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Creepier than dating in the way


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Waysider, I wish I could post a response...but I get a message saying, You must enter a post

Guess I have to type the whole thing manually - maybe it's the quote function or something stuffing up the post.

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Okay, Waysider might post the two quotes that for whatever reason I can't post. And then I will post the rest of what I wanted to say.

Don't hold your breath too much folks. It's really not that exciting. Just a naughty thought that occurred to me. :evilshades:/>

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Waysider, I wish I could post a response...but I get a message saying, You must enter a post

Guess I have to type the whole thing manually - maybe it's the quote function or something stuffing up the post.

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Is this it, Twinky?:


"So, here's the thing. According to the CF&S class, you were supposed to think of all the women as you would think of your own sister. Soooo----When exactly were you supposed to start thinking of them as ..uhhh...something more than a sister?"


"Remember, Adam and Eve's kids married their sisters (wink wink)."


"It's kinda creepy when you think about it....ya know?"

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Is this it, Twinky?:


"Remember, Adam and Eve's kids married their sisters (wink wink)."


"It's kinda creepy when you think about it....ya know?"

Something even creepier:

Husband and wife are supposed to become one flesh, right? A man leaves his father and mother and sets up a new household with his wife. That's where his allegiances are to lie, not with his parents. Forsaking all others, right?

In fact, they are supposed to become "one flesh" so much so that the nakedness of Noah's wife was considered Noah's nakedness- Gen 9:18-24; Lev 18:8.

Soooo.. bearing in mind all the anti-homosexual rants....and all the abuse of women, especially wives, in TWI - have in fact the assaults on females got another side to them? Are they in fact homosexual assaults perpetrated by LCM and the likes, against male Corps?

Possibly, even ... homosexual incest?

:evilshades:/>Creepy indeed!

(Thanks for your help there, Waysider)

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Soooo.. bearing in mind all the anti-homosexual rants....and all the abuse of women, especially wives, in TWI - have in fact the assaults on females got another side to them? Are they in fact homosexual assaults perpetrated by LCM and the likes, against male Corps?

IMO all that stuff was him lashing out because his wife had discovered his indiscretions and so increased her emotional involvement with RFR and whatever all else. Plus Wierwille's view of women was somewhat misogynistic and thus that was the culture.

I'm not putting together where you are going with it though. Sorry.

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Oh I'm just being naughty, Chocky.

It was a weird thought that occurred when clearly my brain had nothing better to do.

Yes I'd agree that LCM's rants were probably frustration with his wife's activities with her girlfriend.

But he was violently anti-homosexual particularly against males. In fact, he spent almost an entire Corps night :wacko:/> detailing what (he said) were the activities that males got up to and the things (he said) they did to enhance their sexual enjoyment. And returned to the topic on many other occasions. In fact, he spent nearly a whole semester referencing these activities one way or the other in Corps night. Gross, or what?

He cast out male WC Corps, graduated staff and living in Founders Hall, for alleged homo activities. I don't recall him doing that with any female Corps.

Maybe he didn't have the courage (?) to do the deed himself. So he attacked men's wives as surrogates.

Two years in rez under his leadership...is more than enough.

I probably saw and heard more of him that you did, Chocky. Having a hard time remembering anything positive that he said.

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Oh I'm just being naughty, Chocky.

It was a weird thought that occurred when clearly my brain had nothing better to do.

Yes I'd agree that LCM's rants were probably frustration with his wife's activities with her girlfriend.

But he was violently anti-homosexual particularly against males. In fact, he spent almost an entire Corps night :wacko:/>/> detailing what (he said) were the activities that males got up to and the things (he said) they did to enhance their sexual enjoyment. And returned to the topic on many other occasions. In fact, he spent nearly a whole semester referencing these activities one way or the other in Corps night. Gross, or what?

He cast out male WC Corps, graduated staff and living in Founders Hall, for alleged homo activities. I don't recall him doing that with any female Corps.

Well that was during the time Janet Myracle and Sharon were living in Rosillie's basement, so the vast majority of the homo girls were kind of protected, even though they were definitely around. They're still there today most of them. He was way over the edge on a lot of Corps teachings though. And on STS. And definitely on his two motor coaches.

I think I see what you're thinking with this though. All those rants on specific male homo activity and practices do make you wonder. I think his wife had him questioning his own gender identity for sure.

Two years in rez under his leadership...is more than enough.

I probably saw and heard more of him that you did, Chocky. Having a hard time remembering anything positive that he said.

He was an Okie dooface redneck Baptist jock. Thankfully listening to him didn't get me addicted to "Family Guy" cartoons for life. :)

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