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Spirit replaced with another?


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Great post Sirguess. We don't see people die nowadays, its all done in hospitals and nursing homes, behind closed doors, hidden away in institutions - not at home with friends and family around like just 100-50 years ago.

But it is a natural function of life. We cannot be afraid of it. Nero, you sound like you are handling it fine, while the TWI doctrine your sis is "standing" on is sinking - she just can't deal.

Hospice is wonderful if the person is dying. The patient has a "team" - the nurse, the faith counselor, I forget what the other lady's function was. But many times the person will not talk about God or religion with their family but will with his faith counselor. They help the person accept and come to terms and peace with their death. I had some wonderful talks with the faith counselor. The hospice nurse is there every day. If a patient is in pain - and some are in terrible pain - they cut through any red tape and get the drugs now - not tomorrow or whenever the nursing home doctor gets them - which can take time.

I'm so used to going either to the hospital or nursing home to visit every weekend, and sometimes during the week that I don't know what to do with the time anymore - its been almost 5 years of this. But I have such an appreciation for aging, and what goes on that I never had or knew before, and much more compassion for elderly sick people.

You dad will be in my prayers. Hang in there.

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Oh - I just realized when everyone was talking about my sis they thought she was in twi. She hasn't been a part of twi since she was 18 and she is 37 or 38 right now. She is much older than me so I don't think she ever (thankfully) bought into their junk. I believe she goes to a Catholic church right now? I need to ask.

She just kept seeing him when he was uncomfortable (his eyebrows sort of fuse together when he's like that). Sometimes he coughs and he gets this uncomfy look on his face. She thought he was suffering so she wanted us to let him go (like... not drag it out for months) and not be selfish. That's why I'm not upset at her.

It made me feel better to know my mom wasn't on board with it. I thought she was at first - which was why I was even more upset when my sis mentioned this stuff. Because I thought maybe they would just let my dad go when he hasn't really had a shot at living yet.

As for my twi friend - it's getting harder to want to talk with her - even though I still love her. I've had to edit myself a lot, I even put my family in a special group on my friend's page just so I could talk about religious stuff because instead of discussing it - it turned into a jump on Nero all the time thing. She read into my poetry that wasn't even about her and believed I was saying mean things about her. Even when I wasn't talking about religion it turned into a religious thing. And she jumped all over me again. It seems like I can't say or do anything around her without it getting turned into a "you hate me, you hate God, you don't like the way you were treated in twi - so you hate anyone associated in twi."

I let her in on this time in my life because I didn't think she would have acted that way again. I'm begining to wonder if it's worth it?

How do you keep friends that won't listen to you and think the worst of you at some of the most important moments to even the less significant? I keep trying to figure out what I can say or do to make things better and I'm at a loss.

Edited by Nero
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all friends make mistakes and errors in judgment, but the fact that she seems to so consistently make the relationship about her makes me think she's unhappy because you've changed and you're not meeting her needs the way you once did. I came to a point where I just let people go. if the friendship was meant to survive, it would change because it had to. people try to keep things the same because change scares them, and it's possible she simply cannot accept you as you are or as you will become because you are not what she wants you to be. she wants to change you back into that person and she can't let it go. you'd think people would be happy for you when you grow and change, but they aren't when it makes them uncomfortable. just hold fast to your integrity, sweetie.

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all friends make mistakes and errors in judgment, but the fact that she seems to so consistently make the relationship about her makes me think she's unhappy because you've changed and you're not meeting her needs the way you once did. I came to a point where I just let people go. if the friendship was meant to survive, it would change because it had to. people try to keep things the same because change scares them, and it's possible she simply cannot accept you as you are or as you will become because you are not what she wants you to be. she wants to change you back into that person and she can't let it go. you'd think people would be happy for you when you grow and change, but they aren't when it makes them uncomfortable. just hold fast to your integrity, sweetie.

I didn't think of it that way. I remember her saying something about just because I felt that way didn't mean she had to change how she thought. I told her I didn't want her too, but it's got me thinking. Perhaphs it would be better to end our relationship now or say I need a break since it doesn't seem to be working. Maybe she thinks I'm trying to change her simply by being different myself? I think twi does the whole - "we must be like-minded" so it makes me wonder if she subconciously thinks I want her to be the same as me?

Maybe if I break it off now before it goes past the point of no return... maybe when we grow up more, maybe she'll change herself (not her beliefs) but what she expects out of me?

Maybe Maybe Baby.

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I think you hit the nail on the head with the like-mindedness principle. I remember being really uncomfortable and unable to accept different points of view, because of waybrain and the whole like-mindedness thing. it was a real struggle to accept that people are different and I can be friends with people who don't think like I do. now I really like people who don't think like I do, because it gets me to see things I wouldn't otherwise and I like the challenge of examining my beliefs. but if you're a twit, it's just too darned uncomfortable.

