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Now here's something you won't see on any of our major news stations!!


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I cut and pasted this from an email my brother sent - a 25 year Navy veteran as of a few years ago...


Now here's something you won't see on any of our major news stations!!

Craig R. Smith Hits the Nail on the Head!

"The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right?

The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the president. In essence 2/3s of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change.

So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, ''What we are so unhappy about?''

Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter?

Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have a job?

Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the last year?

Maybe it is the ability to drive from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to present identification papers as we move through each state?

Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?

I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough.

Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide services to help all and even send a helicopter to take you to the hospital.

Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own a home. You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames thus saving you, your family and your belongings.

Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes , an officer equipped with a gun and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.

This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents. Neighborhoods where 90 percent of teenagers own cell phones and computers.

How about the complete religious, social and political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the world? Maybe that is what has 67 percent of you folks unhappy.

Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S. , yet has a great disdain for its citizens. They see us for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have , and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.

I know, I know. What about the president who took us into war and has no plan to get us out? The president who has a measly 31 percent approval rating? Is this the same president who guided the nation in the dark days> after 9/11? The president that cut taxes to bring an economy out of recession? Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks? The commander in chief of an all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me? Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for yourself and see all the good things and be glad?

Make no mistake about it. The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently no draft in this country. They didn't have to go. They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an ''other than honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a ''dishonorable'' discharge after a few days in the brig.

So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of Americans? Say what you want but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds it leads and they specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and guts. How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They offer what sells , and when criticized, try to defend their actions by "justifying" them in one way or another.

Just ask why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J. Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill his wife, but if he did he would have done it this way......Insane! Stop buying the negativism you are fed everyday by the media. Shut off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New York Times for the bottom of your bird cage. Then start being grateful for all we have as a country. There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the most blessed people on Earth and should thank God several times a day, or at least be thankful and appreciative."

"With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, "Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?" (Jay Leno)

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I think the authot may have slightly misread the poll.

The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy withthe direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the president

Reading isnt all that difficult

I dont know how exactly he translated the poll into how much air conditioning and water we have...(heating for winter will have to wait for next winter to see if we are warm or not--right now its precarious) or whether or not we can find a clean motel or how good our law enforcement is..that wasnt even close to what the poll recorded........

The president that cut taxes to bring an economy out of recession?
Have you read any news lately or maybe even gone to the gas pumps? you may want to scratch that
Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks?

9/11? You remember that day I hope...and you do remember who was the commander in chief,sworn to keep us safe, on that day dont you?

Stop buying the negativism you are fed everyday by the media. Shut off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New York Times for the bottom of your bird cage

If youve read many of these forums you know that Im not much of a believer in the media either, BUt the head in the sand approach doesnt and will never work.

Each citizen has an obligation to be informed, If some are unhappy about the direction of the country or the presidents performance its because they do have enough care for the country to speak up so that it continues to be a place worth living, as opposed to those who would play ostrich and be yes men to whoever comes along and think its all jolly and dandy

I have to disagree with your author takes anyone who disagrees with this administration, jumps straight into their personal lives and portrays them as spoiled brats..

You wont see it on major news stations because Its a childish and nonsensical leap...Maybe OReilly but he does that anyway

Edited by mstar1
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Wow, the president is responsible for maintaining my HVAC system as well as water treatment in my neighborhood? Who would have guessed? I thought all these things existed long before George W. Bush was even born.

Anyway, whoever wrote that email is probably a paid Republican propagandist. I question your judgment in posting it though, as it's a nonsensical, bitter, scolding, steaming pile of crap. It gives Bush credit for things he has nothing to do with, rewrites history, and doesn't mention any of the horrific things he has been responsible for.

Seriously though, if we get to a point where we have a president that can keep all Americans from having heat and air conditioning in their houses, I think we'd all be in the streets by that point.

This thread was one of the stupidest things I've read on this site in a while, even worse than the hysterical accusations of Obama being a Marxist.

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Wash'n Wear I know from whence you cometh. We support an African brother, his family and ministry in Kenya. When I say brother I mean a fellow follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. A while back many of you may remember the violence in that town of Eldoret. Five pastors were killed. When was the last time anybody in this country was killed because they stood for the Lord Jesus Christ? Not anybody I know. Anybody any of you know? HHHMMM??? Ninety percent of Kenya is Christian. The stories I could tell you are endless. But you know what? They never complain. They stand for what is right and are thankful and blessed. The motivation and committment of these brethren is so inspiring.

