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Geography game ...


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Well, I took some geography test some time back, on countries in Africa. I found I had no idea on about half or more of them. Now here is a game on world locations.

My best score was like 280,000 making it thru level eight, though several times I didn't make it into level six. I was real blurry on Singapore, Malaysia stuff. Africa I was still weak. Cities in China or Australia ... easy to be off by 1000 miles.

A hint said it is more important to be accurate than fast. I expect George will get 400,000 first time around.

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First attempt 286,000 Level 9 TIQ 103

I thought you said "speed" was not as important as accuracy? I looked away from the screen for what seemed like just a couple of seconds and lost my chance to even click the location for one here in the states. Sheesh! Of all to places, to miss and have it ask me if I know I'm on earth. LOL

And you're right those African cities were a trip -- one I'd need to do more than pack a lunch to find -- even if I did a second run! :biglaugh:

BTW...Aren't Rhino's suppose to know Africa like that tip of their horn? ;)

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First attempt 286,000 Level 9 TIQ 103

BTW...Aren't Rhino's suppose to know Africa like that tip of their horn? ;)

WOW ... that is impressive ...

well, I lead a captive life in the US ... so I only know Africa from pictures ... and some I didn't know if they were South America or the Ivory coast ... or some new country spawned from Russia ... and a few I just never heard of ...

Maybe Bumpy will open his doors and let us all congregate in Africa for a geography lesson / wine tasting venture ...

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Well, second try I got 372,000 on level 10.

The first try I only got to level 8, but I got a phone call halfway through. It was kinda hard when they got to places like Brunei and Tunisia. Trying to carry on a conversation and think of where those little burgs are at was too much fer me...

It's kinda of joke trying to be accurate with that pointer though. Sheesh, lots of the places I knew EXACTLY where they were on a map, but still got off by 100 or 200 miles.

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Well, second try I got 372,000 on level 10.

The first try I only got to level 8, but I got a phone call halfway through. It was kinda hard when they got to places like Brunei and Tunisia. Trying to carry on a conversation and think of where those little burgs are at was too much fer me...

It's kinda of joke trying to be accurate with that pointer though. Sheesh, lots of the places I knew EXACTLY where they were on a map, but still got off by 100 or 200 miles.

Holy Cow ...

But yeah, I couldn't get New Orleans within 100 kilometers ... and then I occasionally hit some guess within 50 by chance ... but it seems most important to be fairly close. within a couple hundred and you get near 5000. But of by 500 is more like 3800 or so ... then you might get 1000 if you are pretty far off. Speed and pinpoint accuracy didn't seem to matter much.

Level eight was getting to where I was waiting for revelation ... I guess I need to read and study more ... where are those national geographics ... ?

oh, and I did mean George St George, but not surprised the other George did well .. :)

Edited by rhino
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LOL! I accidentally clicked in Canada while plotting Mt Rushmore and we won't even talk about how far from Las Vegas I was... :redface2: I didn't realize how much I rely on those dotted lines in our landscape. On the other hand, I *did* get only 42KM from Naples, Italy and I could have gotten Amsterdam even closer, I'll bet. :spy:

But, hey, I didn't do so hot on the 50 state capitals test someone posted a while back, why on earth would I think I could do any better on a worldwide scale?

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Maybe Bumpy will open his doors and let us all congregate in Africa for a geography lesson / wine tasting venture ...

I hate games like those! They make my heart beat faster playing against the clock and remind me of all those tests I used to have to take. Of course I couldn't resist and made it...well, pretty far up the ladder. But I 'ain't gonna em-barerass myself...and tell you quite yet, how far. :biglaugh:

But I can say, wine tasting does not increase your score, it just makes you realize how ridiculous it is playing games with an African Rhino! :biglaugh:

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I've become addicted to this game. I keep getting 48000 pionts on level 10 and it takes 50000 to get to 11. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

well you guys are good ... I finally got like 370,000, but I still miss most of the Africa ones. Garth got better than mine on the first try. I learned Perth is on the west side of Australia, and there is the one in the middle of Australia. All those island nations in SE Asia I usually miss.

Anything in Europe isn't hard, but I didn't know where Belarus was or exactly where the Ukraine or some of those around Russia are ... and at level eight many pop up that I never heard of ...

anyway ... a test usually helps my motivation to learn, so it is fun ... :)

and to Bumpy, the fractal video was interesting, though I don't know just what fractals are, so I'll have to read up on that I guess ... though it seems interesting that natural fractals are more "fractal" than man made fractals ... if I read that right ... so does that prove God exists?

Fractals came into natural sciences when it was recognized that natural objects are random versions of mathematical fractals. They are self-similar in a statistical sense; that is, given a sufficiently large number of samples, a suitable magnification of a part of one sample can be matched closely with some member of the ensemble. Unlike the Koch curve which must be
by an integral power of 3 to achieve self-similarity, natural fractal objects are usually self-similar under arbitrary magnification.

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This is good fun! Had a few goes and I keep coming out with a TIQ of about 110 which looks good but I know a few of the obscure places in Oceania (huh???).

As for Africa...

Do we wonder why there are such problems in "helping" Africa when many of us hardly know one country from another (let alone one city from another).

Some time ago a friend and I were thinking about how little we know - there are 53 countries in Africa (about the same as States in the US in an area perhaps a little larger) - try writing down the names of the 53 countries, much less placing them on a map.

How close is the closest anybody got to a location? I got 22km for Boston.

Just to make up for that, I put one location completely the other side of the world, you couldn't get further away.

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