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Another poll..


Assessment: of corps program  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. My "level" of "training"

    • Graduated
    • Left/kicked out last year of "training"
    • left/kicked out the previous resident year
    • left/kicked out during apprenticeship year
    • I was never in your rotten army
    • "Graduated", twice or more times.
  2. 2. The conditions I left under:

    • Kicked out, for a good reason
    • Kicked out, for an arbitrary and capricious reason
    • Kicked out, never figured out why
    • left voluntarily., couldn't stand the hypocrisy, etc.
    • Still in.
    • I was never in your rotten army
  3. 3. I would rate the effect of the program:

    • It was professional suicide
    • It was financial suicide
    • It included the loss of relationships
    • I gained professional employment with what I learned
    • I made a "kazillion" bucks with it
    • It set me back in above terms, irreparably
    • It set me back in above terms, a few years
    • It didn't make one bit of difference
    • It's the greatest. I run an "offshoot"
    • I was never in your rotten army.
  4. 4. My personal feelings about being in the corps

    • I'm proud, and boast about it, even to strangers
    • I'm indifferent. Don't attach any feeling of importance to it..
    • If someone asks, I am comfortable and happy to discuss it
    • If someone asks, I change the subject. It was too painful.
    • If someone asks, I generally curse and spit in da way's direction.
    • I was never in your rotten army..
  5. 5. Recommendations, to one thinking of going corps, or a close lookalike:

    • I was/am corps, and would not hesitate to recommend it.
    • I was/am corps, and feel neutral..
    • I was/am corps, and would more gently advise against it
    • I was/am corps, and start frothing and spitting if someone asked me that..
    • Not corps. From what I've seen it do to people, I'd recommend it
    • I'm not corps. From what I've seen it do to people, I'd answer indifferently
    • I'm not corps. From what I've seen it do to people, I'd advise gently against it
    • Not corps. From what I've seen it do, I start frothing and spitting.

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Maybe this has been done before.. but I'd like a few more specific statistics.

Note. You may vote more than once. Some went through the program, and may even have graduated twice.. or part through once, or part through twice..

Edited by Ham
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Hmmm I didn't see options for my kind so I will just throw my info up here

I did not go thru the program

I was a spouse Corps (non Corp Married to a corp grad)

we left on his second year on the field after Graduation

We would have been booted a few years later if we stayed in.

I would never recommend Corps to anyone.

When I married Hubby I would have but a full year into the marriage no.

and by the time we left... no not at all.

The arrogance and expectations that all believers should comport their lives just like the Corps Grads used to infuriate me.

Add to that the attitude that one need only study PFAL and don't bother to try to study anything else becasue you are too stupid to get it

Yeah that makes me feel warm and fuzzy..

Sorry I know I have said this all over and over again but there it is.

and don't forget to add a full scoop of VP's arrogance... I was beginning to question it all by the time we beat a quick retreat.

Granted we left because we thought we had failed God and TWI but there were lots of questions for me.

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I was never in "your rotten army".

I guess as a FLO, I was kinda like a reservist. LOL

When VPW saw that our franchise operation was draining revenue from his company store operation, he wasted no time in distancing himself from our operation (IMO)

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As far as discussing my corps experience, I voted for three different reactions because it all depends on who I'm talking to and which part I'm recalling. Some things I'm comfortable discussing, some things are painful and some I'd change the subject.

Just 'splainin' my votes. smile.gif

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Well.. its up to about twenty one now..

I did give a selection for people who LOVED it.. but apparently we don't have any of those in this particular audience..


another poll is in the works.. we will see how the results compare.

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Well, I do have to admit, I did love the actual Corps training.. Even enjoyed being full time Corps and having plenty of time to study scriptures and relax..

That was.. until I realized how much of a godless organization it was!

And then later, how much wasted time on something not even useful!

But, I feel the same about college..

All of it is useless book learning if you ask me and I wouldn't recommend that to anyone.. Go live life! You'll learn a lot more in the process.

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but from the other poll, it seems people generally are far happier with the results from their investment of time and money in college. Not one of them (as of yet) curse at the mention of their alma mater..


Interesting here.. not a single one would honestly recommend someone to go into da corps or a lookalike..

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Interesting here.. not a single one would honestly recommend someone to go into da corps or a lookalike..

Those folks have already given GSC the old Mark and Avoid treatment.... Or do they still do that? Maybe they just burn you at the stake now? Ahhh, so many fun options for TWI to imagine...

Besides, there can't be but a dozen corpse left. They were getting whacked on a daily basis before I left. And from what I read, the list of new sacrificial lambs is pretty short so...


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Those folks have already given GSC the old Mark and Avoid treatment.... Or do they still do that? Maybe they just burn you at the stake now? Ahhh, so many fun options for TWI to imagine...

Besides, there can't be but a dozen corpse left. They were getting whacked on a daily basis before I left. And from what I read, the list of new sacrificial lambs is pretty short so...


Funny that... you take the people who are truly committed to your movement and beat the spirit and heart right out of them and wonder why your ministry is falling apart.

Well duh... it doesn't take a rocket scientist,

add to the mix the closing off of contact with the outside world and Waaa LAaaa it has to fold into itslef and disappear sooner or later.

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those who think it was such a great "deal".. they had a chance to cast a vote anonymously..

the three or four I can think of.. they are busy running an offshoot. too busy I guess..

too busy selling a class.. building a "ministry"..

if you are that good at coordinating and all.. as you think you are..

you need a better gig..

might I suggest.. or rather, this poll might suggest..

maybe you can figure out how to help the one or two who had a bad time of it.. but it's a much smaller group than those who had a bad time with der way..

overall, people here seem to rate secular education higher than anything YOU can come up with, at the moment..

pitiful, isn't it..

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The numbers are interesting..

14 out of 17 who witnessed the results of the training, who never were in.. vehemently oppose it.. one would answer indifferently.. but not a single one would recommend it..

outsiders often can give a pretty objective opinion..

of the nine votes of those who went through the "program".. not one would recommend it.. in fact all do not recommend it..

I wonder what the results would be if someone happened to run the same poll over on the other site..

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Funny that... you take the people who are truly committed to your movement and beat the spirit and heart right out of them and wonder why your ministry is falling apart.

Well duh... it doesn't take a rocket scientist,

add to the mix the closing off of contact with the outside world and Waaa LAaaa it has to fold into itslef and disappear sooner or later.

And for those who don't quit, the "lifetime" commitment they want from you in NO way commits them to have any attachment in return. VERY convenient. :realmad:


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Yep.. and try requesting a transcript. The ITTY BITTY TINY "benefit" that one might glean from years of servitude.. documentation that one was trained in Greek, or public speaking.. and one (generally) has to take drastic measures to get what should be da ways OBLIGATION done..

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I was never in "your rotten army".

I guess as a FLO, I was kinda like a reservist. LOL

When VPW saw that our franchise operation was draining revenue from his company store operation, he wasted no time in distancing himself from our operation (IMO)

This is off topic but it's driving me crazy. What does "IMO" stand for?

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