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I think you hit the nail on the head with the like-mindedness principle. I remember being really uncomfortable and unable to accept different points of view, because of waybrain and the whole like-mindedness thing. it was a real struggle to accept that people are different and I can be friends with people who don't think like I do. now I really like people who don't think like I do, because it gets me to see things I wouldn't otherwise and I like the challenge of examining my beliefs. but if you're a twit, it's just too darned uncomfortable.

I thought this was worth repeating.

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How do you keep friends that won't listen to you and think the worst of you at some of the most important moments to even the less significant? I keep trying to figure out what I can say or do to make things better and I'm at a loss.
a book of wisdom: The Four Things That Matter Most
Please forgive me. I forgive you. Thank you. I love you.
...i think that maybe even the excerpt page might help. And the rest of the website is rich, too...such as the reader's guide page.

in addition ...its also ok to be silent at times like this, which helps us listen creatively...not only to others, but more deeply to our self...and so that we can asking honest questions about what is going on inside another. Not loaded questions that we think we know the answer to, but open honest questions that help others find out why they said what they said in the first place. This takes practice, of course. Sometimes a profound question that is not even immediately answered outloud can be a catalyst for change that hours of noise can never touch. Its often worth the wait.

peace be with you and yours, Nero

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Nero, I don`t think that she is much of a friend to you. It sounds like you are willing to be a friend anyway.

I have a long time friend. She is good as gold. I love her dearly, but she is the most miserable, complaining, bitter, angry person on the planet.

I was having dinner with her one night when some friends of mine showed up and decided to join us. They remarked afterwards, how unbelievably miserable she was, and was she always that way..and how could I stand to b around her?

I had to think about it...but I thought well...THAT is what a real friend does. I try to be supportive and look past the misery to see the genuine kindness and good in her.

It is established that your twi friend, is a lousy friend. Only you know if you want to be a friend to her. If it is of benefit or detriment to you.

I would try to think of her as incapacitated though, emotionally, she just can`t be right with the teaching and conditioning that she has had...her view point will always be some what limited.

Who knows though, maybe your patient steadfast kindness will be the light that leads her to freedom one day.

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I've decided to try again to be friends with her. I think the problem might have been giving her too much access into my life. She could read my blog - which was filled with twi hate... and although I have backed off of it I think she is reading into what I'm saying now. I don't think she can handle my innermost thoughts and some of my venting - not that they are deep or anything - but the subjects might get ot her. It's so hurtful to me because she reads between the lines and accuses me of thinking a certain way.

I know we can have a decent relationship if we can get past this - because we did before I admited a few things or talked about what I thought of TWI.

I sent her a letter asking her if she wanted to just send letters and after I moved we could talk on messenger.

I'm hoping that we can do this.

It's just bad timing with my dad.

Speaking of my father - he is still sleeping. He got a fever again last night. He's had one twice since he's been there. Despite that he's starting to look much better. Thanks for everyone praying for him and sending us good wishes.

I'm still hoping he will wake up soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's hard to say. Last week we removed his breathing tube down his throat - the doctor's told us with his sort of brain damage that he wouldn't continue breathing. It was so weird when he began snoring. He has been breathing on his own fine.

We put in a feeding tube the other day to give him a little more time if he's going to wake up.

At this point I'm not too sure really. I haven't seen him do any of these things and my mother tends to exagerate things a bunch (especially this - since she isn't sleeping or going home). She said that it sounded like he said "wa" because he was thirsty - but I've heard him make similar noises. I guess he responds to commands like "open your mouth" for when they moisten the inside of his mouth. I'm not sure if that is automatic.

I heard that he swallows... which I believe is a good sign.

When we talk to him he shakes his head - sort of like a dancing cactus.

He is opening his eyes more.

My brother asked him to move his feet and he did one out of two times.

He still isn't talking.

He still isn't responding to commands consistantly.

It's nerve wracking. =(

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i just want to throw this out there ... some of what ive been learning...

- against all odds, unfinished business is a very strong motivator to keep people from dying like the experts predict. in his altered state, he is likely experiencing interior dialogues and stories...almost like "loops" that go round and round in his mind and soul...that keep him from fully waking up. he may even be experiencing the most important heroic journey or quest of hie entire life. This is not something western medicine is very aware of or interested in. Yet it is a such a major factor in healing.

- those subtle sounds and body movements can be the most important modes of communication. Simply "echoing" what he does can often be more valuable than trying to figure out what he means. For example...and this may sound strange, but when he says things like "wa"...dont only try to figure out what it means...but say "wa" back to him, in the same tone and everything. If he shakes his head like a dancing cactus...tell him "you are shaking your head like a dancing cactus." And...whenever he moves a body part...gently give that body part a slight physical resistance...as if to help him feel what he is doing. If he shakes his foot...repeat shaking his foot like he did and say "you shook your foot." Basically just let him know what you see from the outside, either by sound, or by touch. And he may respond by increasing that behavior, even to the point of "snapping out of the inner loop."

anyway...i dunno...and im no expert, but this is some of what ive been very lucky to be learning about from my very experienced friends (from the "coma communication" website). Time after time, its this kind of communication that helps people "come out of it"...either to heal and go on living..or to heal by passing away in peace. They have countless stories/case studies of these very kinds of thing.

holding you and yours in my prayers...


