deserve. (And most of them have).

To any of you who were in situations like this, you are loved here and are always welcome to share your hearts. It's never too late.

If there are some who find it too hard to talk about, we understand. You are still loved. Hopefully it will happen one day.

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