You better believe we have it so daggum good in this country. No president or "official" dictates my day, life, prosperity or attitude. I have more than one pair of shoes to choose from to wear. I have a roof, and darn good one, over my head. We eat good and have lots of clothes to wear. We have our health. I get in my car and go where I want. Heck, even the air conditioning is working in the house and we have warmth in the winter. My children are healthy and thriving. Gee golly, what more could a thankful woman and mother ask for. I have so much more than my brethren in Kenya and so many other parts of the world. Hey, I could have been born in Afghanistan. Anybody checked out lately how SO many of those folks there live, not to mention many other parts of the world?

I'll choose this Country I live in anyday.

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We can have it good in so many categories and be so much farther ahead than the rest of the world in material comforts, religious freedom and ability to live our lives the way we choose, but does that mean that we can't strive to do better, or be angry or disappointed when our leaders don't measure up to the high standard that is set for them?

I don't measure our leaders against third world dictators or middle eastern theocrats, but hold them to a higher standard.

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Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S. , yet has a great disdain for its citizens. They see us for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have , and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.

Seems like someone has not been to the barrios,ghettos,slums and appalacia...what is this a judgement from a tv show.

Have you been to our homeless shelters,theres a lot of hurt here in our country and still a lot of Faith.

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Make no mistake about it. The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently no draft in this country. They didn't have to go. They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an ''other than honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a ''dishonorable'' discharge after a few days in the brig.
So that makes it okay?
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We can have it good in so many categories and be so much farther ahead than the rest of the world in material comforts, religious freedom and ability to live our lives the way we choose, but does that mean that we can't strive to do better, or be angry or disappointed when our leaders don't measure up to the high standard that is set for them?

I don't measure our leaders against third world dictators or middle eastern theocrats, but hold them to a higher standard.

I agree with this, but don't understand why people would give Bush any credit for those types of things when our way of life was much better, and people had more money, prior to Bush. That's what my complaint with the original post is. I am happy to be an American and agree that we are better off in most ways than most other countries. I'll gladly praise some of the great people in our history who have made what we have a reality. Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, FDR, those are some great presidents who helped make history by going above and beyond. George W. Bush, though, is at least one of the worst, if not the worst, president in our nation's history. It will take decades to clean up the mess this guy has made, and I don't just mean Iraq. He's got the reverse of the Midas touch. Everything he puts his hands on results in people suffering or dying.

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I think the American Empire should Invade Iran next and convert the "heathen" to American consumers of multi-national products and eventual (christian) baseball fans!

And if the damn "Ingrates" don't appreciate the cost of Invasion, they should be all relocated to America and forced to integrate!!

Hey and if you have a problem wit dat, ask Rev. Jesse or the Right Rev. Al. Sharpton! Dey give you an eeerful of African slave isues on intigration school rap issues!

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What a silly spammail that is. At least someone has removed the false attributions to various celebrities in it finally.

Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S. , yet has a great disdain for its citizens. They see us for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have , and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.

My experiences in Europe in 2006 did not agree with this assessment. I found quite the opposite to be the case. While I was treated wonderfully and respectfully as an American (there is no hiding that fact from them), it was made very clear to me that there was not much love for this country, nor respect for our positions worldwide held by those I came in contact with in Italy and Germany. On a person to person level however, they could not have been kinder and more endearing to myself and my wife.

It is not complaining to not like the direction we are heading (which is what that poll in this spam email a long time ago said). I know many people in Europe who "thank the good Lord" they live where they do. AS THEY SHOULD! One thing I found that they found most disconcerting was the way SOME Americans try to claim that somehow this infant country is God's gift to the world. That makes no sense to them.


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It is not complaining to not like the direction we are heading (which is what that poll in this spam email a long time ago said). I know many people in Europe who "thank the good Lord" they live where they do. AS THEY SHOULD! One thing I found that they found most disconcerting was the way SOME Americans try to claim that somehow this infant country is God's gift to the world. That makes no sense to them.


Nice Post Mr. Hap. Maybe the American Indians thought the same thing BEFORE they were "extinguished" to make room for religious cults! :biglaugh:

As long as people stay in their little comfort zone of Utopia and keep consuming... Corporate TV & Fast Food will continue to prosper!

God Bless America!

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I like Sinbad's comment from his stand up routine, Son of a Preacher Man. If the American Indian knew then what they know now when they saw the first white man approaching the shore a couple of hundrend years ago, they would say, "Whatever you do don't let them get off the boat."

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