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God first

Beloved Nero

God loves you my dear friend

I have been praying for your dad and will keep it up since the first time I look here and wanted to reply but just been putting it off

No good reason because I care but I just do not know the words that will help you and other's but I care and love you and your family very must

My dad has had Parkerson for a while and others things some times some he falls back into the past but most of the time he is normal but there been times he look for his mother like a young child other time he could not find the barn we took apart in the 80's

But I have learn to just sat and talk to him and like I said he normal most of the time so we have good talks

The Way foolish talk about a person "spirit going away and another one taking that one's place" is dead wrong

the most can happen is a person might lose their place in time by jumping back to a earier stage of growth

Now the person after death lives on even if his spirit is stored with God the Way has so must wrong it hard to know were to begin just because my awakeness or the remembrance of things is not stored in my body does not mean its not stored another place

After reading about you dealing with your sister I add what I have learn to do is keep some things from my family because family seems to hit harder to my heart when they seem to think evil of me

While I do not have a blog it might help you to have one for your family and another one for other people tell your friends you do this to keep peace

Because I have not been married some of my family think evil of me but that got me to keep some things personal

Now when some think evil of me is wrong and there no reason because I been wild and had my share of the kind of relationship they agree with and none of the other kind

When people seem to read something that is not there we seem to see signs because because some one all ways lets it out of the bag

I guess that one reason I love my uncle so must he never had that ideal but he saw me with girlfriends in action when I lived with him

but all that is life

no matter what you need to be the good loving one when it comes to your sister and in time she may grow to a place things get better

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Today my mom said dad has kept his eyes open for over thirty minutes. He's still breathing but it doesn't sound like he is snoring anymore. Mom says he is looking around the room at his surroundings. That's good right?

I hope it is.

It's his birthday. I wonder if he'll wake up today? That would be so wonderful.

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OMG! I went to see my dad yesterday because of what my mom said. :3 Aparently the Dr. gave him ridlin to help him focus. He was looking around at people as people talked. His eyes darted back from one person to the other as they talked - so he can hear it seems. He also turned his head to look at a person if they were talking for a while.

They have these swabs that you moisten people's mouths with. I held it up to him and he scowled at it and then at me hehe. I asked him to open his mouth and he did. He didn't look like he liked the taste much so I offered him another - asking him to open his mouth and opened his mouth again. :D He even opened his mouth for a nurse that needed to suction his throat.

He also had quite a few expressions. He looked like he wanted to respond a few times. Mom and Mr. Gr33ne were talking about a lady dad once knew - they couldn't remember her name but it looked like he wanted to say it. He would raise his eyebrows if something confused him. He looked frustraited when he couldn't do something. I don't think it was random.

His face looked fuller since the muscles in his face were being used. Before his face looked deflated.

When my brother and I walked in the room his eyes opened up a lot - like he was surprised to see us. It's the first time I've seen his eyes open for so long.

I'm a little afraid to be so optimistic - but this is amazing!

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I spent the Thanksgiving weekend waiting for the same "I think he is getting better!" feeling go through me. =( After the initial shock of his eyes being opened for so long wore off... I realized that it might not be as great as I once thought.

He still opens his eyes a little - but I'm realizing now that he won't look at us unless we put our hands on him... he also doesn't keep his eyes on us very long. I tried to get him to blink for me. I said: hey dad, will you blink for me if you remember me? Like this: *blink* He didn't. He doesn't open his mouth for us... so maybe that was random too. While his face is fuller still... all of the experessions I thought weren't random... are. He looks mad... happy... etc when no one is talking... when nothing is happening or at odd moments where it isn't appropriate.

When he is "sleeping" I cannot wake him up. I'll shake him and call his name but he won't wake up and look at me.

I dunno. =/ It's so up and down.

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Nero, Every day is going to be filled with new things to get excited over or discouraged about.

Remember that deep inside that face and those random expressions is YOUR Dad.

I know a man who had a sudden stroke so severe that the doctors had to take part of his brain and "store" it in his abdominal cavity so that it would remain alive while the swelling went down.

While he is not 100% now, he can communicate with his family and he gets around real well with his wheelchair.

It was a long road back for him - but he has a life and his children have their dad.

Just be there for him and love him. Learn what you can, and let the physical therapists and neurologists do what they know to do.

Then take a few hours for yourself - you need some time away as well.

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I know a man who had a sudden stroke so severe that the doctors had to take part of his brain and "store" it in his abdominal cavity so that it would remain alive while the swelling went down.

OMG, Was that in one of those "cult" films I missed where they take the 'leaders' brain and bring it into the future? :evildenk:

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